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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I've been getting on the scale every day, three to four times a day (step aerobics -- it counts!) for the last few decades. First thing in the AM, after a poo, at a random time in the middle of the day, right before bed... It doesn't bother me to see fluctuations. It keeps me mindful and on track and since WLS, I just love to see the number. It's truly a beautiful sight. What I have noticed over the last few months is that I no longer need to weigh myself immediately upon waking, right after a pee and stark nekky. If I am almost dressed when I remember, so be it. If I still have jammies on, so be it. Jeans? OH WELL! Heck, I got on the scale in jeans AND knee boots the other day along with my sweater and jacket. I NEVER would have done that at 260+ pounds. Like my surgery, it's a tool. It doesn't make me or break me, it just helps me make good choices and reflect on the bad ones.
  2. LipstickLady

    Miss my diet pepsi :(

    At 2 1/2 years out, I drink soda but at two weeks out??? :faint: I couldn't even get in half my protein and fluid requirements much less have room for soda and ritz crackers that early out. Hell! It took my almost 6 months to get to the point where I was CLOSE to my nutritional requirements. It's amazing how different each surgeon's plan is for recovery, healing and maximum weight loss. My doctor would have ponked me in my head if I even suggested such things on such a fresh incision.
  3. LipstickLady

    Glorious Food!

    I can't eat ice cream. More than 3-4 bites and I hurl -- from both ends. I also can't eat rice or Pasta. More than 3-4 bites and I hurl -- from the face only. I used to love all three of these foods and I never imagined giving them up. I had the sleeve because I understood that one could usually eat anything post op. I wanted to live as normally as possible. Now I don't even want any of these foods. As delicious as I remember them, they all make me feel so bad, I no longer crave them at all.
  4. LipstickLady

    Night cravings

    They are MUCH MUCH cheaper at costco.
  5. LipstickLady

    Night cravings

    I take my own. Everywhere. Pictsweet brand sells these little micorwave boxes that are "individual serving" size. You get a LOT in the box. They usually go on sale for 10/$10. YUM.
  6. LipstickLady

    Night cravings

    I have night time cravings as well, especially during my "non-feeding" days. It was really bad about 6 months post op, when I was barely getting in 600 calories a day and exercising a lot. I figured out that my body just needs a constant stream of food and I am absolutely useless when I do three squares and a snack. My body is much happier with 6-7 mini meals over the day, mostly consisting of meat, cheese and edamame. As long as my calories and Protein track about the same, I don't see the problem with it. 1500 calories over a day, whether it be in the form of three meals and a snack or 6 "mini-meals" is all the same. As long as I am making consistently good choices, calories in are calories in.
  7. LipstickLady

    I need food! 7 days post op

    Chewing and spitting is much more harmful to your health than tomato soop. I'd bite that hand!
  8. LipstickLady

    I need food! 7 days post op

    I'd punch my husband in the face if I asked him to get me something at the store and he said no. Or in the junk.
  9. LipstickLady

    So freakin nervous!

    Best. Decision. Ever.
  10. LipstickLady

    Dealing with family?

    ABSO-F'ING-LUTELY. I can go on long hikes, mud runs, get dressed up and look hot for their events, keep up, do whatever I want, shop wherever I want, wear whatever I want, and enjoy myself without feeling self conscious... Totally worth a few pieces of pizza, some cake or potato chips. food no longer leads my life. I DO.
  11. LipstickLady

    Gallbladder surgery was a piece of cake!

    As good as you feel, cool it. I went back to work a few days after surgery and was utterly exhausted after 8 hours on my feet. I felt great, but it caught up with me. Take it easy, no matter how good you feel. Your body is still healing. Glad to hear it went well!
  12. LipstickLady

    Dealing with family?

