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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    **NOTE** I am NOT putting down Oprah, her choices or WWs. It was just a random thought for me. After 25 years of obesity, I finally figured out that diet plans were not going to work for me -- even really sensible, health oriented plans like WWs. I simply wonder when/if she is going to figure out the same. Of all the plans I've done, WWs most mimics a healthy, sensible way to eat AND is the most customizable/doable in my opinion. I just wasn't able to maintain it for more than a year or so. I also think South Beach makes great sense and it basically what I follow now with ease. High Protein, low carb, fat is good, portion control is key. And yes. The meetings made me want to stab a b!tch. Many b!tches in fact.
  2. LipstickLady

    What can I do with...Avocado?

    So this thread totally sent me to the store for avocado. I diced two small, added the juice of one lime, salt, diced red onion, a bit of Tabasco, a few tablespoons of salsa verde, and tossed it lightly. Fabulous.
  3. LipstickLady

    What can I do with...Avocado?

    costco has this delish cilantro lime shrimp in the prepared foods section. I buy it and add a diced avocado, a little extra lime and a very thinly sliced red onion. SO GOOD. Yours sounds awesome.
  4. LipstickLady

    What can I do with...Avocado?

    I squeeze some lemon on it, add salt and pepper and eat with a spoon. Sometimes I add hot sauce, too. It's good with anything!
  5. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    More power too you. Have a sip for me.WHAT!?!?!?! You trying to stretch my sleeve or kill me!??!?! Your sleeve can absolutely stretch but not from soda, soda can cause discomfort but I hear of sleevers using a sip or two of coke for gas relief but they say not to use Pepsi, just coke, and if you can to get it from a fountain or a 2 liter so it's not too carbonated. I'm about a month out and miss soda a lot but right now I miss foods I never even used to eat lol still got loads of head hunger happening. If the fundus is removed correctly, the only part of your stomach that remains is a little bit of fundus and the muscle part and that muscle will not stretch. Your stomach capacity will increase over a year or two post op, but at that point, you should reach your max capacity according to the 4 surgeons I consulted. I'm only an expert on myself, but I am currently 2 years and 8 months post op and I can eat no more in a sitting now than I could at 1 year post op. If your surgeon makes a bigger sleeve and leaves more fundus, that fundus can stretch, but you should never be able to eat the same amount you can pre-op. Coke not Pepsi for gas relief? That makes no sense. Both will GIVE you gas and either will cause most people to burp which might relieve some gas, but I don't know why one would be better/worse than the other. I drink Coke Zero -- taste preference -- but I have been known to drink a Pepsi Max here and there. Neither effects me differently than the other.
  6. LipstickLady

    Advice that makes you crazy.

    When people asked me how much I've lost, I simply say a lot. When people asked me how much I weighed, I simply smiled and asked why on earth they would ask such a personal question. I never told people I had WLS so I never had to hear the horror stories or tales of regain. Honestly, I must be quite bitchy because very few people were intrusive and no one asked me if I had surgery. The comments I get on how little I eat in volume are rare as are the comments on how frequently I eat. I don't get advice but people often ask me for it. I simply tell them I do low carb, high Protein, higher fat and I move my body. Anyone who goes too far simply gets a condenscending look and a tsk tsk for being rude. I don't entertain any more than that, period. As for the low taste diet? Why on earth? I eat such small amounts, I want full flavor, great texture, spicy (not necessarily hot). I love Indian, Mexican, Vietnamese, different foods I never would have tried before. I eat the meat, leave the starch and enjoy fatty sauces and gravies. It's working!
  7. LipstickLady

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    Everyone? Really? Hmmm...
  8. LipstickLady

    Just had a crappy experience !

    Keto breath isn't far off from the stench you experienced, both on the field and on the floor.
  9. LipstickLady

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    Why would anyone be mad? My thoughts come from watching her struggle with different diets since I was in elementary school. Surgery is not for everyone, nor are fad diets.
  10. LipstickLady

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    So I just finished watching part 2. The Clean Momma dieter chick looks SO done. D.O.N.E. Did she really get spanked by her coach???
  11. LipstickLady

    Afraid to eat!

