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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Only YOU are an expert on you. Only YOU know your relationship. I wish you great success in your weight loss and your happiness.
  2. LipstickLady

    First restaurant meal?

    Mine was egg drop soup. One serving lasted me 3 days and then I threw the remainder away because I was tired of it. If you are newly sleeved, ask for strained soup. Most restaurants will gladly comply. It leaves more "stuff" for people who want chunkier soup.
  3. LipstickLady

    Unchartered Territory: Scared to eat

    If you are a seafood fan, go for crab. YUM YUM YUM!! I made crab balls (BALLS!) with no filler when I was on soft foods and crab legs were one of my first "solid" foods.
  4. Since we are editing and deleting posts, saving for posterity.
  5. Ok. So I WILL reply to this one. The "truth" hurts? Girlfriend, your OPINION is NOT "truth" just as MY opinion is not truth. You can totally own your experiences, but what you've done does not apply to all, I am proof of that. First and foremost, anyone who "decides to have the sleeve" and is on the table two weeks later really needs to do some self reflection as does anyone who will openly state that they did not realize this procedure was permanent. I am also 5'3, was sleeved while I was "young" (by your definition) and my body is MUCH healthier than it's ever been. My body fat is down to the low end of the "ideal" range and butted right up to "lean". I have some loose skin, for sure, but underneath it, I am strong and fit. I did my research, I worked my plan, and I exercised my body. Anyone who does not is operating on foolishness. I must say, I'm curious. If you are such an expert on weight gain/loss/nutrition/fitness, why the regain? Why is your regain the fault of the sleeve? Serious question.
  6. So...I read your post again and will try my best to reply with kindness... No. I just can't. SIGH.
  7. I'm going to let someone else handle this one for now...
  8. Really? So my struggles with weight loss aren't the same because I chose not to be resentful? Interesting. I am not telling the OP to "add" to her husband's (choice to) "struggle". I am simply suggesting she not suppress her excitement/joy/accomplishments because he chooses not to handle them maturely. Compassion is extremely important, I agree 100%. Compassion should not equate to lack of pride, though.
  9. LipstickLady

    Weight loss and, bowel movements a TMI thread****

    It makes sense if you think about it. An empty pastry bag weighs maybe half an ounce, right? As you scoop frosting into it, it weighs more and more. When you finally clip the corner and start squeezing out the frosting, it gets less full and "thinner". The same logically applies to our bodies. As we scoop food in, we physically weigh more. When we don't poop, that excess waste is weighing us down until it decides to exit our bodies. Simple biology, IM(non qualified)O.
  10. I just see it from a different POV, I guess. My BFF had her sleeve while I struggled with the decision (one more try at WWs, Atkins, South Beach, etc.) and I celebrated every pound with her despite my inability to succeed. Another great friend started her own business while I was at a job I hated but was stuck in and I celebrated her every milestone. One of my friends struggled with infertility treatments for 10 years while supporting each member of our friend group's pregnancies. She came to appointments, deliveries and did so with a genuine smile. Never did she make me or anyone else feel as if we were "rubbing it in her face". I am far too old to surround myself with people who can't take accountability for themselves.
  11. So, I see it much differently (but I'm a b*tch like that). I've been married for 20 years but even if I wasn't, I am not one to stifle my accomplishments for the feelings of others. Someone else's "jealousy" or "bitterness" is their problem, not mine.
  12. I have nothing to add other than a snicker at the fact that @@VSGAnn2014 said "tought tittie". I concur.
  13. LipstickLady

    Hurts to eat

    I usually run to puke in the bathroom but that's just me. I do have a slight stricture and when I eat too fast or take too big of bites, I find myself rushing to the facilities. Unlike many, I have chosen to keep my stricture as is without stretching it. It keeps me on track, keeps me eating at a slower pace and gives me a swift kick in the ass if I chose to go off course.
  14. LipstickLady

    Hamburgers are gross

    Turkey burgers make me fart something fierce. Mix 'em with feta and I would be a walking disaster. HA!
  15. LipstickLady

    Hamburgers are gross

    I eat so much cheese it's ridiculous. Good, full fat, rich, creamy REAL cheese. Every day. In stuff, on stuff, as a meal itself. I love cheese. It's so fabulous that instead of eating "light" or "low fat" or skim milk cheese, I can eat the real thing and not feel one drop of guilt about it. Love cheese.
  16. Your goal is YOUR goal. Do NOT worry about your doctor's goal for you. You can do anything you want to do. You control what YOU do, he/she does not. Work your plan, plan your work and utilize your tool to the best of your ability. You can get to your goal, it's totally doable.
  17. LipstickLady

    What to tell coworkers?

    Do you want people to know? If so, tell them. If not, tell them you are having a personal procedure and leave it at that. Easy cheesy.
  18. LipstickLady

    Hamburgers are gross

    90% vegetarian? Black bean burgers are awesome with salsa verde and sour cream. YUMMMMM!!
  19. LipstickLady

    Hamburgers are gross

    So, from my fat days, I am totally used to buying and eating 94/6 burgers. Now that I am a low carber, I buy 80/20 and it is SO MUCH BETTER. More fat, more juice, more flavor. Add a bit of REAL mayo, caramelized onion, mushrooms and gouda and yum.
  20. LipstickLady

    What Are Your Must-Have Foods?

    Good cheese. Jerky. Almonds. Flavored and plain. Good cheese. (Did I say that already?) Great quality deli meat. Cooked shrimp. CHEESE. GOOD CHEESE. Yum...
  21. LipstickLady

    This food is my new best friend !

    ME TOO! Ice cream used to be my favorite dessert and now it makes me shudder thinking about it.
  22. Focus on the company. You'll be surprised at how quickly that becomes your norm.
  23. I don't say anything. People rarely notice and really don't care.
  24. LipstickLady

    Pet Peeves of WLS

    Is everything ok with your food? Yes. Are you sure? Yes, thank you. No, really. If you don't like it, we can make you something else. It's fine, I'm just not very hungry. Are you sure? Yes. Can I bring you something different? ... ... <blank state> NO! ^%%*^ %%€}^!!

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