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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Yeeeesh. Everyone cycling today?

    1. BLERDgirl


      some post I just let go by

    2. jane13


      heck I have no idea - got all the symptoms..........

  2. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    That is not what you are doing at all. You now have another example that you can try to deny. Go ahead, tell sleevenchica that she couldn't possibly have a stretched pouch because you and some other idiot surgeons say it can't happen.Don't waste your time going back and forth with lipstick lady. I have found that she us a very negative and condescending individual. I had my run in with her and told her how I felt and she responded with that Same sarcastic ok and winky face. Do your research and get your corrective surgery. This is your journey not hers and you and your surgeon know what's best for you!Awww... When was this? I don't even remember. I looked through your entire posting history and you and I have never interacted. Nope, not once. You have me confused with someone else, I fear.
  3. LipstickLady

    Sugar Addiction

    Oh, sugar.... I'm a salt person, personally, but I do love chocolate and ice cream and cake and brownies and doughnuts and.... If I give them up cold turkey for 3-4 long azzzzzzzz days, I stop craving them. It's weird but true. I might think about them, but it's containable. If I do give in, the cravings are real for about four or five days. You have to make up your mind and stop the refined sugar. It sucks, it's hard, it sucks. Once you get over the hump, though, the physical cravings cease, you just have to manage the head cravings. You can do it.
  4. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    That is not what you are doing at all. You now have another example that you can try to deny. Go ahead, tell sleevenchica that she couldn't possibly have a stretched pouch because you and some other idiot surgeons say it can't happen. Sorry. I won't stoop to name calling. Totally not my thing. You can keep egging me on, I won't bite.
  5. LipstickLady

    How Do You Get Over the Guilt?

    No guilt here! Life is too short for guilt or regrets. No matter how shitty I feel at any given moment, I realize that I am very blessed. Two great kids, a great marriage,a successful career, and a solution to the weight issue I've fought for decades. I have NOTHING to complain about and certainly nothing to regret or feel guilt about.
  6. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    Nope. Not putting anyone down. I'm simply stating I only have the experience of one surgery vs those who have had more. No need to read more into it.
  7. I was so excited that I chose to do my pre-op diet for a month instead of the prescribed two weeks. No food funerals for me. I totally feel you! I am now two years (and one month) out and I'm STILL excited. Best decision EVER and I don't regret a second of it. You GO!
  8. LipstickLady

    I am a big fat phony failure

    ???? Did you enter the wrong gender in your profile? My balls are much bigger than many people I know and I'm a girl. Mine are so big, I wear 'em on my chest.
  9. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    I am amazing. The research I've done says the opposite of yours. As do all the surgeons I've consulted. The experiences I've had and the experiences of the MANY sleeved peeps I know differs, too. We will have to agree to disagree. Of course, I've only had one bariatric surgery to your two or three so... You choose to spread your opinion, I'll do the same. I'll simply choose to do so a bit less hostilely than you.
  10. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    Sleevers don't have pouches. And in skimming that ONE study, it says "pouch dilation" remains unproven. All the research I've done says that a sleeve surgery done properly will NOT stretch significantly. This study seems to indicate that weight regain is due to user error.
  11. LipstickLady

    What Are Your Food Ruts?

    I eat a LOT of shrimp and seafood salad. I also eat a lot of chicken salad. If it's meat and mayo, I eat it. cheese. I eat cheese. I love cheese. Add some lunch meat and I have a meal. Ham and gouda, roast beef and provolone, turkey and pepper jack, pepperoni and mozzarella, meat and cheese is where it's at. Yup. That's my menu most days.
  12. LipstickLady

    Fed up

    Wait, whuuuuut? I simply shared my experience and whole heartedly support yours, whatever road you choose to travel. I don't care if you track/measure/exercise or if you eat cheetos/ice cream/sit on the couch all day. As long as YOU are happy with your decisions and the results, MORE POWER TO YOU!! I'm sure you know what's best for you. I am only an expert on me.
  13. LipstickLady

