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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Almost a year out and only lost 64lbs

    How tall are you? 174 isn't big at most heights unless you are really short. If you are 5.4ish, remember, those last 15 - 20 are slow going.
  2. LipstickLady

    Will anything ever taste good again?

    I was so happy when all my favorite foods tasted like crap. Seriously. That makes saying NO so much easier, don't you think?
  3. My kid just got into U-V FREAKING -A. WHUUUUUUUT!?!?!?

  4. I have a 60 pound golden doodle who acts as if she is a teacup poodle. She loves to "hug" me by jumping up and putting her paws on my boobs and her head against my chest. She didn't even bump into me gently for about three weeks post op. She knew.
  5. This cold weather sucks buttsickles.

    1. Valentina


      Can't walk outside--to slippery for unbalanced self (spine surgery). Can't bend enough yet to do gym work, so my orthopod wrote my a RX for "Aquatherapy".. Great idea. Now, I'm getting my exercise while splashing around in warm salt water. If I had a surf fishing pole, I'd be in heaven!


    2. Steph Anie

      Steph Anie

      It is killing me....and its not even that cold here...but I don't want to get back out to go to the gym when it is close to freezing and raining!


    3. Chrystee


      Yes. I hate it!


    4. Show next comments  348 more
  6. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    You did? Where?
  7. So question for you long timers. I'm struggling but in a way I feel I should be grateful for (and USUALLY am) but last night I was down right frustrated. There are days that I am physically famished but can troll up and down the aisles of the grocery and not find one damn thing that I want to stick in my face. My stomach is rumbling, I've not eaten more than a few hundred calories of something I really didn't want earlier in the day and while I want to eat, I can't find something that I WANT to eat. I am not a sweets person so a protein shake won't do -- I'd rather go without. The few hundred calories I ate but didn't want earlier was probably a protein bar. I don't want chips or crackers and I don't want meat. If anything, I want the insides of a pot pie, but I know that's a bad choice. I don't feel like cooking for the three bites I can take. On the upside, I've hit my all time low in the last few weeks and now I think I just might hit my ultimate stretch goal of as I've lost 16 pounds since June (hit the top of my 5 pound bounce range over the spring). UGH. I know there's a million things you can suggest that I will, in turn, say NOPE to, I just needed to say this out loud to someone who will understand and hear that I'm not the only one with this blessing/struggle. Edit to add: It wouldn't be bad if it was an occasional occurence but it's happening more and more frequently. It was 2-3 times a month, now it's 3-4 times a week. Again, I am grateful for it, much better than being morbidly obese, but it is frustrating.
  8. LipstickLady


    So our practice's NP told us in our pre-op class to never ever ever ever ever use a straw again. In the next breath, she told us to always carry a sports bottle full of Water so we were sipping all day. The bottles she held up all used straws. When I pointed that out to her, she's admitted the straw rule was pretty stupid and really up to the individual. Just don't suck air. You'll be fine.
  9. Your interpretation of MY tone is your problem if you choose it to be.

    1. wannaBthinsoon


      WTH his wrong with people? Lordy!! Just looks like someone trying to start a fight. Damn trolls. They need to go back to Obesity help or Thinner Times or wherever they came from!

    2. McButterpants
    3. Djmohr


      I must have missed it. LOL!

