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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I'd insist she suck my butt. I would, but it's a coworker so gotta keep it kinda profesh. Why? She's not.
  2. LipstickLady

    So what's the deal with fizzy drinks?

    If gas build up from carbonation could "stretch a sleeve", why aren't Beans, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and other foods known to cause big gas also frowned upon? Sorry, it's ludicrous to think air could stretch one's tummy.
  3. LipstickLady

    Gloves come off?

    I can't/won't speak for everyone but I daresay that many of us here have faced the same struggles. Over the course of 20+ years of obesity, I decided on *multiple* occasions to just be happy being fat but I never really was -- I was simply giving up on myself. I wanted to do mud runs, and play in the park with my kids without being winded. I wanted to walk on the beach comfortably, and run up and down the massive sand dunes. I wanted to fit in roller coasters and airplane seats. I wanted to shop in regular clothing stores and not feel judged when I put a carton of ice cream in my cart. I wanted to fit down the aisles of a bus and through a turnstile without turning sideways and rubbing up against everyone beside me anyways. I wanted people to stop looking at me in horror as they realized I was headed to the empty seat next to them in the theater. I wanted to sit in booths and not be forced to sit in the aisle at all times for the extra space. I wanted my health back far more than I wanted that burger. I am three years out and at a very healthy weight. I can walk farther, jump higher, move faster, dance longer than ever before. My only physical "loss" is my ability to float/tread Water for hours and stand up to big ocean waves. I used to think I was just that good of a swimmer. Now I realize that fat floats much better than not fat and it's much harder for a wave to knock down a 265 pound woman vs a 150 pound woman. I'm ok with that trade off. Only you can decide if you are.
  4. LipstickLady

    Kick Arse Appointments

    YAY YOU!!! You are going to do awesome.
  5. I am all about privacy and keeping your information confidential if that's what you choose to do. That said, as I was reading your post, I was a bit irritated at you for telling her you didn't have surgery when asked out right. (Clearly I am just as bitchy in person as I am on these boards because NO ONE has ever asked me. HA!) BUT!!! The second you stated your concerns about her inability to keep your information to herself, you totally won me back over. You DO NOT have to tell ANYONE ANYTHING personal if it is going to make you uncomfortable. You owe her nothing. Don't feel guilty and don't beat yourself up. Your reason for not telling her is 100% reasonable and warranted. Let go of that guilt. It only creates cravings for chocolate.
  6. LipstickLady

    Food related regrets...

    From the beginning, I could only tolerate really really really soft scrambled eggs. So soft, they were almost runny and I added a lot of butter and cheese. I can now tolerate quiche and fritattas, I can eat a soft boiled egg but can only tolerate about half the white. Same with fried eggs. The harder cooked the egg, the less I can eat, unless I add a lot of mayo or sauce.
  7. LipstickLady

    Burger commercials piss me off

    I agree/disagree! I am SO glad that calorie counts and nutrition facts are being made more available and I love when they are posted right on the menu. As far as making them even more "in your face"? MMmmmm...I can't agree with that. People do need to take accountability for their choices. I know that personally, when I was a Fatty McFatster, no image or nutritional information signage would have kept me from ordering (and upsizing) whatever I wanted.
  8. LipstickLady

    So where are 30 somethings shopping?

    Try Forever 21. I am 40 something, but I have two teenage girls who keep me fashionable. They have a lot of boho style tops in their contemporary collection. I love their dresses, too, but they can be a bit short so watch the measurements.
  9. LipstickLady

    Cheating with post op diet

    I cooked for three people immediately post op. I am the one who ate so much I became morbidly obese. I am the one who made the choice to have surgery to correct my obesity and to save my own life. I am the one who chose to follow my surgeon's plan to the letter both pre and post op until I was cleared to eat what I wanted. Was it hard? Yup. Did it suck at times? Yup. Did I do it anyways? YUP.
  10. LipstickLady

    Men measuring their manliness against other men's manliness?

