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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    I never experienced the "rapid" weight loss that everyone talked about either. I dropped 20 pounds with my pre-op diet and then after that it was 8ish pounds a month. Not rapid. Not even as fast as I lost doing WWs. That said, I never gave up on myself either. I pushed through the "disappointment" and the stalls, and I continued to work my ass off to get to where I wanted to be. You say you stayed on point for the first 6 months? I stayed on point until I got to where I wanted to be. I ate less than 600 calories for at least 8 months and then increased it to 800 until I hit goal. I kept my carbs at under 30 grams and while I never hit my Protein goal of 100, I was usually right in there about 60. You've not answered the tracking question and I wonder if you really know how much you are consuming. Are you logging every snack? Every nibble, lick and chew? Every sip of liquid that might have calories? I learned from WWs that those little tastes add up quickly and grazing is definitely the enemy of the average sleever. I feel for you, but at the same time (you might want to stop reading NOW), I think you are on the verge of giving up on yourself. I do NOT think you are giving your tool the fair opportunity to work it's magic and you've decided that you are one of the few that "it doesn't work for". It's my OPINION that you are fooling yourself and that's a shame. You are worth so much more than that and I can only hope, for YOUR benefit, you figure that out and come around,
  2. LipstickLady

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Agreeing with me a a good thing.
  3. LipstickLady

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    This is your problem, IMO. You are eating a bit more than I am maintaining on. On another board that I'm on, I am maintaining on more calories than most of the other members except the daily cross fitters/runners. I believe that I maintain on more than most because I am a martial arts instructor and put in 15-17k steps a day, not including the classes I teach/attend each day. Your carbs are high for a sleever. (Again, my opinion.) I always try to make sure my protein far outweighs my carbs and I usually eat around 1200 calories, most of which are protein. Carbs cause cravings and hunger which might attribute to your snacking. I know I am not giving you the touchy feely post you want, but I do think I am giving "facts" to help you get back on track -- facts you probably already know, but might need someone else to point out. I definitely think you can fix this, it's just up to you to put it into action. Can you try to do a full week of all protein/no carbs? You might surprise yourself.
  4. LipstickLady

    Piece of cake

  5. LipstickLady

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    What does your diet consist of? How many calories/carbs are you consuming a day? Protein? Do you log your meals? How much Water are you drinking? Do you measure your portions? What type of exercise are you doing and how long do you do it? What are you doing when you are not exercising (aka sitting at work, walking at work, etc.)? Do you wear a fitbit or other fitness tracking device? Are you taking pictures of your body along with your measurements? My questions are not to find errors or point any fingers at what you are doing, please do not take them that way. I am simply asking these questions to see if there is an obvious tweak that can be made to help you along with your goal. For me, tracking until I hit goal was a must. Even now I measure my food a few times a week and track my trend of calories. I have found that wearing my fitbit motivates me to walk a little farther each day, especially those days I don't have time to train. I do weigh myself mutliple times a day, but the number on my scale does not define me. I "judge" my progress on the way my clothes fit and how I feel when I move my body. Tell us what you are doing and perhaps we can help you. You have done great so far, so DO NOT give up. You have absolutely nothing to lose by pushing yourself a little harder EXCEPT a few more pounds. You CAN do this. I have no doubt.
  6. LipstickLady

    I really love these forums because...

    My heart breaks...
  7. LipstickLady

    I really love these forums because...

    Did someone say big meanie?
  8. LipstickLady

    Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss

    Girl. I used to go so far as to put them over a chair the night before to stretch. Now I put my arms in and it feels as if it's going to be too tight and then it slides right on with room to spare. Size XXL to a medium. Life is good.
  9. LipstickLady

    "BFF" Went MIA...Jealousy?

    Why not just pick up the phone, give her a call and ask what's up? Sounds to me like you have nothing to lose.
  10. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

  11. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

    Girl. Soup fills me up. broth Soups are perfect for me, cream based soups often make me dump. If I eat either, I can't eat "real food" after. Interesting.... soups go straight through my sleeve like any other liquid, so I could eat a whole bowl in one sitting with no problem. Even with chunkier soups, the liquid makes the chunks pass through more quickly, same as drinking while eating. It IS weird. I am more than two years out and I still cannot drink 30 minutes before I eat nor can drink 30-45 minutes after or I vomit. I definitely cannot sip while I eat. I have a slight stricture and I am thrilled about it. I refuse to have it fixed because it keeps me honest.
  12. Belief is stronger than truth or fact. It's proven here over and over and over...

