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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    So what's the deal with fizzy drinks?

    Truth. I'm very full after a Coke Zero. Also true. If I drink a Coke Zero out of a bottle, the carbonation is too much and it can be painful. A fountain drink or a bottle poured over ice is much better. Drinking your calories is bad, especially if you are getting zero nutritional value. Diet soda, on the other hand, is not an issue. So NOT true. Air doesn't stretch a sleeve. In fact food shouldn't stretch a sleeve if the procedure is done right and the patient doesn't chronically overeat to discomfort. Even then, the "stretching" is minimal as there is so little fundus left over after surgery. Straws have nothing to do with anything. I giggle every time I read/hear this. For the record, I'm almost three years out, at goal weight, maintaining beautifully and sipping a Coke Zero through a straw as we speak.
  2. LipstickLady

    Men measuring their manliness against other men's manliness?

    No. It's just weird.
  3. LipstickLady

    A Beef about my Surgeon

    I only speak yo my surgeons NP. I'm ok with it. suspect she knows much more about the pre and post op stuff just as he knows more about the actual surgical procedure. She's got more personality, too.
  4. LipstickLady

    need to learn to slow dow

    When I was a porker, I wolfed my food town because I preferred it hot. Now, with my sleeve, I am forced to eat slowly and usually only the first bite or three are so. You'll get used to it. Added bonus? It's not as good when it's cold so I eat less.
  5. I had my sleeve done in June of 2012 and if people made a comment on how much weight I had lost I told them I had the sleeve. Some close friends knew and honestly if I sat there and took a compliment on it I would feel dishonest if I let anyone think I did this without the help of the surgery. I didn't care who knew and actually my saying I had the surgery helped 5 friends of mine make the same decision to also have it done since mine was. If someone didn't agree with my decision then f*** em I don't disagree with you at all. The point of my initial post, however, is that my decision NOT to share does not make me a liar by omission or any other form. When people tell me I have beautiful skin, I don't feel the need to confess my entire beauty regimen. When people tell me they love my hair, I don't tell them I color it every few weeks or I'd be completely gray. When people tell me they love my outfit, I don't detail the shops or prices I paid. A compliment can and should be answered with a simple and gracious "Thank you".
  6. LipstickLady

    Men measuring their manliness against other men's manliness?

    I feel as if I have stumbled into a weird alternative plane where nothing makes sense.
  7. Surgery on Tuesday, home on Wednesday, doing all the mom things on Thursday. I was tired and a little nauseated, but other than that, no biggie. I didn't vacuum or lift heavy stuff, but I could cook, drive, do basic chores, etc. I work from home so no down time needed for that either.
  8. LipstickLady

    I'm going to scream....

    "I'm so tired of talking about my weight, let's talk about yours!" I was 75 pounds down before people noticed. I'm only 5.2. :thud:
  9. LipstickLady

    Mirena removal

    I'm on my third Mirena. No weight gain associated, zero acne, lighter periods, less mood swings than the pill. Removal hurts like a biatch, though!
  10. Your desire to know does not supersede my right to privacy.

    1. jane13


      loose lips, sink ships!

    2. KindaFamiliar


      But what if I REALLY wanna know???

    3. 2goldengirl
    4. Show next comments  324 more
  11. You don't have to explain it to me any more than they have to explain their dietary choices to anyone. Clearly if someone chooses not to explain, it's for personal reasons and no more information is needed -- even all those listed.
  12. It's bizarre tha fellow WLS patients judge me for choosing not to share by personal medical history simply because they choose to share their's.

    1. jane13


      It is strictly a personal decision that once you share or choose not to that you have to live with the choice you make: too much info or none at all.

    2. Christinamo7


      I am not really sure why their opinion bothers you so very much? so someone judges you. so what?

    3. Djmohr


      This might be rude but I say screw them. It's none of their business.

    4. Show next comments  324 more
  13. I tried being a two and stress gained 20 pounds. Went back to being a three and am back to goal with 6 more pounds to lose to get back to my all time low. At least I caught it before I needed new pants!!
  14. Good on you! I love that you choose to share your story. I choose not to and like you, that's just being myself. Huh?
  15. Because it's none of their business? Just like hemorrhoids, periods, spousal disputes, salary, family drama, bouts of diarrhea ...
  16. "I'm not that hungry." "I'm watching my diet -- it's almost summer!" "I had a big Breakfast." "I'm cutting back." Smile and look back towards the general conversation. No reason to entertain further discussion.
  17. LipstickLady

    Men measuring their manliness against other men's manliness?

    What a bizarre thing to ask. I'm moving this to an adult forum.
  18. As far as personal consumption. I learned quickly that the "don't drink for 30 minutes after a meal" meant 45-60 for me. I'm almost 3 years out and I will still violently heave if I drink too soon after eating.
  19. I bought way too much stuff prepping for surgery. I threw away a crap-ton of Protein powders, Soups, bars, drinks, crystal light, Popsicles, etc. that I thought I'd be able to eat but couldn't tolerate. I was driving three days post op. Grocery shopping was not an issue on an as needed basis.
  20. Pondering this a bit more and I guess if someone asks how you lost the weight and you answered "None of your dammed business!", that would be the whole truth, no lie, no omission.
  21. LipstickLady

    need to learn to slow dow

    Use baby spoons and use a smaller plate. Eat a bite, walk for a minute. Eat a bite, walk for a minute. Repeat unti you've eaten your measured 2-3 ounces. Stop.
  22. LipstickLady

    Food related regrets...

    My NP told me to just eat the toppings. Chopped carrots, cukes, onions, bacon, cheese, tomato, seeds, etc. Add a little dressing and skip the filler leafy crap. Yum.
  23. I live it when strangers on the internet tell me what to do. Snort.

    1. Cervidae


      I love it when strangers on the internet think the way they do things is the way everyone should do things! Don't listen to the poopheads. :D

    2. 2goldengirl


      I find the notion of ANYONE telling you what to do laughable. And I'm nearly an internet stranger.


    3. LipstickLady

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
