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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady


    May 2013 was the date of my surgery. And nope, no rice.
  2. LipstickLady

    ok, dumb social experiment

    Girl! You have big balls!! I admire your courage. EEEEK!! I'd totally ask the one you think it is to meet you back in the same place at a certain time. Go in a few minutes earlier and hang. If it's him that walks in, great. If it's not, he'd never know you...
  3. LipstickLady

    ok, dumb social experiment

    I totally giggled at this...
  4. LipstickLady


    I used to love rice. White rice, brown rice, black rice, Jasmine rice, you name it, I'd inhale it. Rice makes me hurl now. I can eat a bite or three (small) but within 20 minutes it will come back up. It's almost as if it grows in my stomach and MUST.COME.BACK.NOW. And it does. I don't even want rice any more. Pahsta (sic) does the same.
  5. The flouncing is REAL this week!

  6. LipstickLady

    New body brings new partners -- many new partners

    I think you should ask your husband for a divorce and set him free. He deserves so much more than you are willing to give him and less than what you might give him accidentally. Please note. I am *NOT* judging you. You deserve happiness and if that means getting jiggy with 2 people or 200 people, have at it. Just remember, while you are married to him legally, you are being unfair to him in your Quest for whatever it is you are looking for.
  7. LipstickLady

    Does anyone miss their stomach?

    Nope. I don't miss my stomach. I also don't miss my big floppy boobs that blocked my view of my feet when I tried to groom my bits. I don't miss my squishy lap that stopped me from painting my own toes. I don't miss my fat thighs rubbing together for the everlasting chub rub. I don't miss the boils where my fat overlapped. I don't miss my chubby feet that forced me to look for wide shoes or go up a size. I don't miss my fat ass that didn't fit into theater seats or through turnstiles. I don't miss my second (or third) chin. I don't miss my fat calves that wouldn't squeeze into tall boots. I don't miss my fat neck that made turtle necks feel like they were squeezing me to death. I don't miss all the fat on my arms, my torso, my chest that stopped me from wrapping my arms all the way around my loved ones and giving them the hugs they deserved. Nope. I don't miss a lot of things since surgery...NOT AT ALL.
  8. LipstickLady

    Sitting in a bath

    My surgeon told be I could swim again once my scabs had healed to prevent bacteria from getting inside the incisions. Mileage varies from person to person, I imagine.
  9. LipstickLady

    VSG vs Gall Bladder Removal

    I had my gall bladder out about 2 years before my VSG. At the time, I was an exceptional needs teacher teaching emotionally disturbed (read that angry with physical outbursts) children. I planned my surgery the Tuesday before Turkey Day (Wednesday was a half day at our school and pretty useless). I was home four hours after surgery and felt sore but no pain. My physical limitations were not to vacuum, lift more than 15 pounds or get punched in the front for at least two weeks. I was driving on Wednesday, used my surgery as an excuse to skip Thanksgiving with the in-laws and went black Friday people watching to walk the mall a bit. I went back to work on Monday, was nearly dead with exhaustion so I stayed out Tuesday and then did a half day that Wednesday. Back to full time on Thursday to a physically and emotionally rough job and was fine.
  10. It's very empowering to just be able to order a cup of soup, or even just a cup of coffee. I often times order "just" a drink and sip it while everyone else orders a meal. I don't tell anyone why, if anyone asks, I simply say I'm not hungry in a manner that invites no more questions and I change the subject. As far as it being a "waste"? I've had to change my mindset on that completely. If I have a bag of wheat thins and I eat them, they are gone. If I have a bag of wheat thins, I don't eat them and have to throw them away because they go stale, they are gone. Either way, they are gone. The only real difference is I didn't consume the carbs and calories unnecessarily. I have to remind myself that every stinking time I clean out my kids' lunchboxes. WHY WHY WHY am I fussing at them for NOT eating foods they obviously didn't want that day? The cleaning the plate mentality is what got ME here and I am not putting them there. Sorry for the ramble...that's just been on my mind lately.
  11. LipstickLady

