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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Alcohol! Alcohol! Alcohol!

    I've been drinking out of a straw since day 1. I'm intelligent/coordinated enough not to suck air in when I drink.
  2. LipstickLady

    How Long to Lose the Bloat

    Walk. Walk. Walk. When you are done walking, WALK FASTER. That will do it.
  3. LipstickLady

    Alcohol! Alcohol! Alcohol!

    I'm about to open a Stella.
  4. LipstickLady

    Obsessed with weighing in... HELP?

    So......let me ask you this. When you are out in public, checking out other people and wishing you were their size, are you seeing the numbers on their scales or their asses in those jeans? Would you rather be a certain number of pounds or a particular pants size? Inches are MUCH more important than pounds in my book.
  5. LipstickLady

    This food is my new best friend !

    For most people, sliders are foods like chips, crackers, popcorn --- things that you can eat a lot of without feeling full.
  6. LipstickLady

    You're too thin! Stop losing now!

    My favorite reply to inappropriate comments is simply, "I am SO tired of talking about my body. Let's talk about yours!".
  7. LipstickLady

    Slider foods

    That's because you have freakishly good restriction and YOU SUCK TRUE!!
  8. LipstickLady

    I don't know what to do.

    I am two years and one month out. I drink a few beers a week, I just look a hell of a lot hotter doing it now than when I was 112 pounds fatter.
  9. LipstickLady

    restaurant choice

    Either is an excellent choice. Both are great sources of Protein with a bit of healthy fat thrown in. I, personally, could not eat steak (or salmon) and salad, so I would be taking home a lot of food. That said, enjoy your meal and plan on leftovers.
  10. LipstickLady

    Slider foods

    So, I am one of those rare people for whom sliders do not exist. I am super lucky, but I've not yet found a food that i can eat more than a cup of at any given time and that's pushing it. THANK GOODNESS!!!
  11. LipstickLady

    Wait 30 minutes or do without?

    If I'm hungry, I eat. If I'm not, I don't. I can drink before a meal but I cannot drink after. If I have to choose between one or the other, I would far rather drink something. I can deal with being hungry but I do NOT like being thirsty.
  12. For the record, I did have my share of complications as well. I had a pill get stuck on day three and it was there for 3 days before it finally dislodged and I could eat and drink again. It scratched the CRAP out of my throat and I couldn't swallow for days after it finally dislodged. Plain Water STILL hits like load of bricks. I have to add flavor drops or lemon in order to drink it and I usually stick to (shhhhhh...don't tell) Coke Zero, coffee, SF lemonade, Hint of Water, or Gatorade Zero. I also have a stricture so at times I can't eat for a day or two at all. I call my days "feeding days" and "non feeding days". I could get it corrected, but I choose not to. Because of my stricture, I vomit frequently. Usually once or twice a week, down from once or twice a day. I got the foamies/slimies really bad for about a year post op and I still do occasionally. Heavy sugar makes me dump, as does heavy cream. Unusual in a sleeve, but it happens. I have water poop ALL the time. Since surgery, I am either constipated or running to the bathroom. I can't drink wine, sweet drinks or anything too acidic. (Above lemonade is crystal light.) The heartburn is terrible. All that aside -- BEST.DECISION.EVER. how do you know if you have a stricture? can you feel it? I was unable to move beyond pureed food for about 6 weeks and stayed on soft food for 3 months+. I am a little over two years out and i still have days that I have trouble eating more than a small bite or three because my chest seems to close up. If I force myself to eat, I will usually vomit. My doctor checked and I have a slight stricture. It's correctable, I just choose not to. It keeps me on my toes.
  13. LipstickLady

    Bypass or sleeve...will the answer come to me?

    I'd find a new doctor. This is a huge decision, one that I wanted to make for myself. Now, that said, I did tell my doctor that if he went in and had no choice but to do a bypass over sleeve, to do it, but that was MY decision. I did not leave it in his hands unless it was unavoidable.
  14. LipstickLady

    Bypass or sleeve...will the answer come to me?

