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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Wow! You've had a tough time, haven't you? I am so sorry to hear. My experiences at a bit over two years out have been nothing like yours. I drink carbonation. I consume sugar. I was never depressed nor was I ever crankier than normal. I never hated anyone for eating around me. Why would I? It's not their fault I got fat. I rarely felt hunger or hunger pains for my first 18 month and when I did, it was acid reflux or thirst. I do feel hunger now, but it's PHYSICAL hunger and I know it's because I've not eaten properly. I realize that I am one of the lucky ones who doesn't feel hunger very often and I am thrilled about it. I am also thrilled that my restriction is as you mentioned. I can rarely eat more than 2-3 oz at a time so I do need to eat that portion size 4-6 times a day. The restriction is exactly why I had this surgery and I am thrilled that my portion size will forever be so small. It's a fat girl's dream! I get to eat all day, as long as I do so mindfully, I measure, I track and I make great choices. I sincerely hope things improve for you! I am 112 pounds down and feeling great! I was a size 20 and am now a size 8. I can do anything I want physically and have far exceeded what I thought this surgery could do for me. I am thrilled every single day.
  2. I thought that, too. I used to drink 128 oz a day. Now I can barely tolerate 20 oz. Plain water hits my tummy like a brick. Ugh...
  3. Mashed at three days out? I'm not surprised you feel that way! Remember, your tummy is still numb so you won't feel restriction. My very first food was mashed but that was at week three (day 15) after surgery. Even then, they were thinned down with gravy. Two teaspoons and I was stuffed.
  4. So the other night I was totally thrown for a loop and for the first time in a long time, I was actually rendered speechless. I was at a parent dinner meet and greet for a new sport my youngest is part of. I knew only 3 or 4 people (out of about 40) as this is my daughter's first year on the team. I have known the woman who organized it (as well as her husband) forever. Her husband has always been very friendly with me, but we rarely see each other because they are both the most boring people on earth. Nice enough, but not people I want to hang around. The husband came over to me and in front of about 15 people I've never seen in my life said, "Hey! How are you? And where is the rest of you?". Truly oblivious, I assumed he was asking about my husband as there were MANY dads there and I said that he was still at work. I've not been fat for over a year and a half and NO ONE mentions it anymore. People I've never met would have no idea I was ever fat. He goes on to say, "Well, you've lost at least 100 or more pounds, right? I mean, you've lost at least half of yourself. Where did it go?" Immediately all eyes were on me and I had no idea what to say. (Weird, I know. I ALWAYS have something snarky to say. Long day, I guess.) What a freaking beast. It was completely uncomfortable and awkward for me and I could tell a few of the ladies around me could feel it. Someone tried to make a joke that she "found it" and a few people f***ng congratulated me on something they know NOTHING about. I've left my fat life behind, how could this one jackhole completely throw me back into that world with a few sentences? One of my biggest reasons for losing the weight and my only real insecurity about being obese was how much I hated being "the fat mom" at every event. Leaving that world behind has been the best part of this whole experience and he brought it all slamming right back into the present. I'm still pissed. I am going to see him endlessly throughout the summer and the season. I want to kick him in the nuts really bad. ARGH!!!
  5. LipstickLady

    I am flat out hungry (rant)

    Girl, brutal honesty here and NO judgement. I have a hard time believing one could hit 340+ pounds without overeating. Again, no judgement, I myself was the biggest over eater you can imagine. I'd suggest doing your best to NOT listen to your body. Weigh, measure and track everything. It's easy to nibble, lick, chew, sip an extra 1,000-3,000 calories a day without even realizing it and our bodies/ brains will scream for more despite our best intentions. This is the time to break that cycle and hit a healthy weight. It's hard, it sucks, it blows, but you CAN do it. If I can, anyone can.
  6. LipstickLady

    I need help with breakfast

    I buy a small ham and a block of cheese -- usually Gouda or pepper jack. I slice the ham and cut the cheese <middle school grin> to resemble something like a lunchable. I also eat refried pinto Beans and melted cheese. I don't have time for scrambled eggs very often, but when I do, I add cheese and a pat of butter and they are delicious. I often buy a pound of bacon, bake it all and nibble on it over the week. Leftover taco meat reheated with cheese is yum as is meat sauce without the Pasta. Don't just think breakfast food! Think meat and cheese!!
  7. I am two years, 2 months out. I can eat 3-4 oz solid Protein and MAYBE a bite or two of something else. My measured amount is about 1/2 cup, sometimes 3/4 cup. My restriction is real... I'm very fortunate.
  8. LipstickLady

    No appetite 3 weeks post sleeve

    Congratulations!! You have hit the WLS lottery!! Not everyone wins the jackpot of no hunger and having to remind themselves to eat/drink (I used the timer on my phone personally), but it's a sensation that I absolutely loved/love. All the times I'd lost weight before, I used appetite suppressants. I only stopped because my brain tumor medications forced me to (seizures and all that jazz). As long as I wasn't starving all the time, I would easily maintain a healthy balanced diet. The sleeve surgery has given me a natural appetite suppressant and I thrilled. Rejoice in this time!! Use it to your benefit. Drink often, eat little. When you do eat, make it Protein packed and skip the carbs. Maximize this time!
  9. LipstickLady

    Someone slap me please!

