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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Does this ever happen to you ?

    Listerine strips. They are strong and nasty, but nothing tastes good for hours after.
  2. I've never "cheated". I've made a few bad choices along the way, but I did so mindfully and with full awareness. Avocado isn't at all a bad juice! Mash it up, stir in a bit of salt, lime and sour cream and enjoy! That was one if my first purées! Feta should be ok as well as (gross!) squeeze cheese. I will refrain in commenting on cheeseburgers, chewing and spitting and whole oysters. :faint:
  3. LipstickLady

    Omg I'm going crazy

    Yes but it's not that simple. Not like flicking a light switch. Try Judith Beck and Martha Beck for some actual neuroplasticity to help change your brain. I guess I was very lucky and VERY ready. It was "that easy" for me. I was done being fat. I was done eating myself to death. I was done being unhealthy and I was done watching everyone else live a full life while I made excuses. I made the decision and I went for it. I am no one exciting or special. If I can, anyone can.
  4. LipstickLady

    VENT: Caught off guard

    ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME!?!?!?! What a f'ing moron!! I would kick them so hard in the ass, their teeth would bleed. I hate that person FOR you.
  5. Done! Hope everyone has an awesome weekend Great! Thank you.
  6. Loose skin depends on a lot of variables like genetics, starting size, age, how long you were obese, etc. How quickly you actually lose shouldn't affect you, but it might look looser while the skin is actually shrinking.
  7. LipstickLady

    Goal Weight Question

    I, too, picked a goal SIZE. I wanted to be an 8 and I am. I was so fat for so long, had two babies along the way, and had no idea what my skin would do, so setting a number of pounds was near impossible. My doctor would not set a goal weight for me so I picked an arbitrary weight of 159. At 5.3, that's still overweight, but again, I had no idea what I'd look like. I am still working on my stretch goal of 149, but if I never hit it, I don't care. I'm healthy, happy, I look great in my clothes and most importantly, I've been easily maintaining between 152 and 157. I'm very goal oriented, but no one is going to see the number on the scale. They will, however, see my ass in skinny jeans.
  8. Great suggestion! I'll try to get this implemented asap!! ALL my suggestions are great. DUH!!!!!
  9. I love how women are continuously grouped here as if we all think the same, feel the same, react the same. What a hoot! I wonder where the heck that leaves me! I work in the beauty industry and it's fact that I hate "women" or at least the stereotype that women seem to be put under. I truly think I was born a "man" mentally. I suck at taking hints, I rarely think about FEEEEEELINGS, not because I don't care or I want to hurt someone's feelz, but simply because the thought never occurs to me. I don't remember birthdays or anniversaries, I am not very sentimental, and people who are dramatic, sensitive, or overly emotional make me cuh-RAY-zee. I am sarcastic, quick witted, and one of those "what you see is what" you get types. Yes, I am the same in person as I am on the internet and you will often here me say, "Do you want me to be nice or do you want me to be honest?" when asked a question. As for the "mud flaps" thread? I think the OP was sincerely worried about his girlfriend's feelings. It seemed that as long as his "golf balls" are being handled, he's happy.
  10. LipstickLady

    Do not compare me..!

    That's nice. I'd just tell 'em to suck my big ole' booty!
  11. (We aren't allowed in there.) I'll be right back.
  12. Wait WHAT!?!?! Mud flaps!?!?!?
  13. On a side note, I love how your point B ) came out as I totally saw that as BJ.
  14. LipstickLady

    Is it CHEATING or is it a CHOICE?