    I lost 112 in my first 8 months and have maintained for the last 17 months. Thrilled.
  15. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

    Seriously. Between "shaming" and "triggering", I really think that there are some out there that need to grow a set. I'm offended. You're shame shaming me. You just triggered me.
  16. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

    Seriously. Between "shaming" and "triggering", I really think that there are some out there that need to grow a set.
  17. LipstickLady

    Gained most of my weight back

    I have to shake my head a bit at this whole "shaming" trend. I guess I'm just an old old lady because I would never allow a stranger on the internet to have ANY power over my feelings. I certainly don't feel "shamed" because someone doesn't like the way I walk/talk/chew/sneeze/wear my hair. I don't care if they insult my body type/my exercise routine (or lack thereof)/my diet choices. I am a big girl and I make my own choices. I don't need anyone's approval or opinion regarding those choices unless I ask and I certainly will NOT feel "shamed" if someone doesn't care for my choice.
  18. LipstickLady

    Bypass or sleeve...will the answer come to me?

    I picked the sleeve over bypass for several reasons, but only YOU can choose what's best for you. If I was diabetic, I would have had bypass. I am not. I wanted to live and eat as "normally" as possible and I was not interested in the possibility of "dumping". I wanted to be able to have a bite or tow of cake or a brownie here and there and I can do that with the sleeve. That said, rich ice cream (my favorite dessert in the world) makes me dump like a pansy biotch. Rich cream Soups do, too. ARGH. Malabsorbtion scared me. I suck at taking Vitamins and pills and I did not want to be on that regimen forever. I don't swallow pills. With bypass that's a must. With sleeve it's a YOU REALLY SHOULD DAMMIT but I don't. I didn't want my intestines re-routed. I don't have a logical reason for that, I just didn't. I loved the idea of my grehlin factory being shut down and it has been. Appetite suppressants have always worked well for me, now it's happening naturally. WIN!! The sleeve was my best option and my surgeon was behind it 100%. As active as I am, and as dedicated as I've proven to be, he agreed that the sleeve was my best bet. I am just over two years out and have been at goal for almost 16 months. I'm thrilled.I more than thrilled. I'm feaking ecstatic. I've had my share of complications but I don't regret a single moment. Not even for a second...
  19. Your opinion of me is none of my business.
  20. LipstickLady

    Am I overeating?

    I am a bit over two years out and I still weigh and measure my foods. I have to eat very slowly or I will vomit and I am so busy during the day, I rarely have time to sit down with a "proper" meal. I measure out my portion and I graze on it. I sometimes have to reheat it, I sometimes have to stick it back in the fridge (think seafood or chicken salad). I don't eat more than what's measured but I do stretch a meal out for upwards to several hours -- usually not by choice. It works for me but it's not something I recommend. I am moving constantly during the day, getting in 15k-17k steps easily plus my actual workouts. I am a nibble here, nibble there kind of girl, but I have to be mindful of the total amount I am eating along with what I am eating.
  21. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    I'm truly sorry you feel that way! I can't say I read your thread as I don't read them all -- it's just not possible. I just posted a long list of complications that I've had with my sleeve, so I would say that I DO realize that the sleeve is not perfect and there are some negatives things that happen. I wish everyone great success in their weight loss efforts, no matter if they pick the sleeve, bypass, the band, atkins. WWs, the cabbage diet.... (I'd add a non sarcastic smiley face but I'm kind of scared to.)
  22. LipstickLady

    Sugar Addiction

    Reminding myself that I now have collarbones sure does help!! Don't want to lose those again.
  23. LipstickLady

    I am a big fat phony failure

  24. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    So I guess my surgeon is a quack, because I was told my sleeve is dilated. The dr that did my barium swallow noted it too... How much did it dilate? What is the capacity of it now? Did you get 2nd, 3rd opinions? Every surgeon I consulted advised a properly done sleeve cannot stretch because the majority of the fundus is removed. There is little to nothing to stretch. If a doctor leaves too much fundus behind, the possibility is real, however. I'm sorry you are having issues. What's your plan of recourse now?
  25. LipstickLady

    What "negatives" are you experiencing?

    @@beuTwithin Ah, yes.... I do remember that. Yes, you took my post entirely differently than I intended so I just let it go. My mistake!

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