    4. Show next comments  348 more
  10. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    Please show me where I was nasty and rude. I simply related a story about how I am raising my children. In fact, show where anyone was nasty and rude OTHER than the people who are pointing out the "nasty and rude" in others. That's usually how it goes here. The ones screaming the loudest about others are usually the ONLY ones pointing fingers and calling names. It's amusing at best. If you weren't rude why are you commenting? My response was toward one person and we have addressed the issue. Now if there is something you want to say to me specifically, feel free. Strangers on the internet can't hurt my feelings. Oh my God Lipstick Lady, I wasn't even talking get about you. My thought is this, quote the person you are talking to, or refer to them out right. If you don't have the stones to call them out, block them, ignore them or PM them. Things get real confusing on these interwebz...
  11. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    Well in that case go ahead and take it all personally even though it didn't apply to you. I'm done with this thread and this community. I can't be apart of something negative like this. Nope. I took NOTHING personally. I'm just highly amused at how rude the people who scream "RUDE!!!" are. And as far as accusing people of taking things personally.... HA! What is this flounce thing people keep saying? Hmmmm....
  12. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    Please show me where I was nasty and rude. I simply related a story about how I am raising my children. In fact, show where anyone was nasty and rude OTHER than the people who are pointing out the "nasty and rude" in others. That's usually how it goes here. The ones screaming the loudest about others are usually the ONLY ones pointing fingers and calling names. It's amusing at best. If you weren't rude why are you commenting? My response was toward one person and we have addressed the issue. Now if there is something you want to say to me specifically, feel free. Strangers on the internet can't hurt my feelings. Uhm...because I can?
  13. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    Please show me where I was nasty and rude. I simply related a story about how I am raising my children. In fact, show where anyone was nasty and rude OTHER than the people who are pointing out the "nasty and rude" in others. That's usually how it goes here. The ones screaming the loudest about others are usually the ONLY ones pointing fingers and calling names. It's amusing at best.
  14. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    I love that there are a few peeps here that are highly offended for the OP -- but the OP isn't. I love that the people getting "trashed" for being negative/rude/sarcastic/etc, simply for stating that they don't support Go Fund Me in this situation, something the OP didn't use, but did ask for opinions on. I love that a few were attacked for having an opinion, but someone else who had the same opinion was praised. Seems to me that the "judgement" came from the accusers for personal reasons not for the opinions asked for and voiced. Hmmm... I'm thrilled that the OP found a way, and I wish her well.
  15. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    Uhhmmm.. Ok.
  16. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    I never ever ask anyone for anything. Ever. I'd rather starve to death than ask someone (family or other) for a cracker or $1 for a McDonald's mcchicken sandwich because I don't like anyone to have anything they can hang over my head. More over, I don't want anyone judging me, questioning what I do, asking me for money etc.... If hubby and I can't make it happen then it won't get done. I'm saying this as I've been homeless, penniless and hopeless. I picked myself up and did what I had to do on my own. I've been working for years, paying into a medical plan "and all that jazz" too...so. It's not anyone's place to judge. I'm sure you've been made fun of and judged a few times In your life...did you like it? Why do people feel the need to be so negative and sarcastic all the darn time. Never said you did. Not judging anyone. Don't really care/never really cared if some "judged" or "made fun of" me.
  17. LipstickLady

    GoFundMe accounts?

    I guess I'm a meanie, too, because I've taught my kids that they, too, are SOL if they can't afford something. I've loaned them money, I've given them extra chores, I've even helped them find after school jobs, but I will NOT let them ask their relatives for money just because they want something really really bad. Real life and all that jazz.
  18. Another bad reality show. Another group of hopeful contestants who are willing to publicly humiliate themselves for weight loss and fame. Those diet options are so ridiculous! Did y'all watch it? That chick who is is the "inventor" of the "Clean Momma" (is that what that was called?) diet is clearly insane. Seriously. I know desperation to lose weight. I know trying extreme measures to get fit and lose weight. But lunges down the grocery aisle? Squats to pick produce? I was already fat, I didn't need to make a spectacle of myself in public. I am SO glad I had surgery. Oh! And Oprah bought WWs? I do wonder when she is going to wake up and realize surgery may just be her answer.
  19. LipstickLady

    Anyone else have one last hoorah?

    I didn't. I wanted to continue the excellent progress I'd made over me 6 month pre-op plan. I didn't want to gain anything just to have to lose it again.
  20. LipstickLady

    Green Tea Tastes Like Feet

    All tea is nasty, green tea especially so. Blech. Jicama is yummy. Look for a good recipe that you think you would like for jicama slaw. There are many variations from Asian to Mexican. I like this one: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/guy-fieri/jicama-slaw-recipe.html and this one: http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/jicama-slaw
  21. LipstickLady

    Family likes to eat out

    Who cares what the waitstaff thinks. I get it. I am over 2.5 years out. I've had a few concerned waiters ask if I didn't like my meal or offer to bring me something else. I simply say I'm fine, smile and resume my conversation. I've never been questioned when I just order a drink or a cup of Soup.
  22. LipstickLady

    Family likes to eat out

    Why? Will your family love you less if you don't eat?
  23. LipstickLady

    Eternally thirsty!

    You may be washing all the sodium out of your system. Gatorade really may be your answer. Works for me.
  24. LipstickLady

    Eternally thirsty!

    So...drink more? Are you getting enough electrolytes? Consuming too much caffeine or salt? When I am terribly thirsty, I Water down a 24 oz Gatorade 50/50 and that seems to resolve my issue.

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