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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I was super tired for about three weeks, semi tired for about six weeks and pretty normal at three months. Hang in there!
  2. I'm always thirsty in the middle of the night. Pre and post op.
  3. LipstickLady

    Low Carb Pasta

    I love spaghetti squash in place of noodles. Not a zucchini fan either. If you've never had spaghetti squash, try it. Even my kids love it.
  4. LipstickLady

    Huge but hopeful...

    What an awesome stride you've already made to a better, healthier life. You should be super proud of the progress you've made and I have NO DOUBT you are going to rock your sleeve. It's going to be a beautiful day when you meet the woman who deserves you. I can't wait to hear updates on your progress.
  5. LipstickLady

    I am thankful for...

    I am SO thankful for my family, my friends, and all the blessing my life has brought me. I am incredibly thankful that I made the decision to have VSG and the great health and active life it gave back to me with my successful weight loss and maintenance. I am especially thankful for the lovely connections and friendships I've made on these very forums. Many of you have become real life friends beyond these boards and I am so happy to consider you family. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
  6. LipstickLady

    Pickles and ice water ?

    I love pickles. I eat a lot of olives, too.
  7. LipstickLady

    I am thankful for...

    You are ALL amazing. <3
  8. LipstickLady

    Craving Salt - 8 weeks post op

    We're in the same boat. Im 8wks out and last week its like i woke up and wanted nothing but a bag of plain lays potatoe chips, and i got them to. I can only eat a couple but it satisfy that craving. And i dont kick myself because i dont feel like im cheating. Im not on a diet, its a life change and every now and then, i can have a treat. If i deny myself ill really go off my rockerSent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App Y'all are eating Lay's at 8 weeks out as a treat? Good on you!!
  9. LipstickLady

    Craving Salt - 8 weeks post op

    Soup. Lots of soup.
  10. LipstickLady

    When can I have kale?

    Why would you want to? I'm NOT kidding. I HATE kale.
  11. DEEP.SIGH.

    1. ProudGrammy


      ah bubala - what's the matter? - it's saturday, you look and feel great - what more could you want? - kathy

    2. LipstickLady
  12. This is the last I'll say, I promise. There was no ridicule on my part. I am sorry you took it that way because it was not at all intended. I am 3.5 years out and I do post here because I care about paying forward the support I got. I get that you are scared and hormonal and hangry, and I do believe that's a big part of why you are taking out some frustration on me. That's OK. I can take it. I hope the rest of your journey is smooth.
  13. So...clear liquids are different than full liquids. Perhaps it's not that I'm confused, it's simply that what you are saying and what you mean are two different things.
  14. Wait, WHUUUUT!?!?! My advice to you was out of concern. I was sincere in my thoughts and in my advice. Never did I scold you or "batter" you. Never did I say you didn't take the process seriously, and never did I belittle you. If you are taking my efforts to help you as a "kick", that's on you, not me. Feel free to block me. And again, best of luck to you.
  15. Yes, you do seem confused. Yes I am grown, and I was looking for support not an uppity backlash. The pudding was okay-and listed on my week 1 dietary guidlines-nurse told me to stay preop till the 29th....could have been a mistake on her part. It was the other things that were not-the soilds. Those thing I ate alone without his knowledge. Anyway, yes thank you for your comments but no thank you. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App "Uppity backlash"? Uhm...ok. You posed the question, you asked for feedback. Seems to me you don't like the idea of calling your surgeon, so *I'm* the bad guy? And uh... your plan is quite unusual. Unlimited 100% fruit juice, pudding on clear liquids, etc? Very interesting, I have to say!
  16. LipstickLady


    Do you still have your gall bladder? I seriously thought I was having a heart attack when I was really just trying to pass a gall stone.
  17. Oh lordy, I'm confused. If your husband is a "very qualified PA", why did he give you pudding, and why are you here asking questions better suited for a medical professional? Surely he'd agree that you should talk to the person you entrusted your life with when you had the surgery. I'm glad you're fine. You are a grown woman and clearly you've got everything under control. Best!
  18. Alrighty then! I am curious why you think prune juice is needed and how pooping is going to "clear" you.
  19. Pooping isn't an indication that you are in the clear. Drinking prune juice probably isn't on your plan right now either -- a lot of sugar, empty calories and no Protein. You REALLY need to call your surgeon and tell him what you've eaten. He's much more capable of telling you the warning signs of leaks or ruptures than a board full of unqualified strangers on the internet. After you speak to him, it's imperative that you figure out why you've put your health at such risk over a few bites of food. I would suggest you reach out to a professional counselor to help you through this process. At the very least, find a OA meeting in your area. It's my OPINION that you are really going to need local support if you are putting yourself at such risk so early out. Best of luck to you.
  20. LipstickLady

    Not telling anyone. What do you say?

    The truth? Proud? Are you implying that those who don't share are lying or ashamed?
  21. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

    1. shedo82773


      Happy Thanksgiving to you also!!


    2. ProudGrammy


      what about me?!! LOL - oh well, happy thanksgiving to you three - and everyone else here on the board - we might have problems - but i think there is plenty for all to be thankful for - huggggs - gobble, gobble - kathy

    3. ProudGrammy


      ooops, almost forgot you @LipstickLady - hmmm, easy mistake!! LOL - special t'day to LL, what would i do without you?? Kathy

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  22. LipstickLady


  23. LipstickLady


    When your surgeon approves it.
  24. LipstickLady


    Vent away! Couple of things to think about, though. First and foremost, you've lost 22 pounds in two months. That not a slow loss at all, especially with a pre-surgical loss of 14 pounds! I'd say you are clipping right along at a healthy rate. Second, you are relearning good healthy habits. Your "friend" is still in a honeymoon stage where she is going to lose pretty much no matter what because of her restriction, but her habits lead me to believe that she will be a victim of regain quickly. This surgery is a great tool for restriction and gives you an excellent platform to change your habits and your mindset about eating. If one doesn't choose to do that, there is a good possibility they will fail their sleeve by eating around it. Don't worry about her. You do you.

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