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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  2. LipstickLady

    Shiann Friesen

    So I just watched the video. She is considering legal action? OHHHHHH! And the sales person was a bit ignorant, but Shi turned off the camera so we really can't see the follow up. She's full of poo in my opinion. The Walmart part starts at 2:56ish.
  3. LipstickLady

    Shiann Friesen

    The face that she is only 19 speaks volumes. As the owner of a 17 year old drama queen, I'd say she often looks for things to "get political" about. I daresay this girl hasn't matured much passed that point.
  4. LipstickLady

    Mediterranean Style Eating

    No corner standing going on here. I am stating my opinion of all of the discord here. There is no need for it. If you are honestly taking offense to anything I have said then I have made my points: Stand down, take a deep breath and enjoy the diversity, not the divisiveness. I will pray for you. Valentina There was no "discord" but there was discussion. I'm not offended but your comments are condescending and quite frankly, more argumentative than anything else posted in this thread. I've no need to "stand down", "take a deep breath" or any other "advice" you'd like to give. Thanks! EXACTLY.
  5. LipstickLady

    Mediterranean Style Eating

  6. LipstickLady

    Fit to Fat to Fit.

    The premise of the show irritated me. Actually watching the first episode is pissing me the f*** off. If this dude thinks gaining 60 pounds (but can still climb a rope, do pull ups and walk on his hands) is really teaching him what it feels like to be fat, have a food addiction, etc., he's a bigger assh*le than he appears. What a d:ckhead. I'm angry.
  7. LipstickLady

    Shiann Friesen

    Ahhhh... I will have to read a bit more, but the Walmart employee was in the wrong. I am quite sure Walmart cares nothing about an $9 sweater. Now if she was in a store where there were $500 sweaters and clearly one was not going to fit, it's common sense that the store clerk kindly suggest a different article of clothing so as not to damage something more expensive. This is simply my knee jerk reaction to one article. I will poke around the internet a bit more but it seems to me that many of these vloggers are LOOKING for "discrimination" and something to be offended by. Why else would they have cameras rolling during the most simple of errands?
  8. LipstickLady

    Shiann Friesen

  9. LipstickLady

    Mediterranean Style Eating

    The most eye roll inducing/ridiculous/annoying thing about having an adult discussion and disagreement is someone standing in a corner, pointing fingers and screaming "STOP FIGHTING!!!", "STOP ARGUING!!!", "BE FRIENDLY!!". Just because people are saying they don't care for the verbiage or stance that another is taking does not mean they are "bitch slapping", need to "take a deep breath" or "get off their hind legs". How offensive.
  10. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    I'm going to close it now, but not delete it.
  11. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    Girl, I can't keep up with how often you change your tune. That said, I was simply trying to help. @lipsticklady...were u not calling HP on the language...I'm not trying to start no fresh drama...vut all of this does seem silly for a wls forum...I'm a newbie...trying to get some info...then all this...sorry..but... I gave HP a few free passes before I called him/her on it. I tend to do that when things are heated, but since you "not trying to start no fresh drama", I'll spank her. @@Elode -- Behave. Thanks.
  12. LipstickLady

    Fear of not waking up!

    My fear of not waking up was far less than putting my family through me having a massive heart attack/permanently ruining my back and knees/developing diabetes due to being a big fat cow.
  13. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    Girl, I can't keep up with how often you change your tune. That said, I was simply trying to help.
  14. LipstickLady

    Mediterranean Style Eating

    @@BarrySue I'd fist bump you, but I'm holding a piece of defenseless piece of salmon sushami. I know raw fish isn't as cute as a cow, but why do we assume that a broccoli plant doesn't have feelings?
  15. LipstickLady

    Fit to Fat to Fit.

    *Note to self* Never, ever, ever, ever p!ss off LipstickLady. Nope. Really good idea.
  16. LipstickLady

    Food packing for Vacation

    I cut my beef jerky up into fingernail sized pieces and put it in sandwich baggies so I'm not gnawing on larger pieces caveman style in public. So much more "ladylike".
  17. LipstickLady

    Thinking of getting vsg

    No regrets here but only you can decide for you.
  18. LipstickLady

    Fit to Fat to Fit.

    When he used the words disgusting and horrible about his food and commented on how "fat" he was as he pinched his 1/4 inch of skin so hard it was red, I wanted to dick punch him.
  19. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    I think @@VSGAnn2014 and @@Babbs gave you the best advice then. If strangers on the Internet can really get to you that deeply and you have the ability to block them, you absolutely should. Do you know how?
  20. LipstickLady

    Stretched Sleeve

    I got you, boo.
  21. LipstickLady

    Mediterranean Style Eating

    @@VSGAnn2014 You forgot the "dead bodies of helpless, slaughtered animals". I, too, am healthier now than I ever was before. High fat, high Protein, high spice, fresh foods. I'm not sure what food that has sunshine in it is either, but I do prefer free range chickens and humanely raised beef and they lived out in the sunshine, so... I totally get why some people are vegan or vegetarian. It's kind of like religion or sexuality, it's a personal choice. What I don't understand is the inflammatory and provocative language that some choose to use regarding other's choices.
  22. LipstickLady

    Mediterranean Style Eating

    Mmmmmmm....I love dead animal flesh. I eat high protein, high fat, real foods. Nuts, cheese, veggies, meat, eggs, seafood. Most fruit disagrees with me as do rice and potatoes. Carbs are pretty limited to Beans and an occasional dessert. But dead animal flesh is my favorite. If it's red meat, rare... Oh! Edit to add. Almost three years out and healthy as a horse.
  23. LipstickLady

    Funny Weight Related Pictures

    @@Dub @@4MRB4PHOTO Can y'all explain to me how to get a picture in the post vs a thumbnail? Thanks!
  24. LipstickLady

    Funny Weight Related Pictures

    True story.
  25. LipstickLady

    What upsets your sleeve now?

    Rice. If I eat more than a few teaspoons (not tablespoons), it comes up about 15 minutes later. Potatoes. See above. Well done hamburger or steak. If it's not rare, it sits like a rock in my tummy. Bread. If it's doughy, it's not going down.

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