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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    It's not the people in the photo lying, it is in the people responding I see lying... And I'm not talking about the before and after posts or the progress pictures. I'm taking specifically about the people who post pictures and ask for an opinion. For example a young lady who had lost almost100# but still a ways from goal,posted a couple of pictures the other day on one of the face book groups I'm in. She had an event coming up and wanted some feedback about 2 possible dress choices. The first dress was a skin tight short cocktail type sheath that showed every bulge she had left and made her seem heavier than she really was. 2nd dress was also a shorter cocktail dress but had a flair skirt that hid the bulge and was very flattering. Due to different makers they were a size different. Looking at the pictures you would have thought that dress #1 was a before picture and #2 the after. Yet a large number of women told her to buy #1 simple because it was an 8 and not a size 10. To me that is lying and doing a disservice to the people we are suppose to be supporting. Ahhhh...so now YOU are judging whether or not someone else is lying. Got it.
  2. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    When I look at before and after, I am usually so focused on the magnificence of their smiles and the brightening of their eyes, I miss the camel toe.
  3. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    Your baby has such personality!!! Look at those cheeks!! WOW! He really is bouncy, isn't he?
  4. LipstickLady

    Call the Bariatrics police!

    You weren't asking a typical question. You were asking for research and specific medical proof/studies. Big diff.
  5. LipstickLady


    Only 100? That's a lot of weight on ANY size frame. Yes, you can control your weight loss. As you get closer to your ideal body size, your weight loss will become (frustratingly at times) slow. When you get where you want to be, eat more to maintain. You will figure it out. The statistics of people who can't stop losing are low from what I've seen. Keep this in mind, and it may not be relevant to you or your question. The biggest boon to WLS is not the initial loss of the weight, IMO. I've done that a dozen times. It's all in how much easier it is to keep it off.
  6. LipstickLady

    Call the Bariatrics police!

    In that case, I apologize. Unnecessary.
  7. LipstickLady

    Call the Bariatrics police!

    Instead of asking a bunch of strangers on an internet forum, most of whom I suspect are NOT bariatric surgeons, why not ask your doctor? Personally, and I am not a scientist or a medical professional, I assume that a liquid is NOT going to hurt your suture line, it's not going to slow your healing, it MAY irritate the incision because of the content (but I don't know/care). Not all of the recommendations that are given by doctors are directly related to physical healing because this is not purely a physical fix. There are a lot of emotional, mental, and physiological components to weight loss after surgery (or any diet) as well. You say you listen to your doctor, do your own research and then you make your final decision on what YOU think is best for you? (And this is not a dig by any means, just what I am hearing you say...) You also stated you are on your THIRD procedure? I don't know the whole story, the ins and outs, etc., but FOR ME, if I was on my third bariatric surgery, I'd stop listening to myself and start listening to my doctors, 100%.
  8. LipstickLady

    Call the Bariatrics police!

    Nope. It wasn't.
  9. LipstickLady

    Call the Bariatrics police!

    Ha! I'm so very tickled.
  10. No guilt here. I am 2 years post op and have been maintaining easily for over a year. I eat what I want, when I want. That said, I rarely want much and when I do, a few bites is plenty.
  11. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    Can I LIKE my own post?!?!?! HA!!! Snort!!!! I got some "friendly advice" about a wardrobe choice today from a friend who has no clue about how WLS feels yet. I LOL'd (and I don't text talk).
  12. LipstickLady

    Call the Bariatrics police!

    Fabulous! I wish you great success.
  13. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    This hurts my heart so much.
  14. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    I like big butts and I cannot lie!
  15. LipstickLady