    Fed up

    Babbs is a hottie for sure! That said, venting is OK. Disagreeing/debating/arguing/getting pissy is OK. Calling someone names and attacking them because you don't like the words they say is NOT. I don't care how HANGRY, frustrated, mad, irritated, upset you are, it's not acceptable and it will not be tolerated.
  14. Not sure to be honest. It was for cramping not for reflux.
  15. LipstickLady

    Fed up

    Exactly. I'm not so elequent in my responses sometimes Oh, girl. I'm the board meanie, remember?
  16. LipstickLady

    Fed up

    As a WLS patient who is just two years out and has been at goal for over a year, I will say that I followed my diet 95% of the time. Yes, I did have "cheat" foods from time to time (although I hate the word cheat, I made CHOICES that my doctor may not have agreed with), but I tracked, weighed, measured and was very honest with myself throughout my journey. That doesn't make me a "shamer" (such a ridiculous tumblr word trend), that makes me determined to utilize my tool in the very best way I can. If someone comes to this board and whines about "slow loss", regain or stalls, I am going to give them my straightforward opinion ESPECIALLY if they are eating crap and justifying it. If, on the other hand, one chooses to "cheat" and stray from their eating plan but accepts the consequences of their behavior, more power to them! You're a big girl. Do what you want. It's your body, it's your journey. Good luck to you. I can't wait to hear how well you do.
  17. LipstickLady

    Fed up

    See we found one! Some stuck up b***h who wants to tell everyone how she followed the rules and she's at goal. The point of my post was to tell people like you that "goal shaming" isn't necessary. Wow a term you haven't heard of, it must not be a term then. Nobody said you shouldn't be proud of your weightloss, hell im proud of your weight loss but you saying you will not apologize for following the rules has nothing to do with you trying to tell others their rules. This is a site for information and support, if you have a negative outlook on those who are just beginning in their journey or you feel like you are superior because you're on the other side now, then you have no business being here. Enjoy your day, fortunately I don't let little leeches like you destroy mine, but others might so you should watch what you say and how you say it. @@shayfeisty As a host of this forum, I am going to ask you to reread the rules regarding posting on this forum. Name calling will NOT be tolerated. Disagreement and discussion is great, personal attacks are not. The rules can be found here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  18. Zofran was the one pill I took and the anti-cramping pill started with an R, I believe. I took both for about my first 4-5 months and then tapered off to no pills at all.
  19. I had the same issue. My doctor prescribed two meds for me that worked immediately. One was an anti-nauseousness pill and the other was a med that kept my stomach from cramping when food hit it. That second one was the one that gave me back my ability to eat a bit more comfortably. Until I started it, I threw up every time I ate anything. Ask your doctor!
  20. My NUT was ridiculous. She had no knowledge of WLS and she tried hawking her MLM Vitamin catalog on me. I saw her the required amount of times, assembled nutritious portions of plastic veggies and meats on a plastic tray under her direction for 15 minutes and was approved for competency. My surgeon and his NP were my sources for diet and follow up meal plans. I loved my NP. She was helpful, knowledgable and in tune with my process.
  21. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    Sleevers don't have pouches and sleeves don't stretch.
  22. LipstickLady

    Stretching pouch

    Liquids won't stretch your sleeve.
  23. For the record, I did have my share of complications as well. I had a pill get stuck on day three and it was there for 3 days before it finally dislodged and I could eat and drink again. It scratched the CRAP out of my throat and I couldn't swallow for days after it finally dislodged. Plain Water STILL hits like load of bricks. I have to add flavor drops or lemon in order to drink it and I usually stick to (shhhhhh...don't tell) Coke Zero, coffee, SF lemonade, Hint of Water, or Gatorade Zero. I also have a stricture so at times I can't eat for a day or two at all. I call my days "feeding days" and "non feeding days". I could get it corrected, but I choose not to. Because of my stricture, I vomit frequently. Usually once or twice a week, down from once or twice a day. I got the foamies/slimies really bad for about a year post op and I still do occasionally. Heavy sugar makes me dump, as does heavy cream. Unusual in a sleeve, but it happens. I have water poop ALL the time. Since surgery, I am either constipated or running to the bathroom. I can't drink wine, sweet drinks or anything too acidic. (Above lemonade is crystal light.) The heartburn is terrible. All that aside -- BEST.DECISION.EVER.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
