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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. At two years, two months and two weeks out, I can eat 3-4 oz of chicken, shrimp or seafood salad. Whole meats (including fish) of any variety? 2-3 oz MAX.
  2. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Huh!?!?! What does not being from the US have to do with anything? Not a native English speaker? Bad Asian site? Banned? Your words are a bit offensive, IMO, and I have no idea where you got the idea that he's banned.
  3. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Best wishes for you !!! The verdict is stil out on The Chuckster. He's yet to post up pics of his awesome achievements....but, then again neither have many others on here. I have.
  4. My surgeon submitted my insurance approval based on my initial weigh in, NOT on my weight after I followed my 6 month process. Ask your doctor and your insurance company which weight you "qualify" with and go from there.
  5. LipstickLady

    What Are Your Must-Have Foods?

    :faint: I live on almonds and various other nuts. Avocado is also a staple. Pureed avocado was one of my very first foods when I went to pureed. I have days when I have a hard time eating and I am a bit over two years out. Those days I subsist on Peanut Butter, avocado and hummus.
  6. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    I'm a glutton. A glutton for my WLS success. Seriously.
  7. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    No, no, no! We welcome anyone and everyone struggling/succeeding with obesity or weight loss. @@Chuckster is still a member as far as I can see. I'm hoping for a reply to my last post, personally.
  8. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Yup. Yup. Yup. This is EXACTLY why I questioned the intent. Quack.
  9. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    If there is any agenda it would be to let people know that with the right tools IMO most people can avoid a surgical intervention. What I did was much healthier and perhaps even more permanent since I fixed the cause of the problems which was self induced caloric poisoning. I could not wrap my head around paying someone to surgically alter my perfectly healthy digestive system. I did really do anything that drastic. I changed how I was living. This was a better option for me. In the 1970 only 3% of American were clinically obese but today it is 35%. I guess for me paying someone to alter my digestive system to fix a behavioral problem seemed/seems absurd. Ah.... I see. So looking over your posts, it's my opinion that your tone is almost of superiority over those of us who have chosen the WLS route. I do hope I am wrong about that. The words and phrases you used could be construed as quite offensive if I was the delicate type. Examples? Hedonistic, vulgar, self medicated, glutton, the thought that "paying seems absurd", "self induced caloric poisoning". Now I assume that all this is negative self talk and you don't at all mean to imply that these words apply to all obese (or formally obese) people. I'm very happy that you found YOUR solution, but I will remind you that this is a WLS support forum. We are not here to downplay or denigrate anyone's choices regarding how they choose to loose their excess weight. I will not take the time to tell you about my experiences with traditional weight loss and my success with WLS as I am fairly certain my words would only bore you. Your obvious disdain for the medical profession is apparent but I owe my life to my doctors, not only in my weight loss efforts but through other medical procedures that had nothing to do with my former obesity. My hope for you is that your weight loss efforts will continue to be successful and your health will continue to be excellent. I know mine will be despite the fact that I chose a route that you clearly find objectionable. OH EM GEEE!! I typed LOOSE instead of lose. HA!
  10. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    If there is any agenda it would be to let people know that with the right tools IMO most people can avoid a surgical intervention. What I did was much healthier and perhaps even more permanent since I fixed the cause of the problems which was self induced caloric poisoning. I could not wrap my head around paying someone to surgically alter my perfectly healthy digestive system. I did really do anything that drastic. I changed how I was living. This was a better option for me. In the 1970 only 3% of American were clinically obese but today it is 35%. I guess for me paying someone to alter my digestive system to fix a behavioral problem seemed/seems absurd. Ah.... I see. So looking over your posts, it's my opinion that your tone is almost of superiority over those of us who have chosen the WLS route. I do hope I am wrong about that. The words and phrases you used could be construed as quite offensive if I was the delicate type. Examples? Hedonistic, vulgar, self medicated, glutton, the thought that "paying seems absurd", "self induced caloric poisoning". Now I assume that all this is negative self talk and you don't at all mean to imply that these words apply to all obese (or formally obese) people. I'm very happy that you found YOUR solution, but I will remind you that this is a WLS support forum. We are not here to downplay or denigrate anyone's choices regarding how they choose to loose their excess weight. I will not take the time to tell you about my experiences with traditional weight loss and my success with WLS as I am fairly certain my words would only bore you. Your obvious disdain for the medical profession is apparent but I owe my life to my doctors, not only in my weight loss efforts but through other medical procedures that had nothing to do with my former obesity. My hope for you is that your weight loss efforts will continue to be successful and your health will continue to be excellent. I know mine will be despite the fact that I chose a route that you clearly find objectionable.
  11. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    I wouldn't even call it a concern *for me*. I'm just curious.
  12. LipstickLady

    What Are Your Must-Have Foods?

