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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Giving up

    ...a fat, self centered, sarcastic, opinionated 45 yr old guy... But a self aware one, and that's HUGE.
  2. You know...you are so right! I do not remember the day I went over 200, but that must have sucked. The day I went over 250, I was devastated because I was on the fast track to 300 in my mind -- closer to that number than 199. Sigh. WOW.
  3. LipstickLady

    Concern about WLS and my fat cat!

    First, I must say, I thought your were talking in code about your lady bits in the title. Whoooops! Second, why in the world would you have a drain for a week? Is that common? No one I know has even gone home with a drain. Mine was pulled the next day. That said, I am no expert, so... I have a 65 pound lapdog and had similar concerns. I, too, used a body pillow as buffer.
  4. LipstickLady

    What Do You Do in the Moment?

    I will most often take one very small bite if I am offered something yummy while. For me, that's all it (usually) takes to cure any craving. If I am at home, I think about when I am having my next meal and if that bite will ruin it. (My restriction is very tight.) I rarely indulge in "extras" at home.
  5. LipstickLady

    Veterans: Sluggish bowels?

    I have slushy bowels, unfortunately.
  6. LipstickLady

    When People Notice Your Weight Loss

    Just smile and say "Thank you". If they start to get intrusive with questions, simply tell them you are tired of talking about your weight but would be happy to discuss theirs. They will stop.
  7. LipstickLady

    Giving up

    I don't think your problem in finding a relationship is weight related.
  8. LipstickLady

    Questions for Alcohol Drinkers ONLY!

    3 months. No. No. No.
  9. LipstickLady


    I'd keep drinking that juice, personally. I'm not much of a fruit eater post-op as my restriction is too tight. I would (and do!), however, Water it down. Start with 25% water to 75% juice and get yourself to 50/50. It still tastes great, much less sugar and you can up your intake to double what you're drinking now if you are so inclined. I water down juice and Gatorade for myself and my family. Saves $$, too. As far as losing too fast? I'd tell him to suck it and keep doing your thing...
  10. Afraid/anxious/terrified? No. I have better things to expend my energy on. Aware/diligent? Absolutely. I was just called "green" because I am "only" 2.5 years out. I will NOT regain because I am determined to stay healthy. Don't confuse that confidence with arrogance, though. I know what I need to do to stay where I am and I will not fail my body again.
  11. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    Classy.I've been following the sleeve threads for a few months now and noticed that YOU seem to have a problem with most people on this forum and only respond in a condescending tone, while ignoring the question asked. Again, my question was asking what size bougie you have. If you don't care about what I'm asking, why did you respond? I don't get it. You comment on so many threads that I read with irrelevant eye-rolling responses or you're either attacking someone in each thread. Just like you're doing now. Omg I am so glad you pointed this out! I noticed it's always the same people with the same attitude that feel as if they need to comment their useless opinion on things that apparently don't even concern them.I don't get it?! ASUgrad posted a legit question, like most of us she has her concerns about her journey. And all of you, with the a*****e mentality, of forcing your journey on others with this condescending tone should just keep your words to yourself if you can't provide any type of real support. I have noticed a lot of people leaving the forums and being too scared to even express themselves, out of fear of being bullied or judged on the question they might have. Honestly you all should be ashamed! This is a public forum and judgement free zone. Everyone's journey is their own and how dare you sit here and pretend your better than everyone else, simply by utilizing what works for you. I used to seek comfort in these threads and support until I saw it's always the same assholes posting a ridiculous amount of their own personal journey, totally bullying others to the point that most threads seem to be having the same few people. Yes we know you did it, you had VSG and now you're the fuckin expert. Now please sit down and allow others to please share their fears without fear of retaliation. I thought this was a super interesting question and am following this thread and am thankful you asked this question! Huh. What I've noticed is that most veterans leave because they are spoken down to by "newbies" who don't appreciate the voice of experience, "newbies" who get upset if they don't get coddled and catered to. Most vets don't NEED to be here but choose to be in order to pay it forward. I've lost my weight. I've not only maintained my weight loss for over a year and a half, but I've learned what I need to do for a lifetime. I could stay in the vet's forum for support, or I could offer words to people who are pre-op and newly post-op just as vets before me did for me. I have no problem with the question, just as I have no problem with the replies until people start getting attacked because they didn't answer exactly "right". Name calling is NEVER ok and it's bizarre to me that the person calling "bully" is also throwing out words like "a*****e" and "fuckin expert". (Classy, right?) Yes. This discussion is important and it is relevant, I agree. I don't think it would be nearly as informative and educational, though, if everyone simply answered with a number. I disagree with you saying that "vets" don't need to be here. I would wager that vets need to be here as much or more than anyone else. I am a "newbie" to sleeve surgery but coming up on 9 years a veteran to wls. It gets MUCH harder 4,5,6,7 years out. You sound quite green. I don't NEED to be HERE. The Vet Forum, seeking support from vets, YES. The post-op/pre-op forums trying to give advice to newer folks, not so much. I WANT to be here, though. That's the diff.
  12. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    Okay, I want the truth..... I'm the big, mean poopy pants, aren't I? Nope. You ain't big.
  13. LipstickLady

