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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. So, my take? I would bet that many, if not most, of us fall off the wagon at least once during our process but DUDE!! Hostess cupcakes? Little Debbies? Pop Tarts? Popcorn balls!?!?!? If you are going to fall, at least fall with something that is worth it. Cheesecake, homemade fudge brownies, great quality chocolate.... add some hookers and a bottle of "Jack" and I'm there! I know, right!?!?!?
  2. So, my take? I would bet that many, if not most, of us fall off the wagon at least once during our process but DUDE!! Hostess cupcakes? Little Debbies? Pop Tarts? Popcorn balls!?!?!? If you are going to fall, at least fall with something that is worth it. Cheesecake, homemade fudge brownies, great quality chocolate....
  3. Can someone tell me what a forged tit is, please?
  4. I agree. You should eat what you want when you want. It's not fair for your doctor, the surgeon you entrusted your life with, to expect you to follow a diet that will help you lose the most weight you can safely, efficiently while allowing your body to heal properly. This was the easy way out, after all. One should be able to have surgery and *BOOM* lose the weight without the work. Good luck to you! I am sure you are going to get exactly the right results!
  5. That said, often times one will type out the response "The sky is blue" and the delicate reader will read it as "THE GD SKY IS BLUE!!!!! YOU ARE AN F'ING MORON!!!! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU ASK SUCH A STOOPID ASS QUESTION?!?!?", when really, the person who answered simply said "the sky is blue".
  6. I'm so confused........ Obviously we are going to have to automatically start quoting the original posts around here because people are deleting them for some inexplicable reason?? Yes. Absolutely, yes. Makes me crazy.
  7. Absolutely. But as soon as I sensed the discomfort/jealousy/hurt feelings, I backed off and realized that I needed to be more sensitive. I didn't allow anyone to take away from my success, but I also didn't wave MY SUCCESS in the face of someone who was clearly emotional about it. What would be the point in that?
  8. I'm seriously not even sure what that means but... It's hard for people who are also trying to lose weight to see their results next to those of us who are fortunate enough to have WLS. Many of them are under the misconception that this is the "easy way out". They don't know the truth of the diet and exercise we have (should!) to follow. They don't know about the discomfort, the sleeplessness, the mind f**k this process really is. That said... If you got pregnant, would you "flaunt that" to a friend struggling with infertility? If you got a raise, would you talk that up to a friend who just got laid off? It's give and take. Yes, your friends should be happy for you, but they are human. Let them feel their feelz and respect that. You are still winning by losing, right?
  9. I never wore a girdle. Yuck! I fixed your title.
  10. LipstickLady


    Why can't you eat corn?
  11. LipstickLady

    So what's changed?

    Perhaps I shouldn't tell you this, but a pinch of salt in the brew deflates the bloat.
  12. LipstickLady

    Where's the "support"?

    Yes, just as long as you don't drink your melted ice cream liquid 15 minutes before or 30 minutes after. Silly boy. Ice cream makes me dump. I did hold off on the margaritas for about 15 minutes, though.
  13. LipstickLady

    Where's the "support"?

    I used warm slightly under baked toll house coookies to scoop up chocolate fudge icing during my soft food stage. There were no nuts in the cookies so that was ok, right?
  14. First and foremost, I am cold as a mothafookah! ALL THE TIME. I am wearing jeans when most people are wearing shorts. I always have a tank top on under my sweater and am usually wearing fleece leggings under my pants. As a fatty, I never ever wore a coat unless I was skiing and now, not only do I wear one, but I carry a spare if I am going in to my kids' schools to use as a blanket. I keep my house at 74 and I turn on the fireplace when I am downstairs. I set my car thermostat at 88 and can hardly bear to get out of my car and go into stores. The grocery, which is always colder than any other place including Antarctica, has me scurrying through as quickly as possible and shaking uncontrollably by the time I am out of there. I sleep in wool socks, fleece leggings, a tank and a long sleeve tshirt. I wrap myself in a wool blanket and then get under the sheet, fleece blanket, down comforter and regular comforter. (Husband is pretty sure he's not getting any action until summer. He's probably right.) I am cold cold cold cold cold and it's 45 degrees outside. I am probably not going to survive when it hits the teens. Second is something I just figured out last night. I can no longer have a glass of milk with my brownie/muffin/cake. Yeah, yeah, I know. I am not supposed to be eating those things, but I had the sleeve so I could live a relatively normal life post op. I have a slight stricture so I am forced to follow the no drinking for an hour after eating rule or I will vomit. I don't like it, but I've leaned to live with it after 18 months. Last night I ate half of the best chocolate chip muffin I've ever had. I wanted a glass of milk SO bad, I couldn't resist. I poured about two inches and it was so delicious, I chugged it. The milk and the muffin revisited. Quickly. I barely made it to the bathroom. Ugh. SO YES. I found two things I hate about my sleeve. That said, there are so many HUGE things I love about it, I don't regret it for a minute. I can bundle up, I can wait on the milk. I can't imagine ever going back to where I was. I am thrilled about my decision despite these two stupid little things and I am so happy I had surgery. SO HAPPY.
  15. Every f*%king weight watchers meeting EVER.
  16. LipstickLady

    serious question for fellow "veterans"

    @@CowgirlJane You are relevant.
  17. ONE WAY IS BY TYPING IN ALL CAPS.Yes, I know that's what all caps is *supposed* to mean, but I just don't see it. I'm not trying to be obtuse, I just don't understand why one would allow a stranger on the internet with a caps lock key (or a few unsavory words) control them. @@agalindo17 You control your thoughts, your emotions, your actions. Say what you want, how you want. Keep what you want to hear, ignore the rest. This is your journey and you get to choose your happiness along the way. You can be successful and you will be if you follow your doctor's plan. That's really all that matters in the grand scheme of things.
  18. Imagine how mean this people are that is felt as if there yelling on the Internet! Wait, whuuuut? My question was serious. How does one "yell" on the internet? I've been using the World Wide Web since AOL dial up days. I've never felt "yelled at". I've gotten into disagreements, I've had people cuss at me, fuss at me, call me names, but written words on my computer screen have never YELLED at me. How is my question mean? Wait! Were you just yelling at me?
  19. I'm eating a Toll House cookie.
  20. How does one "yell" on the internet?
  21. Sure! But good luck on surviving 300-500 calories a day for a year without the restriction, lack of grehlin, and other benefits of surgery. I know I couldn't have gone it. Believe me, I tried.
  22. Why is the word bash even being used? Jeeeeezus!
  23. LipstickLady

    What's the deal with ice?

    I'm not on liquids, so I have no excuse, other than to say that your nurse is an idiot. Enjoy ice. Seriously. And green cows, freckles and the view from the roof.
  24. LipstickLady

    What's the deal with ice?

    Yes. I like your freckles. Stop asking.

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