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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    So it turns out my wife is gay...

    Hugs to you. I know there are no words that I can say that will take away the heartache you are experiencing. It sounds to me as if your wife loves you very much and the chance of you losing her as your best friend is very slim. I hope you both find all the happiness you can handle, whether it be together, apart or together but separate.
  2. LipstickLady

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    Nope. I know many skinny people with hypoglycemia and diabetes. I'm simply saying that common sense says that a history of an eating disorder, weight loss/gain/surgery or anorexia/obesity is something a doctor or nutritionist needs to know about for ANY good diagnosis.
  3. LipstickLady

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    I would think anything related to hypoglycemia would also relate to obesity, former or current, especially where WLS is involved. I'm not a doctor, though, nor do I play one on TV. Edit to add: I don't play a doctor on the internet, either.
  4. I am far too lazy to do fills, have a port to take care of, worry about slippage and adjustments... I love my sleeve but only YOU can decide what is best for you.
  5. LipstickLady

    Afraid I'll gain the weight back...

    SWIM girl!! It feels so good. Forget the scars and marks ... your body will feel so good with each pound lost. Good for your joints, too. Swim!!
  6. LipstickLady

    Afraid I'll gain the weight back...

    Can you swim? That's m absolute go to when I have injuries. I am a martial arts instructor. I often have injuries.
  7. LipstickLady

    Afraid I'll gain the weight back...

    Yup. And my worry keeps me on track. I weigh myself every day. I weigh, measure and track my food many days (randomly, not all). I get in at least 15k steps most days along with a workout. I stay cognizant of what I am doing and I don't lose sight of my goal -- staying at a healthy weight and keeping my body moving. My fear keeps me honest and doing the right thing.
  8. LipstickLady

    Alcoholic beverages

    I don't cheat. I am a grown up. I make choices. Sometimes my choices are bad, most often my choices are good. Either way, I am accountable and responsible. I truly despise the word "cheat".
  9. LipstickLady

    Alcoholic beverages

    I totally disagree. I often look at someone's previous posts if I feel their words are interesting/out of left field/questionable/humorous/ very wise/etc -- ESPECIALLY if they are very new or have very few posts. Doing so gives me context on their mind set and experiences so I can more understand their point if view. I personally think the words "bully", "manipulate", "shame" are being very much overused lately and do not apply here. In fact, I find their very use (along with the words dangerous and pathological) a bit manipulative/bullying in and of themselves.
  10. LipstickLady

    Needing something to control appetite

    And....this is the type of "advice" I'd ignore.
  11. What's you pre op diet and how long do you need to do it? Your efforts there will be very telling of your commitment. Honestly, I'm worried for you.
  12. LipstickLady

    No sleep

    I didn't sleep well for about three months. Everything shifted to normal at about that point.
  13. LipstickLady

    Your body is a wonderland!

  14. LipstickLady

    Alcoholic beverages

    I drink beer but I have to pour it in a glass to get some of the bubbles out. Wine and sweet drinks give me terrible heart burn that's actually debilitating it's so painful. I do drink Vodka with diet cranberry juice or light orange juice and I love a bloody mary. I had my first drink at about 3 months out when I was on vacation with my family. My experience was that I got super drunk, super fast from one small drink. I also sobered up pretty quickly. I have a beer or three once a week or so. No big deal.
  15. LipstickLady