    This statement is true if you want to be fat again. My surgeon and NUT said NO carbonated drinks, NO processed foods, NO processed sugars, NO processed breads, tortilla, and chips......Not strongly discouraged. We can certainly eat most all foods post op, if we want to be fat again. Sooo....uhmmmm.... Yeah. I'll refrain from replying.
  10. LipstickLady

    Someone slap me please!

    First in line.
  11. LipstickLady

    Someone slap me please!

    1st in line.
  12. I didn't poo for 13 days post op. Yup. Thirteen days. When it finally happened, it was like the sky brightened, the birds were twirping, the air was lighter, it was great.
  13. LipstickLady

    Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss

    I don't miss putting ice cream/chips/cookies/etc (I have kids, people!!) in my shopping cart and worrying about judgmental looks. You know, because fat people should know better. I don't miss sweating my ass off doing every day things. I don't miss looking for the biggest size in the stack of clothing because I am NOT the biggest size. I don't miss being the biggest mom in the room at school events. Hell! I don't miss being the biggest person in the room at any event. I don't miss wearing full make up and hair every time I walked out of the house because if I was going to be the fat chick, I wasn't going to be the unkempt fat chick. I don't miss walking into the gym and having people give me the "GOOD FOR YOU FOR TRYING" looks (I am sure it was all in my imagination) for making it through a workout or class. I miss NOTHING about being extremely fat and unhealthy. NOTHING.
  14. LipstickLady

    Surgery didn't happen for me

    I had a very large mass on my liver, too. My doctor removed it and did the surgery. You'll have your surgery and this will be nothing but a blip on the radar eventually.
  15. Stop caring. I know that sounds flip, but in the grand scheme of things, how does HER opinion of your decision and your weight loss journey really affect you unless you allow it to? She might hurt your feelings, but she won't change your progress unless you allow her to. I try to cut negativity out of my life -- sounds like I'd not be too anxious to know her, personally.
  16. LipstickLady

    So tell me how you REALLY feel...

    ...about your loose skin and/or your partner's. Does it inhibit your sexy time? Do you care?
  17. LipstickLady

    So I've noticed...

    @@Elode Gurrrrrllllll... DAMN. I'd hit that.
  18. LipstickLady

    What can I eat?

    My noisy stomach and the grumbling stuff lasted about three to five months. Totally normal.
  19. LipstickLady

    Can't stand to eat meat!

    So my favorite kitchen tool since being sleeved is my pair of kitchen shears. I was always a gulper, big bites, a few chews and swallow. It's been a hard habit to break. Now, I use my handy dandy shears and cut my meat up into little bites and force myself to eat one at a time. Less chewing per bite needed and it takes me longer to eat. I feel my restriction faster, too, because I am forced to slow down. Try it?
  20. LipstickLady

    Can't stand to eat meat!

    And now I am, too...
  21. LipstickLady

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    I started at between 28 and a 34 depending on the cut of the clothes. Right now I'm 20 - 24 and some 18s fit but are snug. My face is dramatically different. That last sentence gets my attention. I know there is no end in sight. Getting thinner & healthier is work for the rest of my life. You cannot view this as a temporary issue. To me that diet thinking. I don't diet. My way of eating/exercising are for life. Agree 100%. Surgery isnt witchcraft, magic or fairy dust. It's a tool. I was not "lucky". I was not "special". I did not lose the weight with little to no effort. I literally worked my ass off and still do every day. I "cheat" a bit from time to time, I slack off on the exercise here and there and I suffer the consequences. I then rally myself, get back on track and do what I need to do to get back on the wagon. Surgery is not a instant solution to a lifelong problem. It will be a lifelong battle for me and, in MY opinion, for anyone else who elects to go through with this procedure.
  22. LipstickLady

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    Wait, whuuuut?!?!? <head scratching> What in the world would you have to be jealous of? I am still "overweight" according to the BMI charts but I have found peace in my size. I wear a size 8 and some size 6s at "high end" stores. (Vanity sizes, yo!!) I still haven't reached my personal stretch goal weight and I still work at it daily at over 2 years out. That said, I can do anything I want to do. I can run, lift weights, Zumba. I just got my 2nd degree black belt and Martial Arts Instructor certification. I can kick your ass and teach you how to defend yourself at the same time. I can shop any where, I can wear (almost) anything. I may not have achieved the number on the scale yet, but I feel SO MUCH BETTER than I ever have before. Losing weight is so much more than a number on the scale and I think we forget that sometimes. It's all about how you FEEL. I am not perfect, but I feel great about my accomplishments so far and if I stay where I am now, I am SO MUCH BETTER OFF than I was 3 years ago. That's the bottom line.
  23. LipstickLady

    Booth Seating!

    Not only can I sit at a booth, but I can sit at a table in the chairs that either back up to the corner or to another diner. My friends now try to put me in the inside squeezy seat that no one wants because there is no room and I am small enough to fit. WHAT!?!?!?!
  24. Listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you. This is how they will speak about you to other people.

    1. Shustar


      Just love you kiddo!

    2. LipstickLady


      I'm fine, Shustar. It's just amusing to me that some think that what they say won't get back to whom they are speaking ill of. :D

    3. judyoz


      yep, sure is.


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