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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Bored with food choices!

    Crustless quiche. You can add any meats or veggies your diet allows along with your favorite cheeses. Same with omelettes. Crab cakes, seafood salad, salmon, tilapia. cheese. Real, full fat, delicious cheese. Avocado, deviled eggs, ham salad, olives, edamame, meatballs with different sauces. Think appetizer menus! I love finger foods and cookbooks have great ideas for little Protein portions.
  2. I had to take anti-cramping meds as well as anti-nauseousness drugs for about three months post op. This will pass.
  3. LipstickLady

    "Don't do that!"

    Why in the world would you allow a random teeny bopper to have control over your feelings for even a moment? Unless she was wearing a stethoscope and you were writing her a check for your medical treatment, her words are meaningless.
  4. There is a big difference between being "honest and upfront" and being rude and tactless.
  5. They initiated the conversation by commenting on my weight loss. With the man, I really got sick of him bitching about his health problems and why he can't ever find a mate. He's the type that constantly chases after people who are like a perfect 10 but can't understand why they don't want to be with a morbidly obese person. I'm never judgemental with weight issues and I merely suggested that I know he has low self esteem and that the surgery would help him with both his self esteem and health issues. They may have initiated a conversation, but did they solicit your advice? Big difference. Suggesting someone has low self esteem and your thoughts on how to correct that could be construed as highly offensive in my book.
  6. LipstickLady

    Considering a re-sleeve in the new year

    Whatever you decide does not make you "lesser of a person". Good luck to you!
  7. Did you initiate the conversation or did they approach you? I've personally not "convinced" anyone to have surgery nor would I broach the subject with someone. When I was a fatty, I knew it. I didn't need anyone suggesting the newest diet, cookbook or weight loss plan. I certainly didn't need anyone suggesting a life altering, permanent ELECTIVE surgery. I, too, would have been highly offended. While I am an open person, my health and my body are my business, no one else's. I pity anyone who thinks my body is their business.
  8. LipstickLady

    Losing a best friend

    Have you asked her outright why she is avoiding you? That's probably your best course of action.
  9. LipstickLady

    Unsuccesful surgery ?!?

    Some patients don't follow their pre-op diet, their liver proves to be too fatty for the procedure and the doctor sews them back up without going through with it. That's for their safety.
  10. Dangit, that's kind of dumb. Hope people don't judge my the quality of my post and questions by the title I guess lol. I can fix it. What would you like it to say?
  11. Personal leave. Just as someone said above, easy answer, no big lie.
  12. Does brand matter? No clue.I use Culturelle 15million BTU.
  13. I had violent, frequent, immediate poop soop (sic) for two and a half years post op until I finally smartened up and started taking the pro----biotics (sic) people advised me to use. It worked in less than 24 hours.
  14. LipstickLady

    The fear of regain is REAL!

    @@VSGAnn2014 has a woody.
  15. I ask for a receipt for petty cash. Then go home and eat them all myself. Yeah...been there, done that, got the tee shirt. A 2XL tee shirt!
  16. Yup. As a fat woman, I really fooled the public when I got an extra small cup of fro-yo or a baby cone of ice cream. I am sure NO ONE noticed how fat I was because of my obvious restraint and dainty portions. HA!! Now if I were to get a teeny portion, people would URGE me to eat more because I "need to" or "can afford" it. Oh, how things have changed.
  17. LipstickLady


    Double nutritional value? She's growing a human baby, not a baby elephant. When I was pregnant, my doctor was VERY adament that I was NOT eating for two, I was eating for one and a baby shrimp. All I needed was an extra 200 calories (about an apple) above a NORMAL diet, not over what I was currently inhaling, to maintain a healthy me and a healthy baby. I chose not to listen and gained about 100 pounds of baby weight over the course of two children that I never lost leading to my need for WLS. I wish I would have listened.
  18. LipstickLady

    The fear of regain is REAL!

    That's what HE said. LOL. This brings a whole new meaning to "exploring one's roots"! And there it stood, like a mighty oak!
  19. LipstickLady

    The fear of regain is REAL!

    That's what HE said.
  20. Nope. Listerine is a disgusting liquid that will kill your taste for anything else for HOURS. LOLZ.
  21. LipstickLady

    Eat more calories!

    That's not everyone. I am almost 2.5 years out and my hunger has not really returned nor can I eat more than 1/3-2/3 cup at a sitting. 2/3 is pushing it.
  22. I'm sure I will get shi*t for this, but all you can really do is suck it up and deal with it. Keep your hands busy, keep your mind busy, keep your body busy. Suduko Walk Knit Paint your nails (hard to eat with wet nails) Walk Brush and gargle with something strong that isn't whiskey Walk Read a book sleep Sip Water Walk This will pass.

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