    Bummed and angry

    Let me tell you what's fun. Walking into ANY store and buying an outfit because you love it, not just because it fits, is fun. Pulling warm jeans out of the dryer, sliding them on and buttoning them easily is fun. Wearing bright colors and patterns is fun. Pushing away a plate of food and enjoying conversation is fun. Hiking, biking, playing frisbee, dancing without getting sweaty and out of breath right away is fun. Fitting in a roller coaster, an airplane seat, a movie theater chair, down a bus aisle, etc. is fun. Wearing heels without foot pain is fun. Getting up without knee pain, back pain or weight gain is fun. Not feeling guilty about cheating on your diet is fun. Food controlling your life is not fun. Living your life is fun.
  14. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    First, you have no idea who I am calling a veteran as I named no one. Second, along with that open mind, I hope you lose the name calling thing you're doing. It really takes away from the validity of your response.
  15. Just a head's up, week 3 sucks. The whole first month sucks, but especially week 3 for some reason. Trying to get in your Water sucks. Heartburn sucks. Puréed food sucks. It's all just a phase, though, and you will get through it. It's an amazing journey! Welcome to a whole new world....
  16. LipstickLady

    Tortillas I miss you

    I started eating tortillas at about a year out. At 2 1/2 years out, I can only eat 1/3 8" tortilla or 1/2 of a standard corn tortilla, but I still enjoy them regularly. I'd much rather eat a bit of tortilla with meat and cheese over a roll or slice of bread. My restriction limits my portion tremendously, but I savor the small piece i do eat.
  17. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    Classy.I've been following the sleeve threads for a few months now and noticed that YOU seem to have a problem with most people on this forum and only respond in a condescending tone, while ignoring the question asked. Again, my question was asking what size bougie you have. If you don't care about what I'm asking, why did you respond? I don't get it. You comment on so many threads that I read with irrelevant eye-rolling responses or you're either attacking someone in each thread. Just like you're doing now. Omg I am so glad you pointed this out! I noticed it's always the same people with the same attitude that feel as if they need to comment their useless opinion on things that apparently don't even concern them. I don't get it?! ASUgrad posted a legit question, like most of us she has her concerns about her journey. And all of you, with the a*****e mentality, of forcing your journey on others with this condescending tone should just keep your words to yourself if you can't provide any type of real support. I have noticed a lot of people leaving the forums and being too scared to even express themselves, out of fear of being bullied or judged on the question they might have. Honestly you all should be ashamed! This is a public forum and judgement free zone. Everyone's journey is their own and how dare you sit here and pretend your better than everyone else, simply by utilizing what works for you. I used to seek comfort in these threads and support until I saw it's always the same assholes posting a ridiculous amount of their own personal journey, totally bullying others to the point that most threads seem to be having the same few people. Yes we know you did it, you had VSG and now you're the fuckin expert. Now please sit down and allow others to please share their fears without fear of retaliation. I thought this was a super interesting question and am following this thread and am thankful you asked this question! Huh. What I've noticed is that most veterans leave because they are spoken down to by "newbies" who don't appreciate the voice of experience, "newbies" who get upset if they don't get coddled and catered to. Most vets don't NEED to be here but choose to be in order to pay it forward. I've lost my weight. I've not only maintained my weight loss for over a year and a half, but I've learned what I need to do for a lifetime. I could stay in the vet's forum for support, or I could offer words to people who are pre-op and newly post-op just as vets before me did for me. I have no problem with the question, just as I have no problem with the replies until people start getting attacked because they didn't answer exactly "right". Name calling is NEVER ok and it's bizarre to me that the person calling "bully" is also throwing out words like "asshole" and "fuckin expert". (Classy, right?) Yes. This discussion is important and it is relevant, I agree. I don't think it would be nearly as informative and educational, though, if everyone simply answered with a number.
  18. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    And I'm betting you didn't get pissy when you got replies that didn't specifically answer your question. I'm fairly certain I also asked the same. The only answer the stuck with me was the visual of how little difference there really is -- the picture I posted but was put down for.
  19. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    I asked my nuerosurgeon to staple my face back a little tighter when he peeled it off and removed my brain tumor so I could have a mini face left at the same time. Totally not a stupid customization.
  20. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    I hope we are still talking bougies here. It's not the size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean!
  21. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    Mine was about yay big.
  22. LipstickLady

    Small bougie

    @@4MRB4PHOTO You didn't answer the question.

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