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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I don't tell people because it's none of their business. I don't feel ashamed of myself. I don't tell people when I am on the rag. Not ashamed of that. I don't tell people when I acted like an ass and my husband acted like an ass and we fight. Nope. Not ashamed. I don't tell people when I have gas/vomit/have a zit on my ass/need to spit out a loogie. No shame in that game. Why the #$%^&* do people associate my right to privacy with SHAME??? JEEZUS. Calm down. I never made any such association. Calm down? Uh, Ok. :eyeroll:
  2. I don't tell people because it's none of their business. I don't feel ashamed of myself. I don't tell people when I am on the rag. Not ashamed of that. I don't tell people when I acted like an ass and my husband acted like an ass and we fight. Nope. Not ashamed. I don't tell people when I have gas/vomit/have a zit on my ass/need to spit out a loogie. No shame in that game. Why the #$%^&* do people associate my right to privacy with SHAME??? JEEZUS.
  3. LipstickLady

    Food related regrets...

    Rice. One bite, two bites, three bites, PUKE.
  4. LipstickLady

    Oh, the lying!

    Valentina, are you okay? Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App Thank you so much for your concern. I just don't know why some people have to be so negative and aggressive to the point of being hurtful?--just for a laugh--at some one's expense and hurt? --just to puff their chest out and say, "I sure dusted her, didn't I" I just don't frigg'n get it.... I came "home" here because I remembered the support and comradery that I felt before John's suicide. Now, I find too many spiteful narcissists who consider every post an attack upon them. Everyday now until June 6th it seems there is a reminder of just how much John wanted to keep my surgery a secret from his diamond distributors on47th Street. I HATE secrecy. John couldn't bear the thought that I was having WLS to the point that he swallowed 122 Vicodins. That's how much I hate secrecy. That been said, I ABSOLUTELY refuse to be ridiculed nor belittled about a post that was meant to be uplifting and supportive. It has taken me 4 yrs of therapy to accept that John's suicide was not my fault and to go public with my WLS. I've just had it with "The Haters" on this site--even if the one they really hate is themselves. Sorry for my rant. Prayers going up for---all of us. Oh dear gawd. You are reading far too much into my post and that's a shame. I hope your tomorrow is better. Sincerely.
  5. LipstickLady

    Oh, the lying!

    I replied to your post because it's in a public forum and I can. If we always only replied to people who spoke directly to us, this wouldn't be much of a DISCUSSION forum would it? There are very few initial posts that are speaking DIRECTLY TO someone yet replies are expected/appreciated but by your logic... Sounds like you are the one with your panties in a twist and that's on you, not me. Feel free to block me if you care to, but telling me not to reply to anyone I choose to reply to is really not going to get you far.
  6. LipstickLady

    Burger commercials piss me off

    @@Joyce 258 Fear not!! Baked buffalo wings and blue cheese dressing is a staple for me. You will get there and that is a perfect sleever meal. High fat, high Protein, low carbs. I don't do fried wings most of the time because they make me horrible gassy, but baked crispy? YUM!! 3-4 times a week!
  7. LipstickLady

    Oh, the lying!

    Nope. Never denied it to myself. No half truths here. No lying by omission. No stories to keep straight because the only people that know won't tell. I had weight loss surgery, too, and I am successful three years out. My sky hasn't fallen nor will it. I love myself. No identity theft desired.
  8. LipstickLady

    Oh, the lying!

    I don't tell people any more than: Low carb, high fat/high Protein diet (true) Exercise (true) Portion control (true) I'm not lying. At almost THREE years out, no one has ever asked or called me on it. It's been a "non-event" for me, too. As far as doing fellow fatties a disservice? I didn't realize that my surgery negated my right to privacy. It's not my job to educate, evangelize, preach, teach, or recommend such a personal choice. If I meet someone I want to discuss it with, I will, but it's certainly not my job. Sorry, that whole train of thought p*sses me off. I am NOT ashamed, I *DID* do this by myself. I worked hard and I lost the weight utilizing a tool that I researched. I am no one special. If I can figure it out, anyone can.
  9. LipstickLady

    1/4 of a pepsi

    If liquid and air expands your stomach, your doctor did a pretty sucky job at your surgery -- possible even inserted a raggedy old balloon in it's place. I think you're safe.
  10. LipstickLady

    1/4 of a pepsi

    I drink Coke Zero (through a straw!) every day and am almost three years out. I gave it up for three months pre-op and more than 6 months post. My NP approved it because it was my only real vice and I never looked back. No stomach stretching -- that's ridiculous. Air can't stretch your tummy.
  11. LipstickLady

    Burger commercials piss me off

    Actually, as a marketer, it's marketing at it's best! It shows a low quality food, that costs pennies to produce in it's best (though unrealistic) light. People are paying $7-$10 for a "meal" that looks and tastes like crap (in reality) and costs a buck or so to make. It's pure genius and I can't blame the food companies at all. I have never gotten a Bic Mac or a Whopper that looks like what you see on TV, yet I stopped often in the Quest to satisfy that itch they promised to scratch. It tasted awesome at the time because I didn't truly appreciate the joy of real food with good quality ingredients. It was all about instant gratification and that's about all I got. Now I don't hesitate to spend that $7-$10 on a small container of excellently prepared cerviche' or seafood salad. I don't blink at the prices of sushi grade salmon or a good filet. I'm worth it and I am healthier for it. I am not spending more money because my quantity is less but my quality has sky-rocketed. I'm the winner here, but I do appreciate their efforts.
  12. LipstickLady

