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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    :faint: :sigh: :green:
  2. My favorite thing I've read today.
  3. I love it. Wrap tops and dresses are so flattering. The colors look great on you, too.
  4. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    Thank you! Damn you! Best part is being able to narrow down the selection by your foot size first so you aren't wasting your time looking at things that aren't available. Then color, then heel... It's bliss. And their return policy rocks! They are super easy to deal with and the shipping is amazingly fast. I've never waited more than three business days.
  5. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    So really... My post was in fun, but also quite serious and I didn't word my inquiry well. How in the world do skinny people who don't fluctuate in size from year to year resist the urge to obtain a new wardrobe? I'm baffled at having shirts I loved from two summers ago that still fit perfectly, that I still love the look of and that are in perfectly great shape. This sleeve thing still amazes me every freaking day. Absolutely no regrets.
  6. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    6pm.com is the outlet for Zappos. The deals are amazing. @@KrissieLong
  7. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    Well, that ain't gonna happen!
  8. LipstickLady

    Cheating with post op diet

    Mashed potatoes are a purée and French fries are FRIED potatoes. Big diff. I, too, was allowed 2-3 tablespoons of mashed potatoes at three weeks out watered down and with fat free gravy. Big difference between that and fried solids.
  9. LipstickLady

    Cheating with post op diet

    I feel fries is not that bad at 12 days as long it was a few fries soft texture.Next time i would mash them up and put a little ranch and make them ranch mash potatoes.and mash potatoes are fine at 12 days.but think you did little to much with the pizza.2 more weeks for that my dear.Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App You totally forgot to add the J/K LOL at the end of your post because you certainly can't be serious...
  10. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    We need to shop together, clearly. We have 7 high end consignments shops within 15 miles of me. Two are run by the junior league and none of them take ANY clothing that you would find at a typical mall. One is so far out of my price range, I can't do anything but drool a bit when I walk in to pet the clothes. http://www.alicemcqueenconsignment.com/home.html As far as your spreadsheet? Girl...you're sick.
  11. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    You don't even want to know about my shoe and handbag collection. That bad habit started because I was a fatty, too. I justified it because shoes and handbags fit no matter how much you over indulged the week before. I was devastated when I lost 110+ pounds because I lost a shoe size, too. Then I figured out that I can now fit into tall boots. Frye is SO thankful for my WLS.
  12. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    I have a really big closet. REALLY big. <3
  13. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    But I LOVE everything!!! But I LOVE everything!!!
  14. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    150??? You go, girl!! Good for you!!! <3
  15. Life is just a party and parties weren't meant to last. - Prince

  16. Life is just a party and parties weren't meant to last. - