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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Is it too soon for vinegar?

    Vinegar is very acidic, so that MIGHT be your problem, or it might be that you simply are eating too much heavy Protein. Mayo doesn't have that much vinegar in it, I can't imagine it's enough to affect you. Are your bites teeny? Like baby spoon teeny? Are you chewing your food until it's puree? Are you eating too fast? I had a really hard time with chicken for about 2 years and I still have a tough time with ground beef or any meat cooked to well done. I am three years out.
  2. You changed yourself to better yourself health wise. Only you can decide if you want to be healthy or in a marriage with someone who dictates your appearance and ultimately, your longevity.
  3. If he doesn't love you, that doesn't mean something is wrong with YOU, especially if his problem with you is based solely on your weight or dress size. To me, that speaks VOLUMES about him. Think about this... What if you were to be in a car accident and lose a limb? Would he be justified in no longer loving you because you were disabled? What if you were in a fire and your face got burned? Is it OK for him to no longer love you after that? What if you developed a thyroid disorder and got really fat? Or cancer and got really thin? Would you love him no matter what? You are you for your insides much more than the outside. Yes, initial attraction is based on looks a lot of the time. Love over 10, 15, 20 years should be so much more than that. Don't battle his demons for him. Value yourself.
  4. I've been married for 21 years. If my husband decided that I was no longer attractive to him because I was fatter/thinner/more wrinkled or had gray hair/droopy boobs/saggy bum/stretch marks, I would be more than happy to help him pack. I love him and we are happy, but if only loves me for my appearance, then there is an underlying issue that belongs to HIM, not to ME. I am worth far more than that and so are you.
  5. I'm still that way at almost three years out. I call them my "feeding" days and my "non-feeding" days. Sometimes I can eat two eggs, sometimes I can't finish one. It's a weird thing. That said, at three weeks out, your stomach is still healing. I would advise against eating a two egg omelet with cheese. That's a LOT of food for your newly stapled tummy. Your incision is delicate and still a bit numb. Measure out your portions and time your meals. That's too much food in one sitting (in my opinion) for your stage of the game.
  6. @@lili2333 As a hostess of this forum, I would kindly ask that you refer to the guidelines of this forum that ask that you do not personally attack other forum members. Name calling is not at all necessary and goes directly against our rules and regulations. Thank you.
  7. LipstickLady

    Questions for Alcohol Drinkers ONLY!

    You clearly didn't read the rest of the exchange.
  8. LipstickLady

    Feel like I'm starving!

    The production of acid mimics the feelings of hunger. Make sure you are taking your acid reducer! It makes a world of difference.
  9. LipstickLady

    WLS Made Me A Liar!

    Chin up! I was 75 pounds down before anyone noticed. Then they wouldn't shut up about it. Sigh.
  10. LipstickLady

    Lets talk sausage....

    @@Alex Brecher I like my meat fat.
  11. I woke up from surgery feeling pretty good. Three days later, I was feeling pretty OK. At 2.5 weeks, I was exhausted, irritable, emotional, but never regretful. For some reason, when I hit my three week mark, I hit an all time low and then suddenly, it all shifted. At three weeks and a day, I found my stride. Water, Protein, sleep... I never hit my numbers, but I was close enough to feel human again and I got the "groove" of managing my intake and my activity. Hang in there. Soon enough you will wake up feeling awesome!
  12. Are your notifications broken, too?

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      sometimes they go crazy

    2. Alex Brecher

      Alex Brecher

      How are they now?

    3. LipstickLady


      @Alex Brecher I'm not getting them on posts I reply to. . .

  13. Be honest. If you truly like these people, simply say, "I appreciate your kind words, but all this attention makes me uncomfortable. I'm sure you understand." Smile and change the subject. They will remember before they speak next time.
  14. I am so tired of talking about my weight, let's talk about yours.
  15. LipstickLady

    Wishing others would "lounge"

    When I am not hungry, I order a bloody mary. I can sip it slowly, it's kind of veggies and (ha!) and it's suitable for any time of day. I can only drink one, but it's savory and flavorful and I don't feel bad about having just one. If I am not hungry and a bloody mary is not an option (work, kids, driving right after), I get a cup of coffee. Hot liquids need to be sipped slowly and they usually refill free. If I don't feel bad about not eating, no one else should feel bad about my decision not to eat either.
  16. LipstickLady

    TACO BELL it is

    Most KFCs will allow you to order them if you call ahead of time. It's kind of a secret menu item and nasty as hell.
  17. LipstickLady

    TACO BELL it is

    You can control yourself. It's not cheating, it's a choice. Don't get in the car, don't drive to taco bell and don't give them your money. How far out are you that you can eat Beans, tacos and potatoes?
  18. LipstickLady

    Do I Get Voted Off the Forums if.....

    Only if you call it the "natural" way, the "old fashioned" way, the "right" way, the "harder" way...
  19. LipstickLady

    Ok, bit the bullet and ordered the book

    @@CowgirlJane ... I thought of you.
  20. Two words. Dirty Martini. But not for you. YET. Everything pickled will still be around in a few months, promise. Unless I eat it all first.
  21. LipstickLady

    Lets talk sausage....

    I do love sausage. Thick, juicy, glistening meat. I love the way it plumps up as you prepare it, the way it starts to curve slowly in one direction or the other in anticipation of becoming a delicious feast, the way it starts to ooze juices when it's just about ready... MMMmmmmm...SAUSAGE. But tongue works, too.
  22. LipstickLady

    Lets talk sausage....

    I like my "sausage" with girth.
  23. You are seriously talking nonsense. I am NOT kidding there. A true stall is three weeks of NO scale movement. Not up, not down, NO movement. You've not had time to stall being only ten weeks out much less "stall like crazy". I don't mean to minimize your feelings, it's OK to feel the way you do, but that doesn't mean you aren't speaking nonsense.

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