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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I miss salad?

    I use the full fat kind or a vinaigrette. I don't worry much about fat and as long as it isn't full of sugar, I'm in!
  2. LipstickLady

    Where's the "support"?

    Wait! Am I supposed to ignore some posts or answer every post? I can't keep all the rules straight.
  3. LipstickLady

    I miss salad?

    When I told my nutritionist that I missed salad she said, "No, you don't". I insisted that I did and she asked me what it was about salad that I missed. After talking about it with her, we figured out that all I really missed was the toppings. She told me to go to the salad bar and make a bowl full of toppings, add some cheese and dressing, and have at it. She was absolutely right. Onions, olives, tomato, red pepper, radish, cucumber, carrots ... All the good stuff. I couldn't eat much, but I enjoyed what I did eat. Add a schmear of hummus to that wrap! Yummmm.
  4. LipstickLady

    Decide not to have surgery?

    I never had a problem losing weight. I did great on Weight Watchers, on Atkins, on South Beach… My problem was maintaining my weight loss. Once I got to where I wanted to be, I lost focus and gained all my weight back. Plus some. I've been at my goal weight for over a year and a half. My restriction is very good and my inability to eat some foods suits me well. I don't have to think about maintenance too much, it just happens for me naturally now. I don't regret this decision one bit despite some of the minor complications I've had. Best of luck in your decision.
  5. Huh. I must live in my own little bubble of unawareness because I don't notice people treating me any differently than they did before. I was loud, sociable, opinionated, outgoing, overly confidnet and obnoxious when I was a thin teenager, the same when I was a fat 25-40 something and no different since my surgery. I get a few more looks from guys now than I did before, but that's not surprising. Hmmmm. This is my own little world and I am quite happy here.
  6. LipstickLady

    Where's the "support"?

    @@Awjones28 How boring would this world be if everyone was the same, all answers were scripted and everyone got a medal every time they played the same beat? See, I knew someone would pick up the slack. Congratulations -- you got the job. Lol yes I'm usually the stand in for the little ppl. Must be the social work background. I'm still not getting the correlation between "standing up for the little people" by condemning and name calling the "other people". Must be the middle school teacher in me.
  7. LipstickLady

    Where's the "support"?

    Exactly. I cringe when people tell others that they should exit the thread or simply not comment if/when they can't be "supportive" of someone's request for approval regarding their poor choices. My comments aren't *JUST* for the OP, they are for anyone and everyone reading the boards for information. No, I am not claiming to be an expert on anyone but myself, but I am more than happy to share my knowledge and my experiences with those reading. If one doesn't like what I have to say, they are welcome to skip it, disregard it or dispute it. My panties may not be as big as they used to be, but they are still big girl panties.
  8. LipstickLady

    Am I Nuts?

    I changed 4 months into my 6 month process because I didn't care for my original surgeon. I am so glad I did. Go with your gut. (Get it? Your GUT!!?!!?)
  9. I agree with the above, talk to your surgeon. Question, though. How close to bedtime are you eating?
  10. LipstickLady


    I eat mine with red pepper strips for crunch with a few tortilla chips thrown in because I can. I usually make a seven layer "dip" of meat, cheese, guac, sour cream, onions, salsa and Beans. My kids put that inside a burrito or eat it with chips, I just eat it as is with a spoon.
  11. LipstickLady

    (Ladies Only) Pretty panties

    Victoria's Secret makes a cut of panties that is a higher waisted cut brief It's a bit higher on the leg as well as the tummy and comes in many colors. It's a microfiber, too, so it hugs.
  12. LipstickLady

    Where's the "support"?

    And others are simply looking for validation and approval of/for their bad behavior. Oh! And some are simply looking for drama.
  13. LipstickLady

    Where's the "support"?

    I've noticed this bizarre trend of people getting crappy when they don't get positive reinforcement and validation for their poor choices regarding food, drugs and alcohol. They start accusing people of bullying, not answering the question they asked "appropriately", being meanies, acting "holier than thou", etc. I try to chalk it up to hormones, hanger, lack of good nutrition (especially based on the questions they are asking), etc. but sometimes it's really hard not to say what I'm really thinking.
  14. LipstickLady

    Where's the "support"?