    Burger commercials piss me off

    Oh yes! This. I went to an all inclusive resort in Cancun for a week with my family last month and was completely fascinated by the amounts of food (and the number of plates) people made. (I wasn't innocent, I made some plates that were FAR bigger than I could consume but quickly learned my lesson when I left 3/4 of it there. What a waste!) After finally truly realizing that I could/would go back to the lines as often as I wanted over the course of the day, I made the decision to stick to my plan while eating what I wanted when I wanted. I ate so much grilled salmon, steak every night, sashimi, cheese, olives, pickled cactus, Beans, Mexican omelettes, carnitas... I am Mexican so I was in heaven. I rarely touched dessert and when I did, it was a teeny bite. I was thrilled. I was satisfied and I realized that I ate better quality food than 99.9% of the people there who were stuffing themselves with fries, nachos, tortillas, empanadas, Pasta trying to get their money's worth. I would say I actually consumed 1/4 of what most people ate at best, but I out ate them as far as high ticket items by 300%. Seriously. Think about it. I did drink to excess, I'll admit, but it was a one week thing, so... I came home 3 pounds lighter and I miss the decadency of the great foods I ate. Bonus? I don't regret passing on one bite of the junk.
  13. LipstickLady

    Burger commercials piss me off

    I understand your rant and I feel your pain, but to play devil's advocate... I am on the other side. Three years out almost and maintaining comfortably. I'm not model thin but I'm a comfy size 8 and thrilled. I get a burger whenever I want, I just rarely want. You know that saying that nothing tastes as good as being thin feels? It's boo-sh!+. food tastes great. I still want yummy stuff and I crave delicious, flavorful meals. Difference is, my restriction is so tight (1/2 cup or so, about 3-4 ounces), I'd rather have quality food than junk. A bite or two of that delicious mess they try to pass off as food occasionally, but it's no longer satisfying because my body needs quality in each bite. Bread makes me ill, so if I indulge, I remove it. I can only finish 1/3 of a small burger max and I usually regret it because it's not as good as it used to be. In fact, it's kind of gross. Meh. I ate a lot of fast food to get where I was but it's not the fault of the fast food industry, it was mine. I could get back to fat ( and I "tried' -- gained 20 pounds over the winter and have lost 14 of it since March just making good choices) but I don't want to. My good choice diet is decadent. Good quality meats, cheeses, high Protein,high fat, low carb. Seafood, olive oil, nuts, real sour cream. No more light or tasteless fat free junk. Sausage, steak, salmon. Brie, Gouda, omelettes, bacon, olives...and yes, burgers. Sliders usually, with all the fixings, no bread, delish. Cheaper at home, too. So much better than that crud they're peddling, and I'm healthy!
  14. LipstickLady

    EXACTLY what to do for a reset?

    I got a tummy virus, haven't been able to eat for two days and now can't eat 1/3 can soup without feeling stuffed. And then it came back up, so...
  15. LipstickLady

    Awful looks

    Why on earth would you give a rat's ass about the opinion of a stranger? That's ridiculous.
  16. LipstickLady

    Red light tanning bed

  17. I love it! I can pretend my tummy isn't full but I can't ignore my dripping nose! Clearly self control wasn't a strength for me pre-op. Having a big flashing red light (or in this case, a big dripping red nose) can't be denied.
  18. LipstickLady


    My key to warmth is layers. I always wear a tight tank top, no matter the temperature. When it's cool, I layer on CuddleDuds. Look them up! They have three thicknesses to choose from and when it's really cold, I wear two sets under my jeans and sweater. If my core is warm, and I'm wearing socks, my hands don't go numb. Hell. At least I'm thin enough to wear layers under my jeans!!
  19. The sneeze button (aka the Vargas nerve) is very real. My nose drips like a faucet at one bite too many. As soon as it starts to drip, I know to stop eating.
  20. LipstickLady

    I made a mistake!

    How much did you eat? Did your surgeon not give you post op guidelines to follow? What food stage are you supposed to be at?
  21. LipstickLady

    Rant: Obnoxious comments

    "Surely you didn't mean to sound as rude as you just did..." "I'm surprised you thought such a personal comment was appropriate." Or as we say in the south... "Bless your heart." All with a condescending smile and an F-you tone.
  22. LipstickLady


    costco has a delicious Gouda that is in a red rind and is NOT smoked. It's fabulous. I'll fourth/fifth Kerrygold cheddar. I love a fresh mozzarella, too. I warm it up in the microwave and eat it all stringy like with a fork. YUM. Gorgonzola cheese is delish on anything. Like a spoon. Whole Foods has a little section where they take the butts and ends of cheese and wrap them up tight in little 1-3 oz bundles and sell them cheap. It's a great way to try a little bit of cheese you would probably never think to try in what is basically a cheese stick size. You spend a few bucks and if you don't care for it, no big loss. I've found some cheeses I've loved and a few I've hated. It's like a super cool treasure hunt.
  23. LipstickLady

    Eating after surgery

    At day 12, I had just started purees. At almost three years out, I still don't do rice. You do you, I'll stick to my surgeon's recommendations.
  24. LipstickLady

    Marketing to plus-sized women = Fat-shaming. Low blow, bold response.

    I'd call it ignorance not fat shaming. I think people are looking to be offended in many cases when they should simply be considering the fact that most people are idiots.

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