    I, too, was afraid to eat. Just keep working on your Protein shakes and Water until you feel like trying more. Little bites, really soft foods, really slow. I was the slowest progressor ever and I lived.
  12. LipstickLady

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    I didn't realize part 2 was already shown so I had no idea what y'all were talking about with the cookie grease. Watching now.
  13. LipstickLady

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    http://abc.go.com/shows/my-diet-is-better-than-yours I didn't watch part 2 yet!
  14. LipstickLady

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    Interesting. When I dedicate myself to something, I go 100%. When I joined WWs my last time, I was determined to make it work. The first few weeks, I lost about 5 pounds a week and then I had a week with no loss. The leader fussed at me and when I told her I was cycling, she told me not to make excuses. The next 4-5 weeks, I went back to losing 3-5 pounds a week and the leader told me I was losing too fast. F' em! Enough was enough.
  15. LipstickLady

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    I loved the WWs program. I have seriously contemplated following it but modified to meet my new needs. I just couldn't stick to it longer than a year and I couldn't tolerate the whiny ass biznatches who attention whored the meetings. The Clean Momma lady had some vicious mood swings and it's evident her lady is thinking about leaving her. She had to feel like a fool. I doubt she will stick with her long.
  16. That's weird. My Aetna plan only cared about my starting weight, not my surgical weight. I would make some noise about that for sure. BCBS is the same.
  17. LipstickLady

    Gotta get this off my chest ...

    Correct. I tend not to take things as a veiled insult. I was a hot fatty, I am a hot not fatty.
  18. LipstickLady

    Gotta get this off my chest ...

    Meh... F'em. I had a lady ask me if I was getting a divorce because I was looking haaaaawwwwwt. I was dressed up and buying wine for our 20th anniversary. Those folk don't matter. Your loved ones matter. The rest can suck it.
  19. LipstickLady

    Left Overs? Since we deal with so many...

    I freeze ham. The chunks and bits are reserved for bean soups and quiche ande the slices for regular eating. I froze leftover ribs, meatballs, sausage balls. I don't feel bad for tossing potato salad or casserole at all. I don't eat but a small amount and in the end game, it's gone whether someone eats it or I throw it away. With the second option, I'm healthier, so...
  20. LipstickLady

    omg..I am an idiot...

    I have moved from wine to beer and mixed drinks because wine hurts so much. UGH, @@monyLiza , I feel you. I only have 1 or 2 before I am done. I'm usually at home, so no fun stories, but alcohol does hit me hard. Glad you are safe, glad you had fun! No guilt should be had, but you now know what makes you uncomfortable so go forward with that. Personally I think your experiences were fun -- certainly nothing to fret about. I'm a ho like that.
  21. LipstickLady

    Exercise woo!

    Walk, walk, walk. Park at the back of parking lot, walk the stairs instead of the elevator (even if it's only 2-3 flights at first), laps around your home... Find something you love doing. Do you like to dance? Find a Zumba class. Do you like Water? Find a finning or aerobics class. Shop? Mall walking groups are so common! Move your body towards a fitness goal, one step at a time. It's a marathon, not a race.
  22. Merry Christmas to all! I hope Santa brings you everything you could wish for.

    1. wannaBthinsoon


      Merry Christmas to you as well, LipstickLady! And a Very Happy New Year!!

  23. LipstickLady

    Pre op NSV

    Yeah. Or when you stick your knees under it and sit hunched up just long enough so as to make it "fit better"? I used to do that. A lot.
  24. LipstickLady

    having trouble with my food

    I posted this on another thread... I was an upchucker and at 2.5 years out, I still am occasionally. Sounds to me like you are pushing your FULL button a bit too much. ... At 11 weeks, I was still doing purees and just starting soft foods. I could eat MAYBE 2 shrimp or 2 tablespoons of chicken salad. tuna, shrimp salad. Any more than that and it would all come back. I had to train myself to eat smaller bites at a slower pace. I bought some baby spoons and I would eat a small bite off whatever I was having, walk a lap around my downstairs, and then have another bite. This slowed me down, made me chew better, got some extra steps in and helped me burp up any air (the enemy of many sleeved tummies) I had swallowed. Try it and see.

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