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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. "It's personal." Leave it at that. If he is a FWB and that's it, you don't owe him any more than that.
  2. LipstickLady

    Wish I hadn't Told Some...

    I wouldn't even waste the time/breath it would take me to tell her to suck my shrinking ass. But that's just me.
  3. You asking me to get nekkid?
  4. I was told to eat boxed mashed potatoes with Protein powder and FF gravy as a purée. They were my first food after liquids per my NUT actually. Once I could eat more than a few tablespoons, however, she advised against.
  5. LipstickLady

    Diahrea and incontinense

    Constant water poop here. Only had one accident and probiotics are a godsend.
  6. If you really want rice, eat it. Perhaps it will work for you, maybe it won't. I got over my love of rice the third time it made me yack, but you may tolerate it just fine. Personally, I had this surgery to lose weight, not to eat all the foods that made me fat in the first place.
  7. OHMYGAWDsofreakingFANTASTICALamazingHEALTHYhawterthanHELL!!
  8. On several occasions you've mentioned being Dominican and eating rice and beans. I'm Mexican and we also eat rice and beans. Big deal. When you did your pre-surgical research, were you not told rice was going to be a no no? Is eating rice REALLY more important than losing weight and getting healthy? I loved rice -- any kind of rice. Now I don't, no big deal. I'm over it. It makes me feel horrible and I no longer want it. So instead, I eat rice and beans...without the rice. Bring thin is a much bigger deal. I promise.
  9. LipstickLady

    I'm a size.... WHAT?!?!

    Woot! That's regular sizes! No more plus sizes for you! Congratulations.
  10. LipstickLady

    3 tablespoons per meal?

    I eat every 2-3 hours, usually 1/2 cup or so at a time. I'm 2.5 years out and my restriction is great. Because I eat so little, I eat often so I have to make sure to make great choices or I have no doubt the weight will come back. It took me almost a year to get past 3-4 tablespoons at a sitting, but that was the point of surgery.
  11. LipstickLady

    Using the basics forum as a free for all.

    Hostess with the mostest here. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm a volunteer. I don't have the time (or desire) to organize the boards all day. I move threads when I've got free time on my hands but that's rare, especially this time of the year. Now, if you want to pay me for my time and efforts, I'm sure I would be more willing to accommodate.
  12. LipstickLady

    Am I done?!

    No Protein, snacking and menstrual cycle all equal no weight loss. Reread your post. You know the answer.
  13. To me, the most "relevant" comment that the weight "just fell off" me was from people who only say me once every month or so. They literally saw me every time I dropped a size and I was VERY diligent (shopping whore here) about staying in clothes that fit, never wearing items that were too big. While I never had a 20 pound month (or 15 pound month after the first month), I am sure it appeared that way to people who saw me only occasionally.
  14. LipstickLady


    I am 2 1/2 years out and I feel hunger, but I rarely have non-hunger cravings. When I was fat, my hunger/appetite was all consuming and I truly believe it was a hormone thing. No matter how much I dieted, I was always starving except when I took phentermine -- an appetite suppressant. When I took that, I felt much like I do now, only truly HUNGRY when I actually need the calories. It's am amazing release and I am very thankful for the change. I know when I need to eat but often times, nothing seems appealing. Of course, at times, I WANT to eat something that looks good (old habit), but I am satisfied after a few bites if I even eat it at all. I am so grateful for this surgery and this opportunity to take back my health. SO grateful.
  15. LipstickLady


    If wishes were nickels, I'd be rich. I waited 6 months and Iived. In fact, I started over with a new surgeon after three months because I didn't like my original one so I waited 9. I used those nine months to get my head straight, to practice eating slow and to cut out the carbs. Six months is nothing in the grand scheme of things. You can totally do it.
  16. LipstickLady

    Silly Rant!

    You look amazing and I bet you feel even MORE amazing!
  17. Surgery on Wedbesday, home on Thursday, driving/shopping alone on Friday. Driving kids to school Monday. No need to stockpile, your taste buds and tolerance may change and that's money wasted.
  18. I can't eat more than 1/2 cup or so at a sitting. Bread gets stuck, Pasta and rice come back, ice cream makes me dump. I want to nibble all day because I can't seem to get in more than 1000 HEALTHY calories a day and wine gives me horrific heartburn. I am either constipated or have poop Soup - usually the first leads to the second -- and I still can't have even a small glass of Water with a meal or I will horf it all back up. Regular water sits like a lead brick in my stomach still (after 2.5 years!!) and I still sit on the potty before I pass gas just in case. That said... I wear a size 6/8. I can shop in ANY store. My teenaged daughters now borrow my clothes and I borrow theirs. (Wait -- is that good or bad?) I can fit in any seat AND cross my legs. People don't look at me like I am Satan on fire when I sit next to them on the bus, the theater, the airplane. I can put junk food in my grocery cart and not feel judged. I can (and do!) walk 6-10 miles a day without pain the next morning. I can keep up in Zumba class and still do another workout after. I can dance all night without feeling it the next day. I hike, bike, kayak, and play outside with my kids comfortably. I no longer sweat like a horse the second I walk outside. I am healthy. No longer pre-diabetic, no longer morbidly obese, no longer ruining my knees, hips, feet and back with excessive weight. If this was the "easy way out", so be it. It damn sure was the SMART way out. EDIT TO ADD: It seems that some of you are taking my "litany of complaints" as real hardships and I want to correct that. None of the things I listed above are the end of the world nor are they even more than little blips on my radar. When my ass hurts, I get up. When I'm cold, I grab a blanket. I choose not to eat bread, rice, pasta or ice cream and as much as I loved them before, they make me feel so urpy, I no longer WANT them. The poop soup/constipation, along with the juicy toots kind of sucks, but I think some Probiotics would correct that issue. I don't drink when I eat, nor do I drink for an hour after and it's not killing me. I don't need regular water, and while I miss it from time to time, a squeeze of flavor drops or a splash of fruit juice works for me. My inability to drink wine sucks the most, but it's a small trade off in the grand scheme of things.
  19. LipstickLady