    You just... DEAL. Your family didn't choose to have surgery, you did. You are going to have to spend the rest of your life in the "real world" so why not start right away? I made my family dinner, and I made something I could eat. Week one and two: They got dinner, I got broth. Week three and four: They got dinner, I got full cream Soups. Week five and six: They got dinner, and I ate the bits I could. Spaghetti sauce with cheese on Italian night, re-fried Beans and guacamole on taco night, etc. Week seven on: They get dinner, I eat bits and pieces of it. I skip the Pasta and rice, I eat the Protein and veggies. They eat bread, I don't. I am 2.5 years out and I still only eat parts of what they eat even when I cook a full meal. It is what it is... You'll get there!
  13. LipstickLady

    Mad at myself

    There is nothing wrong with a few bites of (stuffing/mashed potatoes/ice cream/cheesecake/etc). It's when you eat a ridiculous amount that it's problem. I don't deny myself a few bites of anything, especially when it's something like my mom's stuffing that we only have once a year. In the grand scheme of things, what's 100ish calories and a dozen or so carbs? I can't eat more than 1/2 cup at a sitting anyways, so it might as well be something I really want, especially if it's a very occasional treat. You're fine. The leftovers will be gone soon enough. Enjoy your few bites and move on.
  14. LipstickLady

    MM's peanuts

    Why did you buy them? Or, rather, such a big bag? No judgment. It's all a choice. What kind of ideas do you need?
  15. LipstickLady


    Sadly, that's what wine does to me.
  16. LipstickLady


    I drink Coke Zero daily. (Through a straw!!) I have to pour it into a cup of ice to take out some of the carbonation, and I drink it much more slowly than I used to, but I do enjoy it. That said, I didn't start drinking soda until my NP cleared me and I was just about at goal. It doesn't create any cravings for me and I never drink regular soda. It's not a slippery slope for me and the bubbles keep me full. For *ME*, it's a win.
  17. LipstickLady

    Just wondering.

    It's not the calories or the salt or the butter. It's the empty carbs that really aren't recommended, especially when you are in your losing stage. Once you have figured out maintenance, have at it, but until then *I'd SUGGEST* you proceed with caution.
  18. LipstickLady

    Just wondering.

    That's a great choice!!
  19. LipstickLady


    Yes you can. Rice does not equal life, I promise.
  20. LipstickLady

    Just wondering.

    It's not your best choice, but really, with the sleeve, most people can eat just about anything. I love popcorn, but I don't eat it often because I know it's empty carbs and calories. There are so many better choices out there and I'd rather make great choices MOST of the time, so I can make not so good choices once in awhile.
  21. LipstickLady

    I need food! 7 days post op

    Get creative with some thick (chunk free) soops (sic). Squash, tomato, black bean, seafood bisque, mushroom... Strain it and enjoy it. I loved this brand: http://www.pacificfoods.com/food/soups.aspx Avocado pureed with sour cream. Hummus. Refried Beans with a bit of Water added to loosen them up. Peanut Butter warmed in the microwave. There are a lot of options and it's really only a few weeks out of your life. If you look at the big picture, you CAN do this. Reflect on why you had surgery and what your goals are. Let that goal be your inspiration to power through the tough times. You CAN do this, you just have to CHOOSE to do it.
  22. Happy Thanksgiving BP peeps! I hope you enjoy the love, the family, and the friends that this season is all about. Thank you for all the laughs, wisdom, learning, nonsense and tom-foolery that this forum has brought into my world. I appreciate (most of) you!
  23. LipstickLady

    Post surgery pain level?

    I really didn't have any pain, but I was sore for a day or two. I didn't need pain meds past the first few hours past surgery and within 24 hours I was off meds all together. My incisions didn't feel great, but that was expected. I was home the next day and driving 36 hours later. It all depends on how pain tolerant you are.
  24. LipstickLady

    What are slider foods?

    Your slider is not my slider. My slider is not yours. I really have no sliders except MAYBE Cheetos, but I don't care for those, so I don't eat them often. I love Parmesan Crisps, but some are all cheese, and some are mostly cracker. For me, it depends on what you are buying. What you have sounds like all cheese and perfectly diet friendly for sleeve people. Can you stop at a reasonable serving? Only you can answer that.
  25. LipstickLady

    What are slider foods?

    Slider food is usually anything that you can eat a lot of and it "slides right through" your sleeve. Think Cheetos, potato chips, crackers... If you can put a large amount into a blender, give it a few whirls and it condenses into nothing, it's most likely a slider for most people. Cream cheese is NOT one of those. I love cream cheese. I eat it with a spoon (or a red pepper strip) instead of a cracker now.

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