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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I went to my NUT one time pre-op. She knew nothing about bariatrics and tried her hardest to sell me her MLM Vitamin line which I found pretty shady. I loved and depending on my surgeon's NP. She guided me nutritionally, though my issues with dumping, the stricture and stalls. She is a big reason for my success and I look forward to seeing her.
  2. It's a very personal decision and I won't say that one WLS option is better than any other. I chose sleeve because I was not diabetic and did not need the immediate result from bypass that people with diabetes benefit from. I wanted to be able to eat anything without the higher risk of dumping bypass patients tend to have. Funny thing, I dump anyways. I did not want my intestines re-routed. I know a lot of people get annoyed when sleevers call our procedure less invasive, but for me, it is. I did not want to depend on Vitamins for the rest of my life because I know how bad I am about taking them. I know that I should, but I don't and my blood work is pretty good. It was my opinion that I would lead a much more "normal" life with the sleeve over bypass. I never would have had WLS if my only options were bypass or band so when I learned about the sleeve, I ran with it. I am thrilled beyond belief.
  3. LipstickLady

    Left shoulder pain while eating?

    Yup. I think your pain would be intense and lower. Not so much in the shoulder.
  4. LipstickLady

    Left shoulder pain while eating?

    It's gas. Lay on your left side, take a gasx and walk it out. It's normal.
  5. Daily weigher and yes, I panic. I give myself 7 pounds from my low weight to bounce. It's not anxiety producing, but it makes me keep it at the forefront.
  6. LipstickLady

    Dumped on Valentine's Day

    Stop that. Seriously. It takes TWO to tango.
  7. LipstickLady

    Dumped on Valentine's Day

    Why think you did something wrong? Sounds like you dodged a bullet before things got to be too deep. Move on! You are so worth it. <3
  8. LipstickLady

    What can I do with...Brussels Sprouts?

    Throw them in the trash with the cottage cheese! My husband loves them sauteed with crispy bacon and a maple syrup glaze, though.
  9. LipstickLady

    Food feeling stuck

    Walking the stairs definitely gets food moving for me.
  10. LipstickLady

    Food feeling stuck

    Chew longer, eat slower. I have a stricture and food gets stuck for me all the time. When I first had surgery, one of my pills for nauseousness got stuck for three days. Sipping warm liquids finally got it down. I wouldn't drink fruit juice as that is liquid sugar and pineapple juice is so acidic it might aggravate an already irritated area.
  11. I'll echo the idea of finding something you love. I hate going to the gym and putting myself through a workout, but I love to dance, so Zumba is perfect for me. I get bored after swimming laps for an hour, but a Water finning class is awesome. I hate body pump class 60, but I can push myself through the 30 minute option. Same with a 30 minutes ab class. I can do anything for 30 minutes. Walking on a treadmill sucks, running around the field with my golden doodle is awesome because she loves it so much. I love playing tag, frisbee, doing mud runs, etc. with my kids (15 and 17) because it's something I couldn't do when they were little. I am now a martial arts instructor because beating the sh!t out of a bag or another student is stress relieving. Plus, in an emergency, I've no doubt I can protect myself. Find a way to move your body 15 minutes a day. Wear a Fitbit and challenge your pelf to get in 5k steps a day and then 7k steps, building up to 10k. Challenge yourself, make it a game. Don't make exercise a chore, that's the pits.
  12. LipstickLady

    This Week I Failed

    @@1Cor2:9 People can only comment on the snapshot you've portrayed. I'd suggest you take away the words you want to hear and ignore the rest. Based on the conversation I've read here, I doubt you will get very much from the thoughts offered because you seem to have an idea of exactly what you want to hear, but if this forum only benefits you by giving a platform to "vent" and then ignore the rest, so be it. That said, telling people to whom they can post and how they can post probably won't get you far.
  13. LipstickLady

    This Week I Failed

    Shame, ashamed, regret, fail, gave up... All words I refuse to associate with my life or my efforts towards a healthier body or lifestyle. You received a lot of genuine, heartfelt thought in this thread, most of which you seemed to receive defensively or combatively and that's the real shame. I'm sure there is nothing I can add that won't be taken the same way. Goals should be measurable and attainable. If 50 pounds in 2-3 months reflects failure in your goals and results in shame, perhaps you need to reevaluate your expectations of WLS. Or not. If shame works for you, work it! We all have our "thing". Good luck to you.
  14. When I am stressed/sad/anxious, I clean. I organize drawers, I weed out closets, I purge. I resist starting, but if I'm angry, I tend to throw out a lot more stuff than when I am in a good mood. I love when I am done, I can see results and a decluttered area is very soothing. I try not to eat for comfort. It's a bad habit that I am afraid would spiral out of control FOR ME.
  15. I also got fat due to genetics. No love for the fork here. I'm still confused about the eggplant, though.

  16. LipstickLady

    Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?

    I've not read all the replies and I will when I have more time, but my initial response is that the whole "movement" is ridiculous. Bullying or discrimination of EVERY flavor should talked about but I do think Tumblr and other social media has created some very special snowflakes that think they are entitled to feel "shamed" or "bullied" over the smallest of slights instead of just manning up and moving on. They have completely watered down the meaning of both words taking away from the terms when they really matter. There is a BIG difference between told you can't do something because of your size and expecting special allowances (ie two seats on a plane for the price of one) because of your size. When I was at my heaviest, I expected to pay extra for my bigger clothes. I didn't demand that amusement parks make special accommodations because I couldn't fit in all the attractions. I knew trendier styles would come with a big price tag and would be few and far between.
  17. LipstickLady

    Mediterranean Style Eating

    I've heard the same thing about marathoners Crossfitters. FTFA! You're welcome.
  18. LipstickLady

    Gel nails

    My surgeon said that the oxygen monitor would work just fine, but they preferred clear or no polish so they can see the color of your nail beds. My anesthesiologist didn't care at all, so....
  19. LipstickLady

    Gel nails

    My red sparkly gel nails were the prettiest thing in that operating room! I didn't have to remove mine.
  20. I already have a mother and I rarely listen to her either.

    1. NewSetOfCurves
    2. wannaBthinsoon


      uh oh. somebody stirring up crap again today? What'd I miss????


  21. Almost 3 years out. Breakfast: Sausage egg McMuffin with bottom half of muffin removed (it's bigger). Half of top tossed, too. Snack: Almonds and cashews. Small handfull. Lunch: 5 chicken wings, grilled. (And by five, I mean parts, not five WHOLE chicken wings.) Snack: Cheesestick Dinner: 8 or so mussels in broth with one piece of REALLY toasted baguette. I didn't drink the broth. liquid calories: One Blue Moon A cup of Gatorade with ice. Cr@p: 1/4 Snickers bar.
  22. LipstickLady

    Mediterranean Style Eating

    I truly hope you are praying the same for yourself.
  23. LipstickLady

    What upsets your sleeve now?

    I can eat soft scrambled eggs cooked with butter and cheese but the whites of hard boiled eggs stick terribly. I love them but they come right back up.
  24. They should pin this somewhere. I can think of a few members of this forum who should have this pinned to their foreheads.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