    So, you're telling people not to be mean by calling them names? Color me confused! LOLZ....
  15. LipstickLady


    2 ripe avocados 1/2 cup chunky salsa 1 clove mashed garlic a few dashes of hot sauce (optional) 1/4 cup sour cream or plain Greek yogurt juice of one lemon Mash avocados to preferred consistency, mix all ingredients and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
  16. LipstickLady

    Smelly flatuence

    Wait. There is such thing as non-smelly flatulence?
  17. LipstickLady

    Nothing taste good!

    Yup. I am 2.5 years out and at times and am physically very hungry and NOTHING is appealing. I often choose not to eat at all when this happens. Weird coming from a former fatty who used to think EVERYTHING sounded delish.
  18. LipstickLady

    Knowing when to stop eating?

    I've also had a stricture since my sleeve surgery. I am 2.5 years out and still vomit several times a week. I have my "feeding" days and "non-feeding" days. Some days I can eat 1/2 a cup or so, some days I can't. I am now officially a grazer. I eat 1/4 cup, wait for awhile, eat 1/4 cup. I am rarely hungry 30 minutes later, but if I am, I eat cheese, almonds, avocado -- something low carb and high fat. The fat and flavor keep me satisfied. I am able to eyeball my food and know my portion size after years (decades, really) of Weight Watchers. I can eat a little more if it is less dense Protein like light fish or crab, but something heavier likechicken, turkey and beef 2oz is my max. If my nose starts to run, I am full. One more bite and I will vomit. If I feel that I've pushed it, I walk the stairs. I usually stick with 8-10 little bites (think less than a teaspoon) and stop. I don't like feeling full any more. It DOES feel different and it is no longer comforting.
  19. LipstickLady

    Skinny chasers

    Hold up! You scolded/threatened someone for using the phrase duck face and were offended by the word urinal, yet you are also disturbed by autocensors? Things are getting weird around here.
  20. LipstickLady

    Skinny chasers

    I'm not on the dating scene but personally, I prefer people to show their ass at the beginning of any relationship. It tells me exactly how much of myself -- if any -- I am willing to invest. I do think sweeping generalizations towards men (or women) are very unfair. I've met plenty of couples where one partner or the other married "way up" or "way down" on a physical level. I've met plenty of couple who are comprised of two very shallow people and/or two very emotionally intense people. Some people find true love at a very early age, some at a very late age. I do believe there is someone for everyone, but that one person is VERY elusive when one is not quite sure who they really are yet, especially when they are newly out of a relationship. I've been married for a little over 20 years. My relationship with my husband has definitely changed since my weight loss surgery. I am busier, I want to do different things, and I spend a lot more money (HA!). My interests haven't changed, but my willingness to be a lot more adventurous has defined our free time differently. He's still in our old routine at times, while I want to explore new things. Fortunately, he is willing to come along for the ride, but if he wasn't, I can see how that would change the dynamics of a relationship for the good OR bad. It's an interesting thing, this journey we've embarked on...
  21. LipstickLady

    Skinny chasers

    @@bellabloom Hugs, girl. I mean that sincerely.
  22. LipstickLady

    Etiquette of posting in "[opposite sex] Only" forum?

    I was imagining that duckface was quite different from what it turns out to mean. There are other slang meanings for animal parts as applied to human anatomy that are truly offensive and demeaning. Duckface turns out not to be one of them. Urinal? Ugly-sounding word for an ugly invention. Admit that they are ugly! What's with the floating screenlike thing hovering over the downpipe entry point? What can possibly come out of a man's penis that will clog the plumbing? My objection to "urinal" is purely a matter of linguistic and visual aesthetics. Duchamp and his "Fountain" be damned. Something that I don't get is how I've gotten more squeamish with time. When I was a kid, only four words were verboten. The list has grown and, yes, one would think it would have worked the other way around. C'est la vie, c'est la guerre. Meh...Perhaps I am just jaded. I can't think of a single word that is truly offensive to me. I imagine that men, just like ladies, often utilize plumbing for more than which it is intended. I don't frequent the mens' room often, but I am sure that screen has kept more than bodily waste from washing down the wrong pipes.
  23. I carry a change of clothes and wet wipes just in case.

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