    1. LipstickLady


      Just because you read it on the internet, doesn't mean it's true.

    2. IcanMakeit


      I run smack into this phenomenon when I talk politics or economics with certain friends/family. No amount of facts or recounting of history will make a dent in their convictions.

    3. tlemieux220


      Love this comment.

    4. Show next comments  423 more
  13. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

    Girl. Soup fills me up. broth Soups are perfect for me, cream based soups often make me dump. If I eat either, I can't eat "real food" after.
  14. I hit my original goal in 9ish months -- about 110 pounds. I've still not hit my stretch goal at 2 years, but I am only 5 pounds from it, so... I'm happy where I am and maintaining at 1600-1800 calories a day. If I lose a little more, great. If I don't, great.
  15. LipstickLady

    Am I really that vain?

    I am only 5.2 and I lost almost 75 pounds before people started noticing. I was pretty pissed. (Evidently, I'm known for bring "testy".)
  16. LipstickLady

    Lying to feel better?!?

    @@Michelle920 So, uh...this thread had been dead for more than a month. No need for outrage.
  17. Love wins! Thank you SCOTUS for making the right decision.

    1. kimby1029


      at lmb012182, I work for one too and it is quite busy. the AG is telling clerks not to issue marriage licenses, but the County clerk here is doing them anyway! A landmark day for marriage in the US!

    2. lmb012182


      Good on the county clerk! You can't stop progress.

    3. kimby1029


      yes. She is a brave one. Of course she is elected too, which means she sets policies in her office.

    4. Show next comments  423 more
  18. LipstickLady

    Repeatedly overeating

    This. The only thing pre WLS that worked for me was phentermine. It made me forget about food completely and I'd go for days without eating. I lost 80 pounds in three months with it, but it wasn't something I could take long term. Once I had brain surgery, my doc said it could cause seizures so I was taken off it all together. My issues were not linked to abuse, self hatred, emotion, boredom, etc., I simply could not control the overwhelming hunger that I experienced all the time.
  19. LOL- No, no, no jessica, let's not go there. I don't think we want to go from obese wallflowers to fit and trim genital attacking terminators. Better to learn how to handle the situation diplomatically, assertively, and with confidence. I was an obese ass kicker, now I'm a fit ass kicker. I'm getting my 2nd degree black belt in two weeks!
  20. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

    Absolutely! But YOUR truths do not apply to everyone. My experience is completely different than yours and I'd hate for anyone to think your behaviors/results/frustrations are typical. I maintain easily on 1600-1800 calories a day. I eat mindfully, but I can have a daily indulgence without gain. I can workout without gaining. I can get on the scale daily and not fret about fluctuations. I've maintained for well over a year and belong to a FB group of about 40 "vets", most of whom have been sleeved longer than me, who have had similar experiences. I've been reading your posts for years and have watched your struggles. I do not believe your journey is typical. Not to say you are wrong, but my posts are meant for the common reader as well as who I might be quoting.
  21. LipstickLady

    HUNGER - is it really reduced?

    I am over two years out. I am often hungry. I make sure to eat a Protein heavy "snack" (about 3-4 bites) and I am satisfied for an hour or two. I eat 5-6 mini "meals" so it feels like I am eating all day, but in reality, I am eating very little. It works well for me.
  22. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

    You cannot look at daily fluctuations as a true indication of what is actually happening with your body. You could be retaining fluids, you could be about to start your period, you could simply need to take a big old poo. I'd suggest you stay off the scale and only weigh once a month or so and track that to keep yourself from focusing on little fluctuations that are out of your control.
  23. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

    @@frumpy69 Are you sure y are journaling all nibbles, licks and chews? I am maintaining on 1600 calories. I'm not sure how you are gaining on 700-1200. How many calories were you losing weight on?
  24. LipstickLady

    Peanut butter...oh no!

    Ice cream and frozen yogurt. It comes out of both ends almost immediately.

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