    This conversation is getting weirder by the moment.
  11. I will be three years out in May and I can easily eat an entire 1/4 cup! Sometimes I can even get in 1/2 cup and if I push it, 2/3 cup. I regularly eat a whopping 2-3 oz of meat or Protein but any more than that and it's coming back. It's annoying at times, but the farther out I get, the more thankful I am for my restriction. I could totally eat around my sleeve if I wanted to, and I have (holy 20 lbs batman!), but when I watch what I eat and make great choices, my restriction is real and it keeps me on track. I love that I can eat so little. I wouldn't change it for the world.
  12. If you don't want to talk about it, you can just say that you don't want to talk about it. Once you go into details and leave out the surgery, you are no longer being completely truthful. It's your right to not be truthful, but you have need to own it. So what you're saying is that in all the scenarios I listed in my original post, you would give full details? Really? Several years ago, a woman that I only knew thru other friends had some kind of wls. I guess she didn't realize that I knew it. She had to the nerve to tell me that I should start walking because that is how she lost weight. She brought up the weight issue, not me. To this day, I wish I had asked her if she would also recommend the surgery that she had to lose weight along with the walking. The point is, she didn't lose weight by just walking. She lost weight by having surgery. It was none of my business and I never would have brought it. She was lying when she tried to "help" me by telling me to walk more like she did. That's a completely different scenerio. When people ask me how I lose the weight, I tell them the truth. I move my body a lot more and I eat a lot less. I don't attempt to tell fellow fatties HOW to lose weight. I don't initiate the conversations nor do I encourage the conversations when asked. I am not peddling weight loss shakes or wraps and I am not falsely endorsing a weight loss method for fun or profit. Could I regain all my weight WITH my sleeve? Sure! There are stories of people gaining all their weight back plus some on this forum. There are stories of people never losing more than 10 pounds and even of people never utilizing their tool at all (although how you could ignore it is beyond me, mine was definitely in charge for my first few months). I am not regaining my weight because of my diet choices and exercise. I am maintaining because of me. Have I slipped up? Yup. Gained almost 20 pounds back (from my lowest weight ever) over the winter and have lost 15 of it by focusing on my -- you guessed it! Diet and exercise. Again, that's 100% me. Did my sleeve help me? Absolutely. Am I lying by not spreading the news of my medical procedure? Nope. Not even a little.
  13. Good lord yes. Do you really want to know that I like my (blank) to be (blanked) with a (blank)? REALLY? So uhhhh... Wanna send me a private message?
  14. Yes. And when I asked you how you are, I really don't care about your hemorrhoid. Really.
  15. So what you're saying is that in all the scenarios I listed in my original post, you would give full details? Really? Ask me how my Friday night was, I'll tell you "great - had an awesome date, great dinner, spent a lot of time together, can't wait to do it again." If I post the details here, Alex will put me in a major time-out. Am I lying? Am I not being truthful? Life isn't court - the truth, the whole truth, etc.... doesn't mean you're lying. Exxxxxxactly. We all have someone in our life that is an over sharer. Don't you dread talking to them? Ugh...
  16. If you don't want to talk about it, you can just say that you don't want to talk about it. Once you go into details and leave out the surgery, you are no longer being completely truthful. It's your right to not be truthful, but you have need to own it. So what you're saying is that in all the scenarios I listed in my original post, you would give full details? Really?
  17. Good grief is right. If you want to not tell the truth, then admit you are not telling the truth. Pretty simple. You don't owe anyone the truth. Just admit that you aren't telling the truth. Who's not telling the truth?
  18. LipstickLady

    55% gastric sleeve!?

    You just made me giggle, sorry. My full service/full price comment was in jest, but that said, I can't imagine committing to such a major surgery and only going halfway with it. I just don't see the point.
  19. LipstickLady

    55% gastric sleeve!?

    Thank you so much. A reply like yours is exactly what I was looking for. Someone with a low BMI and either had the full sleeve or modified sleeve. I had my doubts that why I was searching. And I haven't felt really comfortable or convinced after I met with the Doctor even though he is a well reputed doctor and one of the very first to introduce the surgery in the region back in 2002. I am trying to seek a 4th medical opinion but it's really hard trying to find a reputed doctor near where I live. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App So basically Meatpie said the same thing as everyone else but gave you the right answer?
  20. LipstickLady

    Friends around you

    I must say I disagree. You chose to change your life. You chose to have surgery. This is your new world and you must adjust to it. Why should they change their habits? My family still eats what they want if they cook it. I still have chips and Cookies and cake and ice cream in the house because they don't have weight problems, I do. It's not up to them to blend into my new lifestyle, it's up to ME to make great decisions despite what is happening around me. The world isn't going to change because you did. It shouldn't have to.
  21. That's a pretty high goal weight for your height, IMO. You do what's comfortable for you.
  22. LipstickLady

    55% gastric sleeve!?

    NO.WAY. There is no reason you shouldn't have the full VSG. ESPECIALLY if you are self pay. That's crazy. I'd find a new surgeon. You aren't the first lower BMI candidate and you won't be the last. You won't lose too much and if you do, you can easily up your caloric intake to compensate. Unless he is only charging you 50%, I'd demand FULL service for full price.
  23. I love it when people speak of their opinion as if it was absolute fact.

    1. OKCPirate


      almost as much as I hate gossip disguised as a prayer request.

    2. 2goldengirl


      I'm with Babbs on this one.


    3. Sharon1964


      I take a few hours off and miss all the fun.


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