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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Food packing for Vacation

    Beef jerky, almonds, Oh Yeah bars, Quest bars if you can handle them (blurp), premade Protein shakes like Carb Advantage (Walmart or Sams), Premier Protein Shakes (costco or Sams). Foil packets of chicken, tuna, olives. If you have a cooler, cheese sticks, hummus, hard boiled eggs, chicken strips, pepperoni, deli meats. I used to stress about what to eat when I was away from home, but when I am super busy, I don't snack as much and at a meal it takes so little to fill me up, I really don't need much. I can eat a handful of almonds, a Protein Bar and a few pieces of beef jerky over a day and be fine. I pack less and less food when traveling and am always more than fine. Unless your plane ride is more than 6 or 7 hours, I can't imagine you need much more than a protein bar, and once you get there, I assume they eat. You can eat whatever they eat, just skip the carbs and cut back on the portions.
  2. LipstickLady

    Going off at a tangent! Grrrrrrrrr!

    Which thread?
  3. That's what I am expecting. I have a butt the size of TX. I hear this on a regular basis: "You have a big butt for a white girl." *sigh* Big butts are IN. Girl, you are gravy!!
  4. I can do anything I want to do.

    1. Elode


      Federal law says you can't! But I may or may not be getting 2 million back on my tax refund! See you in prison!!

    2. Pescador


      You are the nicest and the best.

  5. LipstickLady

    How long does it take to fall in love?

    I am now in love with @@VSGAnn2014 and she didn't even get me pregnant.
  6. I am so happy for each of you. You rock. ❤️
  7. LipstickLady

    Everything Sucks.

    If you looked at the state of my boobs and inner thighs, you would definitely think the weight "melted" off. HA!!
  8. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    We are all doctors because we share info and experiences? I could picture my mother: "My son the doctor, a mother should be so proud". I'm not a doctor in real life, I just play one (unknowingly) on bp.com.
  9. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    Huh. I must have missed that part.
  10. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    Or people who are just "living their lives post weight loss surgery" and "know what has worked for them". Funny thing, @@Babbs, I kind of thought that's what these silly old things called "discussion forums" were for. Huh.
  11. My NP said that whatever I could eat at 9-12 months out would probably be my max. I am going to be three years out in May, and she, so far, has been correct. About how much is that? About 1/2 - 3/4 cup at a sitting. I can eat about 3-4 oz Protein max and a few bites of something else, maybe. If I eat my protein first, I can't eat much else after.
  12. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    Thank you for asking! What does that type of diet entail?! For me, it was two weeks of: Protein shake for breakfast a piece of fruit or a cup of yogurt for a snack Protein shake for lunch raw veggies for snack 4oz protein and veggies for dinner.
  13. My NP said that whatever I could eat at 9-12 months out would probably be my max. I am going to be three years out in May, and she, so far, has been correct.
  14. And some people really don't understand the sleeve VS. bypass. Think of all the NUTs who tell you that sleevers do/do not dump, that we can/cannot use straws, that we do/do not have pouches... There are so many misconceptions about the sleeve, mostly coming from other types of WLS procedures.
  15. Only if your surgeon leaves behind too much fundus. If the surgery is done correctly, there will be minimal stretching, nothing significant.
  16. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    No. Not drinking, not carbonation, not carbs. A correctly done sleeve will not stretch. So, my surgeon and his office lied to me? I'm not big on the word "lied". I drink a 24 oz coffee every morning in a very short period of time and carbonation every day. No stretching here. I have many sleeved friends who can chug 36oz of Water in minutes with no stretching. Fluids flow through, they don't sit in your sleeve. We don't drink when we eat so food isn't pushed through too fast causing faster digestion. It's not because of possible stretching.
  17. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    To the OP: First and foremost, I'm sorry you are struggling but I'm glad you are seeking solutions. You can and will succeed at your weight loss goals with hard work, guidance and support. You received a lot of good thoughts and advice here and it's a shame that some people needed to turn this thread into a schoolyard with name calling and profanity. That reflects completely on them and nothing on your struggles. I do wonder about how your sleeve was done originally. Can you ask your surgeon for X-rays of your initial procedure? I would take those to another surgeon to verify that it was done correctly in the first place. It sounds to me like a lot of fundus was left along your stomach as that is all that can really stretch. If that is the case, I would definitely pursue a revision. If you are confident in your nutritional choices, your portion control and your physical exertion, you know what to do. I assume you are logging, measuring, and being completely honest with yourself about every nibble, lick and chew. Those add up without us even realizing it pretty darn quickly. liquid calories are deadly, right? I look forward to hearing the results of your doctor visits and I wish you the best.
  18. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    @babbs- I think it's clear to many people on here - it's not always what you say, it's HOW you say it.Or perhaps it's how YOU choose to read it. (YOU being the general/plural variety.) I've noticed many times that I can say something, Babbs can say the same exact thing, and a third person can as well. Two of the three will be bitches, hags and meanies and the third will be thanked. Funny stuff, right there...
  19. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    Hey! That's QUEEN hag to you! Girl. I'm the queen and don't you forget it.
  20. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    You REALLY need to stop this behavior, don't you think @@Alex Brecher?
  21. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

  22. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    No. Not drinking, not carbonation, not carbs. A correctly done sleeve will not stretch.
  23. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    As a host of this forum, I will kindly ask you to refer to the guidelines of this forum and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks!
  24. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    Other than the info I've thrown out here.. you don't know jack else...but go on...you're stupid know it all rant is entertaining Ahhh....going the mature name calling route, are we?
  25. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    ...I noticed about 6 months ago...I still can get that sick, tight feeling after a slice of pizza, but it doesn't last and I can return 2 hrs later for a little bit more...I have no hunger pangs after I've eaten like that...but the old way that I used to eat is starting to slip back in. I have VERY good restriction -- better than most people -- and I, too, can eat a whole pizza if I go back every two hours for a slice. That's not stretch, that's grazing.

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