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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Ice cream ice cream!

    They are way too carby but I can only eat a few bites and it's much better than real ice cream!
  2. Girl...that's exactly it. You nailed it for me. He wasn't so much "splashy" as he was LOUD and derisive. Intentionally so.
  3. LipstickLady

    Water with meals ?

    I am over two years out and if I drink more than a sip immediately after my meals, I vomit. It's a horrible feeling.
  4. Yup. I really didn't see the point in ingesting 3k-4k thousand calories that I would then need to turn around and burn. I spent 41 years eating crap and as a reward, I got myself to 264 pounds. I'd eaten my lifetime share of food and the that of at least 2 or 3 other people by the time I had surgery. I actually did my pre-op diet for a month instead of the prescribed two weeks because I was SO.DAMN.TIRED. of being fat. I can now eat almost anything and the things I can't eat (rice, Pasta, ice cream) make me feel so sick I don't even WANT them anymore. I can eat fried food, but I usually peel off the batter and eat the insides. If I don't, I can manage 4-5 small bites and I am DONE. It is a wonderful feeling to be free from the hold food had over me.
  5. My favorite retort ever (and I read it here, I can't even take credit for it!) is, "I am so tired of talking about MY weight/diet/body...let's talk about YOURS!!". Add in a oblivious smile and wait.
  6. Nope, nope, nope. You are absolutely off. I love attention. I love compliments. I love everything ABOUT this journey except derisive comments, of which I have gotten very few. This "gentleman's" words were not complimentary, awkwardly worded or otherwise. I have very thick skin and am immune to most people's stupidity. With this one, it was all in the tone.
  7. LipstickLady

    5wk post-op no loss for 3wks

    Take pictures, same outfit and something form fitting (I did white tank, black leggings) and stand in a doorway. That will give you a better perspective. Measure your parts, too. Inches matter more than pounds!!
  8. Carbonation doesn't stretch your sleeve. It might make you feel bloated, gassy and uncomfortable but it doesn't stretch your sleeve. Beer has a lot of carbs and empty calories so it is certainly not a wise choice, but it's a choice that you are free to make. I drink a beer or two every week and simply log in the calories. I'e been maintaining for over a year so I know it's OK for ME to do it. Only YOU can determine what's ok for YOU.
  9. Nope, no problems, no pain.
  10. LipstickLady

    Repeatedly overeating

    A month out and eating sushi? Your doctor moved you quickly through the stages!
  11. LipstickLady

    Repeatedly overeating

    @@NoBsVs How far out are you?
  12. I am 25 months out. It's totally worth it.
  13. LipstickLady

    Ice cream ice cream!

    I have a YoNana machine that "creams" a banana along with any other frozen fruit. It's fabulous.
  14. We're groovy!! I'd totally junk punch you for that one if you say it again, though.
  15. So uhmm... I am totally guessing you meant that as a compliment so I'll say thank you. Just a word of advice for future reference? "Ton-derland" wasn't a good choice of words. In fact, it's really really bad.
  16. I'm absolutely certain he wasn't complimenting me. In fact, his tone was sort of derisive. I wasn't "hurt" by it, I was more shocked and appalled before I got pissy. I think I was so taken aback was because it's been so long since my surgery, I no longer think of myself as a fattie, former or otherwise. How have I handled such nonsense in the past? Usually with a cold "Why in the world would you ask/say that?", "That's such a strange thing to say to someone!" or "You probably didn't mean to sound as rude as you were." This was not the time for any of those replies as I was in front of a group who have no idea who I am and as this is for my kid, I could hardly resort to shooting missals. Once they get to know me a bit better, I can assure you, I won't be so quiet.
  17. When did you have your surgery?
  18. Wait, what? 2k calories is "not interested" in food? So basically, you are eating to exercise. What are those calories comprised of? I was told to eat lean Protein, veggies and some complex carbs during the losing phase. There is/was no way I could eat that many calories if I followed that diet now. I maintain at 1500-1800/day, sometimes I get in 2000, but rarely. That's throwing in a lot of nuts, cheese and a few Hershey kisses daily to get to 1800, too. I've been maintaining for over a year and I'm happy with where I am. Losing at 2k and wanting to add more? I think you need to listen to your NP, not your experience.
  19. I was sleeved so I could stop the cycle of fad diets and tomfoolery. Now I eat healthily and exercise. It works.
  20. "Experience" and justifying bad choices and behaviors got me to 264 pounds.
  21. I am rarely able to eat more than 1/2 cup of anything dense. Most often, 1/3 cup and I'm full. People who know often make fun of me because I'll be absolutely STARVING, eat 3-4 bites and be stuffed. My children mock me for it daily.
  22. I would ONLY have a sleeve. Neither band nor bypass were an option for me. My doctor refused to do bands because of all the complications related and I refused to have a bypass. My sleeve allows me to eat anything I want, but I am severely limited as far as quantity. I didn't want the possibility of dumping (but I got it anyways when I eat ice cream) and I didn't want my intestines re-routed. I am unable to eat more than 1/4-1/2 cup of anything at one sitting, so I have learned that I must make bold, flavorful but nutritious choices or I will not feel "right" or satisfied. No more bland food, no more fried food, no more crappy carbs. I don't worry about malnutrition OR Vitamin deficiencies. I knew I would suck at taking my Vitamins, so that was another reason bypass wasn't an option. I look and feel great. I can eat whatever, whenever and no one would know by my eating habits that I had surgery. They just know I pick at my food and usually take a box home. That's all they need to know.
  23. I haven't "kept it a secret". That's such a negative connotation. I have, however, chosen not to share my surgery with the world at large. No reason, too. I don't share details about my sex life, my income, disagreements with my husband, etc. Those aren't secrets either. It's simply personal information no one else needs to know about.
  24. LipstickLady

    I am a big fat phony failure

    I've lost over 100 pounds and have been maintaining my loss for over a year. I don't tell people and if anyone cares to make guesses or judge me fat or thin, I too, would happily tell them to suck my ass. That said, I am missing the "phony" or "failure" part. All joking aside, I don't see what's phony about my accomplishment. I worked hard and I am still working hard to get/stay healthy. Is it much easier than WWs, Adkins, South Beach, etc? Absolutely!! It was much easier having a doctor remove my brain tumor with his expertise than doing it myself with a butter knife, too. That certainly doesn't make me a phony. More importantly, I am NOT a failure. I never have been and I never will be. You don't fail until you give up and obviously, if you are here, you have NOT given up.
  25. I asked my NP the same thing about 6 weeks out and she asked me what I missed about salad. I told her that I loved all the yummy toppings and she told me to go to a salad bar and get just that. It was the onions and red pepper and radishes and carrots and YUM! Lettuce is just filler. I have a stricture so I couldn't do this for about three months, but it cured exactly I craved.

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