    Windows and mirrors

    I can't even count how many times I caught sight of myself in a store window or mirror and thought to myself -- "Hey! That chick is wearing MY outfit. I wish I was her size.", only to realize I **WAS** that chick.
  12. You might be able to but I can't. I dump if I eat more than three small bites of cream based soops or ice cream. I hurl if I eat rice, passta or soft bread. I can eat treats all the time. My new habit is to just have a small taste or two and move on, though.
  13. OHHHH!! You get PMs, too?? I thought it was just me!!
  14. No, your truth is not my truth at all, and yes, over the top drama simply for effect is far too much *in my opinion*. Glad you own it, though.
  15. I never said it to anyone at the time, but I wondered that one. Now look at me. I sneer at the askers behind their backs. It's lovely to be superior and jaded. Sneer? Superior? Jaded? Dramatic much? In all my time on this forum, FB groups, other WLS discussion boards, etc., I have read ONE story where the author actually had proof of such suspicions. Even she had surgery performed, however, the stomach simply wasn't made as small as it should have been. Never have I read/heard of someone who went in, went under, and came back with no WLS when advised they had it. You?
  16. My favorite topics: Will I grow an inch for every 10 pounds I lose? Did my doctor really perform surgery? I can still eat ... I've only lost 50 pounds in the last 6 weeks. Why am I losing so SLLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWWW!?!?!?!
  17. Yup. Sometimes. Depends on what I've eaten. What does your diet consist of?
  18. I simply tell family I'm not hungry if asked. Mostly, I make a plate with small spoonfuls of everything spread far apart as I don't like anything touching. Then I just kind of push things around and take a nibble of something soft or saucy occasionally. The less you make of it, the less they notice.
  19. LipstickLady


    I didn't eat them at two months out, though. I started eating them after I hit goal and knew what I needed to do to maintain.
  20. LipstickLady

    Ketchup and quiche

    Fries make me hurl. I can have 2-3 and that's it. Ketchup on quiche. Uuuuugh.....
  21. LipstickLady


    I eat good quality all beef hot dogs a few times a week. They are easy, flavorful, all Protein and one is more than plenty. I never worry about fat content, personally. I like Boar's Head, and Hebrew National best.
  22. LipstickLady

    Ketchup and quiche

    I'm sorta thinking she meant ketchup and quiche, not ketchup ON quiche, but I may be wrong... Quiche was one of my very first "real" foods and I regularly make crustless quiche. My kids love it, I love it and it's quick, easy and full of proteen (sic). As long as you saute the onions, they shouldn't be a problem. Raw, they won't be a problem once you are fully cleared but they are a bit harder to digest. When I first started eating quiche, I did dice up the veggies and meats finer than normal and I skipped the broccoli all together. Make and freeze mini quiches! Two or three is a perfect sized sleeve meal.
  23. I think this is a bit harsh. You do know that not only are we not all English speakers here but, we are also at different levels of education and also is the fact that these days many of us multitask, and as such one task often suffers- usually for me grammar and punctuation during texting.I often text in a hurry and sometimes make mistakes. I am also multi-lingual and it takes a great deal of effort to get it right all the time. I did say "gentle advice" in hopes that she wouldn't be (too) offended. I was nice and just trying to explain that in order for us to help her, we'd have to first understand what she was asking or saying. You probably didn't see the original post, it was one humungous run-on sentence. It was very difficult to understand - that's why the first few posters were saying "huh?" and "I don't understand what you're saying." After she corrected her original post, she had a lot more responses, advice and tips etc because she was being understood. That's it. That's all. I totally get it that people are bilingual and that their 1st language isn't English..... I live in Canada. I don't think you were being rude at all. Of course, I'm typically the one accused of being rude so my soul may be very dark or non-existent.
  24. I'm choosing to be "supportive" and tell the OP what he/she wants to hear. Sorry to one up you, there.
  25. Bite your tongue! I find a Hostess Cupcake the greatest quality chocolate! Or chocolate like substance.... One should NEVER cheat with a foodlike product. All cheating should be done with REAL food in all it's fatty, sugary, creamy, gooey glory.

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