    I usted To love eating

    I am two years out today and I eat 5-6 bites and I'm done! I love love love that I no longer live to eat.
  16. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    Ok. Never mind. I can't keep my mouth shut. Let me tell you about ME. I an a 43 year old woman, mother of two gorgeous teenagers and have been overweight for at least 20 years. I was 265 pounds at my heaviest and I was barely wearing a (tight) size 20. I work in the beauty industry and I excel at my business. I was/am often asked to speak at national conferences and it was always a bit hard on me to know I was one of the fattest people in the room but I held my head high, tried my best to find fashionable, flattering clothes and stood up there proud. I also trained/train in martial arts and have always been active despite my weight. I'm a swimmer and I love Zumba. I had WLS 2 years ago today and I hit my goal weight of 159 after about 9 months. I've not yet hit my stretch goal of 145, but I am sure I could if I put a little more effort into it. I am now typically a size 8. A 10 in some brands (think American Eagle and other teen lines), a size 6 in Ann Taylor and other vanity lines. My thighs are saggy, my boobs are droopy, my bat wings flop A LOT and nothing short of plastic surgery is going to fix that. I would much rather send my two girls to college and pay off my house than have surgery to correct what I consider a non issue, so I have a feeling I am going to look like this for a LONG time.. You're right. I most likely should NOT wear a skirtless bathing suit, but after years of doing laps with a skirt dragging me down, I am finally small enough to wear a regular one piece. I'm sorry if I sullied your view because my thighs look like crap. You're right. I most likely should not wear athletic tights and a tight tank top to Zumba, but dammit, it's hot in there and if I've got a few loose skin rolls and dimples, so be it. Don't dance behind me and you won't have to look. You're right. I shouldn't wear that sleeveless summer dress but it's 90 degrees at that outdoor concert I took my family to. If I had chosen shorts instead, I'm sure either my arms or my legs are sure to offend your delicate senses. I am going to wear what makes ME feel good. I've hidden behind black loose layers and cardigans for decades. I may not look Victoria Secret perfect in my choices now, but I am not dressing for YOU, I am dressing for ME. My jeans are tight and "classless"? My heels are too high and I look like a "harlot"? My top is too low cut so now I'm a "skank"? Let me tell you this... CLASS has nothing to do with what you wear. It's all in your attitude and how you treat people. I'm happy, no.. THRILLED with my appearance and more importantly, my ABILITIES, and I am NOT going to allow someone who has not yet walked MY road to make me feel bad about my imperfections. I dare someone to tell me I look like **** to my face. It would take great restraint not to plant a solid round house kick to their teeth. Because I can.
  17. LipstickLady

    Ladies Topic- Intimacy

    she never mentioned the gender of her partner... And boobs may not do it for her partner... I like the topless corset... I never had to think covering up because... Well like lipsticklady said... Boobs ( did anyone else's seem to get Bigger after surgery or is it just me?) My lesbian friends are pretty enthralled with BOOBS, too, so no gender inequality there. Hell, most straight women and gay men appreciate a fine rack! I know I do!
  18. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    Oh....y'all were much nicer than I would have been. See? I can shut my piehole occasionally!
  19. Meeeeeeee! After my brain surgery, I swore I'd never have surgery again unless they dragged my lifeless body into the ER. Then I did this. Every spasm, pain, twitch, hiccup threw me into a panic. It will pass.
  20. So how about if everyone is required to put something in their signature that indicates what type of feedback they want when they ask a question?!? Perhaps a little thermometer that goes from: JUSTIFY ME ---to---> MOLLIFY ME---to---> ADVISE ME GENTLY---to---> GIVE ME **REAL** FEEDBACK---to---> KICK MY ASS IF NEED BE That would make my life SO MUCH EASIER. And we all know it's all about me. @@Alex Brecher !?!?
  21. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    Wow. I am going to go ahead and back out of this thread now.
  22. LipstickLady

    Ladies Topic- Intimacy

    So..... Name one guy, JUST ONE, who is looking at your torso when there are nekkid boobs out AND a warm mother earth place for his wiggly worm. I've been married for 20 years (two months and 6 days) and I can tell you my husband can't even begin to describe the birth mark above my belly button due to BOOBS. BOOBS. That's all he sees. Seriously.
  23. LipstickLady


    Nope. I tried SF and the heartburn almost killed me.
  24. LipstickLady

    I just had a BRILLIANT idea! (I know, no shocker there!)

    Ha! That would work.
  25. I think it's SUPER that you are no longer super. But you are SUPER, just not super.

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