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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I'm watching my weight. I'm really not hungry. I ate before I came. My tummy isn't feeling right. I'm doing a liquid cleanse. I had a huge breakfast/lunch/dinner. I'll just have a drink today. I'm just in the mood for a cup of Soup. I'm more a "f**k off and mind your own business" girl, myself. Trust me, I am screeching this on the inside. Can't really say that in a business meeting with clients or team members, unfortunately.
  2. LipstickLady

    Addicted to BP

    It's because of me, isn't it?
  3. LipstickLady


    If you can get through the first three days, you will be fine. If you "cheat", you will restart that misery again and again as the carbs leave your system. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. sleep, brush your teeth, gargle with Listerine. Nothing tastes good after that. Gum, breath mints, SF lollipops. Keep busy, knit, paint your fingernails, walk, things you can't eat while doing. You can do it. If you can't, you aren't as ready for surgery as you might want to be. Sounds harsh, and I don't mean it that way, but it's reality.
  4. LipstickLady

    My Favorite Meal!

    So.... Let's share! What is your favorite meal post op? If you can, post a recipe, or a general idea of what's in it. I've never differentiated breakfast/lunch/dinner so you don't need to either. Low carb is definitely preferred, real food, not pre-made or frozen. Simple recipes rule, crock pot recipes that the family loves are even better! GO!
  5. LipstickLady

    I'm bummed, y'all. So bummed.

    My psych eval was bullsh*t. The "doctor" was absolutely crazy and after the questionnaire and background papers, she spent the next hour trying to convince me that I was most likely sexually abused in a past life (not this current one) which I'm fairly certain isn't true (wasn't in this one either). She cleared me for surgery if I made two more appointments with her, which I did, but promptly canceled as soon as my surgery was scheduled. She was a total lunatic.
  6. Were you supposed to lose weight or just maintain? My insurance plan wanted me to have a 5% weight loss over my six months to show that I was dedicated to the plan. Some insurance companies want more, some want nothing at all. I'd check with your provider for details.
  7. LipstickLady

    Incentive Spirometer

    Hospital provided mine.
  8. Wait, whuuuuut?? I am always so dang cold, I keep a cardigan on hand every where I go!! I used to wear one in the heat of the summer to "cover" my fat. Every. Single. Day. Now it is a CHOICE to wear it. Oh, how we fooled ourselves. Black was slimming, if we didn't order appetizers or Desserts in public, no one would know we ate them, the salads we ordered with dressing on the side was all we really ate that day, etc. :eyeroll:
  9. Wait, whuuuuut?? I am always so dang cold, I keep a cardigan on hand every where I go!!
  10. LipstickLady

    Everyday is a battle

    It's a beautiful road. A really, really beautiful road. Trust me.
  11. LipstickLady

    The thoughtless comments

    Every time I clean out my daughter's lunch box, I have to hold myself back from asking why she didn't finish this or eat that and I cringe when throwing things away. I remind myself that if she actually ate it, it would be gone. If I throw it in the garbage, it's gone. Either way -- it's gone! Why in the world would I go against her natural appetite? If she doesn't like something, she will tell me. If I don't make her enough, she will tell me. If I make too much, she doesn't think to tell me. So now, I am packing smaller lunches and if she comes home hungry, I'll hear about it. That's the bottom line for me. If you don't make enough starch and your family is hungry after a meal, point them to the PB&J or ceereal (sic) and milk. I am sure they are capable of compiling a snack out of either.
  12. Why is is awkward? I started going out with friends, clients and team members week one and it's never been awkward because I won't let it be. I'm watching my weight. I'm really not hungry. I ate before I came. My tummy isn't feeling right. I'm doing a liquid cleanse. I had a huge breakfast/lunch/dinner. I'll just have a drink today. I'm just in the mood for a cup of Soup. The less notice I bring to what I eat, the less people notice.
  13. LipstickLady

    Everyday is a battle

    I am SO extremely grateful for my restriction. In fact, I have a slight stricture that makes my restriction greater than many and I refuse to get it corrected because I prefer the inability to eat much. It keeps me honest and it keeps me on track. Eat to live, don't live to eat. There is a big difference, one you should think about embracing.
  14. LipstickLady

    The horse Is dead. Why go on beating it?