    As soon as I was on soft foods. I ate cream cheese on pureed, though!
  13. LipstickLady

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Good for you! Any weight loss achievement is to be applauded, no matter the method and no one way is better than any other as long as the end result of better health and fitness is achieved. I've got to ask, @@Chuckster . You just recently joined this forum (a weight loss surgery support forum), you lost a whole lot of weight non surgically, and both posts you've made since joining have been about losing weight non-surgically. What's your agenda in being here?
  14. And we are right back to the old argument of whose response is: good enough supportive too firm not sugary enabling mean not up to one reader's standards exactly what another reader needed to hear factual opinion honest too honest etc. Round and round we go... It's my thought process that when I read these forums, I take what I need and I leave the rest. I give the advice that comes from **my** experiences and I discuss/debate the points I don't agree with. I am not going to like everyone and not everyone is going to like me. I am not going to like everything I read and not everyone is going to like how I respond. It's the internet and I cannot (nor do I want to) control the thoughts/words/actions/reactions of everyone around me. I own my words and I own my response to the words of others. If you love it, keep it. If you don't love it, respond (or don't) and move on.
  15. LipstickLady

    Creative liquid diet ideas

    I would not recommend PB or banana personally. Too many carbs. Suck it up, liquid is rough, but you can do anything for a few weeks, your life is about to change so much, a few days of suckiness is OK.
  16. F^ck 'em if they don't support you. Seriously. This is NOT their journey, NOT their health, NOT their life. If they can't handle it, it's not YOUR problem. They can suck it when you are thinner, healthier, more comfortable. Their opinion of what you are doing is NONE of your business unless they are supporting you. That's just me, though.
  17. LipstickLady

    What Are Your Must-Have Foods?

    High fat, REAL cheese. Real Gouda, real feta, real cheddar, whole milk mozzarella -- high fat, full flavor CHEESE. Triple cream sounds awesome.
  18. /thathappened

    1. Elode


      Whatever "that" is can't be worse that what I read earlier!! JS!

  19. LipstickLady

    proudgrammy is very proud

    Girl!! I am SO proud/happy/excited for you!!! What a great gift to give yourself. XXXOOO
  20. LipstickLady

    How soon did you start driving?

    I was driving 48 hours after surgery. As soon as I was no longer taking pain meds for 24 hours, I was cleared. Don't drive until YOU feel comfortable, though.
  21. LipstickLady

    Why Am I Dropping Weight So Slowly?

    A pound a day is NOT normal. I never lost at that rate and I lost a great deal of weight fairly quickly, am 2+ years out and maintaining for over a year. Two-three pounds a WEEK is normal. Embrace your quick loss but don't get used to it. More importantly, do not mourn it when it stops and do NOT beat yourself up about it. You are doing great. You will be doing great when you "only" lose 10 pounds a month. You will be doing great if you "only" lose 5-8 pounds a month. Any loss is better than a gain and even a gain from day to day is normal.
  22. So..... My my humble opinion says that if you tell your doctor you really do NOT want to eat processed foods and you'd prefer to make your own meals while staying within the calories/protein/fat/carbs of the meals he prescribes, he would be thrilled. I have been known to grab a Lean Cuisine if I am in a pickle, but I am RARELY in a pickle since my WLS. I am NOT going to waste my precious room on highly processed, fake food. Protein, veggies and complex carbs can be had with a bit of effort, the frozen option just makes it easier. Talk to your doctor, I am sure he would understand your desire to change his plan a bit.
  23. I have no problem with her opinion or her expression of her experience. I *DO* have a problem when opinion is presented as FACT.
  24. LipstickLady

    Unchartered Territory: Scared to eat

    @@Kevbear Where in VA are you? Shoot me a message.
  25. LipstickLady

    How long until I feel well again?

    Three weeks, so hold on. At three weeks, things turn around mentally and physically. For real.

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