    Every day I see new posts from people who feel guilty about "cheating". Some are coming clean about it or are embarrassed about it and amazingly enough, some seem to be bragging or feel empowered by it. But is it really cheating? I assume that most all of us are adults here. I also assume that most of us have had, are about to have or are researching WLS. We should know the dietary plan at this point (or there would be no "cheat"), and we should also know the risks associated with eating off plan pre or post op, yet every day people ask if what they are doing is OK and/or look for justification for their actions. What in the world? It truly makes me scratch my head. To me (and this is just MY opinion), there is no CHEAT. It's a CHOICE. I chose to have this surgery. I chose my surgeon because I trusted his skills and his knowledge. I chose to have sleeve over bypass or band. I chose to limit the amount that I can eat and drink by drastically altering my body. I chose to eat right 100% of the time on my pre-op (yup! not lying!) and I chose to eat right 90% of the time post op until my doctor said I was free to do otherwise. I think it's FINE to ask your surgeon/NP/NUT questions if you think you are ready to do anything other than prescribed. I think it's OK to question their answers. I do NOT think it's OK to ask a bunch of strangers on an internet forum to justify choices that aren't good ones-- especially internet strangers who are or were in the same boat as you. If you want to eat and drink at the same time, more power to you. If you want chocolate and bread and shakes and fries, have at it! If you lick a dorito or chew it up and spit it out, good for you (not really, but...) I love the "coming clean", I love asking for support, I love asking for coping ideas. I just ask that you take a moment to ask yourself if you are truly cheating or if you are making a CHOICE to do something you should not.
  15. Beeeeee-otch!! I've waited 43 long fat years for this new body. Ain't no way I am mixing it up with some dude.
  16. We also have this forum: http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/1183-where-venus-and-mars-collide-new/ It's an adult oriented room for men AND women to discuss TMI/adult oriented issues.
  17. Accounts are not deleted here. If you choose to leave, you can simply delete your personal information, your picture and move on. I truly think you are overreacting to a sincere apology, but that is your prerogative. I hate to see any member leave over a simple misunderstanding, but you must do what is best for you. Good luck in your journey!
  18. Well, that escalated quickly and unnecessarily.
  19. I don't. I am rather clueless on other people's feelings towards me for the most part. Keep posting, focus on the positive and f'em if they are poopy people.
  20. @@Alex Brecher Any way to add a default to the titles of any topics posted in men's or the ladies' room that say "male only" or "female only"?
  21. LipstickLady

    Please Don't Tell me your Horror Story

    I was horribly nauseated and crampy for about three weeks post op. I slimed like a mo-fo, I vomited regularly, everything that was semi solid got stuck and came right back up. It turned out that I had a slight stricture, one that I chose not to have corrected, as it keeps me honest. I was finally given meds for nausea and stomach cramping and my problems with that issue ceased immediately. I learned to eat slower, chew and measure every bit I swallowed and I also learned to position myself for a sudden "upheaval" if needed. I was on pureed foods for my first three months and it sucked. That said? I've not regretted a single second of it all. I look and feel great and I am thrilled with my experience.
  22. I have found a few new favorites at my favorite sushi places because I do not tolerate rice well at all. Kani salad is just the spicy crab mixture and cucumber without the rice. I often ask the chef to add a bit of avocado and crunch. I also love the suni salad which is the squid in a vinegar base. I am not a huge fan of seaweed salad, but my bestie is. It has a lot of sesame and chili oil and is very fresh and crisp. These "salads" are big, Protein only and are usually on the appetizer menu. They are the perfect portion for me. The hard part is deciding which I want. My favorite place also serves sushi rolls without rice. The filling is wrapped in very thinly shaved slices of cucumber and is absolutely delicious.
  23. LipstickLady

    Call the Bariatrics police!

    You weren't asking a typical question. You were asking for research and specific medical proof/studies. Big diff. No, I was actually asking people to be responsible for the information they contribute by backing it up with facts and evidence instead of just pulling it out of their a$$ ! What the heck was I thinking !?! Ahhhhh...funny, your post didn't say that at all. I guess you are asking people to be mind readers, too. I assume from this point forward you will link "scientific research", "facts" and "evidence" to everything you post since that is what you are asking for? Oh, and I'd advise you to not look for that from me. I am not a doctor nor am I medical professional. I can google almost any "fact" or bit of "evidence" that tells me what I want to hear. Just because you read it on the internet doesn't make it truth. At least, last I checked.
  24. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    Absolutely. But if you are, you are going to be told.
  25. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    Reddit. /r/amiugly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