    What can I do with...cottage cheese?

    I like to add my cottage cheese to the trash bag. That sh!t is NASTY.
  20. LipstickLady

    Feeling [not so] hopeful ????

    Why do you feel you won't be approved? Did you research all the requirements for surgery and did you meet them? Are you simply causing undue stress on yourself about this? I am sure if you did your homework and followed the guidance of your surgeon, everything will be fine. I understand being anxious, but don't stress yourself out about something yo Why do you feel you won't be approved? Did you research all the requirements for surgery and did you meet them? Are you simply causing undue stress on yourself about this? I am sure if you did your homework and followed the guidance of your surgeon, everything will be fine. I understand being anxious, but don't stress yourself out about something you have little control over.
  21. I'm fairly certain I got fat out of convenience. I am not lazy by any means, I am actually super busy. I have two kids who go to different schools, neither in our district so I have to drive them both and pick them both up. They both do activities after school and are on totally different schedules. I own a business that I run from my house that has me in the car most of the time and I spend a few hours of each day at my martial arts school. I'm fairly anal about keeping my house in order and I like to have dinner most nights for my family, even if we don't all get to sit down and eat together. I barely have a minute to myself but I know that my lifestyle is not at all unusual. You'd think I'd be like my best friend, super skinny because there is no time to eat, but I was the queen of fast food. I loved Wawa because of the huge variety of chips and Snacks and convenience foods on the go and it was nothing for me to go through a drive through for myself 2-3 times a day. I didn't feed my family fast food because I know how unhealthy it is but that didn't seem to apply to me in my mind. One of my biggest obstacles after WLS was the lack of convenience foods for quick grab and go. I need a lot LESS food at a sitting, but I need quality food now or I feel miserable. After 19 months, I have finally found some staples that I can keep in my fridge for convenience and now that it's cold out, my cooler keeps my snacks fresh all day. My capacity is VERY small, so I do eat 5-6 mini meals a day which is a bigger challenge and I really prefer real foods over Protein drinks and bars as does my NUT. When I want to eat, I want REAL food, not snacks. Suggestions to make your busy life easier and healthier. I would love you to add yours, too. As you will see, I do high protein, low carb and I don't give a flying fart about fat. High fat is OK in my book. These are the foods I keep in my fridge, prepped and ready for a quick, I'm starving "meal/snack". cheese. Full fat, yummy delicious REAL cheese. Cubed up off a block. Shrimp. Steamed or in a shrimp salad (aka mayo and spices). London Broil. I marinate and grill a London Broil every other week or so. I slice it thin, serve it for dinner and then snack on the leftovers for the rest of the week. Happy girl with my read meat. Deviled eggs. Yum! Not just for Easter anymore. Browned ground beef seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic. I keep a bowl of it cooked and ready. I add mozzarella or cheddar to a quarter cup or so, pop in the microwave, heat and eat. Refried Beans. Add cheese or the browned meat above and YUM! Good quality hot dogs. I know, yuck, right? But roll one up in a paper towel, nuke it for 45 seconds and it's all meat, no carbs and delish. I do all beef and light. They don't go bad so a pack of six will stay in my fridge for three weeks or so safely. Ham Slice. I grill and cub one of those Smithfield ham slices that's about 1/2 inch thick. The kids and husband will throw it on salad, in a tortilla or eat in an omelette and I just eat out of the container. I'm not a fan of chicken, it sticks terribly, but my kids love rotisserie chicken so I cube up the leftovers into a curry chicken salad that's almost always ready. I can manage anything with mayo. REAL MAYO. Bacon. I cook a pound and keep it in the fridge. It goes just like the ham. Frozen mini quiche. At Target and Sam's they even have crustless quiche. YUM! What are your convenience REAL foods?
  22. I'm hot. In a hot sort of way. Not temperature. That way I'm cold. Always cold.
  23. LipstickLady


    Do you have to take off your nailpolish? Fingers or fingers and toes? Many doctors require it, mine did not. I know it's superficial, but I have acrylics and removing those just to put them back on is a pain in the ass.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