    Obesity! Will that word follow me to the grave :(

    No shocker here, but I have to disagree with the OP. Disclaimer. The OP is the OP, I am me. I am *in no way* putting her down, saying she's wrong to feel as she does or discounting her feelings. About five years ago, I was diagnosed with a lemon sized brain tumor. It was benign and it was successfully removed. The surgery itself left behind a lot of scar tissue on my brain and about 45% of my skull is metal. I am still at a risk for seizures, short term memory loss, and inability to fully focus due to the location and size of the tumor. I am no longer a person with a brain tumor, but I will ALWAYS be a brain tumor patient. About two years ago, I had weight loss surgery to fix my morbid obesity. I am now in the normal range of BMI, I am fit and healthy. I will ALWAYS be an obesity patient. Because of my sleeve I have to follow a special diet, I am not supposed to have NSAIDs, and there is that question about intubation I am still not clear on. I have no doubt that after several decades of being obese, I have done permanent damage to something -- whether it be my knees, by feet, my insides, my skin. I, too, was a perfectly healthy fat person, and I am no longer a fat person, but my records still retain the obesity diagnosis. I do not find the clinical word "repulsive, horrible and downright dehumanizing". It's fact. I was obese, I still live with the effects of obesity and I will always live a different lifestyle due to my obesity. I do not let words "trigger" me, "shame" me or make me feel badly about myself. I fought my obesity and I won. It's a relevant part of my past medically and emotionally and it's made me ultimately a better person. I will never allow words to have power over me. I am in control of ME, and since my WLS, now more than ever. I hate that the OP feels so badly about her experience, and I truly wish it didn't happen the way it did. That said, we have more power over our own emotions than others do.
  16. LipstickLady

    Rant of the day

    Happened to me, too! I waited FOUR WEEKS before calling only to be told it "fell through the cracks". I was PISSED. I three way called the doctor and the insurance company and made sure they had the paperwork in hand before I hung up with either. I was given my approval immediately.
  17. Wow. I certainly hope your visit was atypical. I have volunteered at MANY a food pantry run by churches, government agencies, and local community groups and I have NEVER seen such food passed out. As a matter of fact, I had no idea that there were pantries out there that even took baked goods and candy. I would not go as far as saying that the food I have sorted and handed out was particularly healthy, but they were decent staples. Our typical food packages included Soups, Peanut Butter and jelly, shelf stable milk, canned fruits and veggies, canned meats and pastas. There were some boxed cake mixes as well as frosting but usually only one or two per family. Argh! I am happy for you that things are on the upswing and I do hope all continues to improve. Thank you for this thread. I need to get back into being active in our local food pantries.
  18. LipstickLady

    So...a water park happened...

    For the first time since my surgery, I took my kids to a Water park. First and foremost, I was always one of those fatties that forced myself to "keep up" with "normal weight" people so I never visibly showed how hard it was to walk the park and climb the (freaking endless) steps to the tops of the rides. That said, by the end of the day, I used to be so exhausted I didn't want to move the next day. This time was SO MUCH different. Never once was I out of breath. Never once did I dread squeezing my ass into a tube. I wasn't the fastest down to the bottom and my thighs didn't rub themselves into misery just because I was wet and huffing along with the group. lunch time wasn't an absolute RELIEF like it used to be -- instead, it was just lunch. I am fairly certain I looked fine in my swimsuit and I wasn't the slow one in the group. There was one ride where the entire group had to step on a scale to ensure we didn't surpass maximum rate for the tube and I didn't sweat it for a second. In fact, I happily jumped on the scale and didn't think twice about someone seeing my weight. I am no longer "new" to the WLS experience, but this was a great thing. For real.
  19. Don't be jealous that I'm hot. Be jealous because I'm smart.
  20. Hmmm... The rest of my post disappeared. You need more Protein, less snacky food. Where's the meat? The protein source? Complex carbs? Laughing cows are delicious with celery or pepper strips. Nuts are good, apples are eh.... cheese is great, eggs, shrimp, Jerky, chicken, hummus, edamame, yogurt (which I hate). My Snacks are usually shrimp salad, olives, cheese cubes, almonds, reduced fat beef hot dogs, refried black Beans with cheese with red peppers as the dipper. Pickles for salty crunch, ham or crab salad for indulgent spread, artichoke dip or crab dip with veggies. Riceless sushi, crab legs, chicken salad. Get rid of common carbs for a few weeks. You'll live. And drink Water. Lots of it.
  21. I'm not one to ban people and I won't delete posts, but I will lock this thread.
  22. As a moderator of this forum, I was simply sending you a gentle reminder of the rules and regulations of use that you are consistently and *I believe* intentionally breaking. If you'd prefer I not remind you of those rules, I will ask @@Alex Brecher to do so instead.
  23. So again, I am going to remind you that the rules and regulations of this forum ask that no matter the forum, you abstain from personal remarks and attacks. Thank you.

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