    Correct. I clearly confused "how an internet forum is supposed to work" with how I think adults should behave. No "rule book" there, either.
  15. LipstickLady

    The thoughtless comments

    Make half. That's what I do.
  16. LipstickLady

    Can we ever have cake?

    There's nothing I *CAN'T* have. I make good choices 95% of the time and not as good choices the other 5% of the time. Bottom line? They are choices I make and I live with the consequences.
  17. LipstickLady

    The horse Is dead. Why go on beating it?

    Absolutely. This is how an internet forum is SUPPOSED to work.
  18. REALLY!?!? That looks so gross. I tried the black bean pasta at costco once and it was great for my weight loss efforts. It was so nasty, I hucked it up and spent the next three days gargling Listerine trying to get the taste out of my mouth.
  19. I love walking just for the sake of getting outside. It's no longer a sweaty, outdoor punishment for past over indulgences. I love mud runs even though I don't like getting dirty. I love climbing trees. (At my age!?!?) I love slipping on a pair of skinny jeans and tall boots (BASIC!!) and buttoning them easily. I love being able to eat just one... or a half of one!! There's nothing NOT to love!
  20. LipstickLady

    Confused by Soup

    Doesn't it always? I wouldn't count that either. I'm talking full on broth based soups with stuff floating in it. Your's sounds much heartier. Yum!
  21. LipstickLady

    Confused by Soup

    I had this issue, too. For me, any more than the tiniest sip of liquid for at least 20 minutes after a meal will bring that meal right back up and out and I am 2.5 years out. When I was a year out and less, I had to wait a full hour minimum or my results would be the same. No matter what you WANT to think, while broth based soup is a food, it really is a savory liquid with solid food in it and I struggled eating it the "normal" way -- still do. Now I spoon up most of the broth and "eat" that first, wait a few minutes and then eat the actual solids. It's the only way I can tolerate it. I tried cereal with milk once -- a food I used to love. Nope. It stuck, then it washed, then it rapidly came back. Cereal is no longer my go to breakfast, snack, dinner. Multi-grain Cheerios, I miss you...
  22. I focus on the people, not on the food. I will make a plate of veggies and Protein, but as I don't like my food to touch, I just get a small spoonful of my choices. I eat my measured (eyeballed) amount slowly and enjoy the conversation where I used to eat while thinking about what I was getting for my second serving. If I really don't want to eat, I will pour myself a drink and sip on that instead of making a plate. Sometimes coffee, sometimes wine, usually (shhhhhhh...) Coke Zero. Bubbles fill me up and I CAN'T eat, so win!!
  23. LipstickLady

    Seeing large amounts of food make me feel sick

    Seeing other people's portions doesn't make me physically sick, but it does fascinate me that I used to be able to eat that much in a sitting and more an hour later. I mean, it utterly FASCINATES me. I love Jason's Deli. My kids and I go every other week or so and I really try not to be an assh*le, but internally, I guess I am just wired that way. HA! I definitely don't *JUDGE* anyone for their choices, but I can't help but look on in wonderment at what some people can consume. Their baked potatoes are easily the size of a football and then topped with mounds of stuff. The sandwiches are at least a pound of meat plus cheese, fixings and a side. When I see someone finishing off both, I can't help but be grateful that I made this choice because there is no way my body was meant to consume that much food in a sitting but I was well on my way.
  24. LipstickLady

    Why Oh Why?

    I don't think surgeons WANT to cancel surgeries, that just costs them money, clients and time. It's my opinion that the doctor is looking out for you AND for him/herself. If you were to suffer from a heart attack or stroke on the table, that would be horrific for you, your family and for the surgeon's practice. In the day and age of malpractice suits, doctors need to look at all possible outcomes and weigh the risks/benefits for the good of all involved.

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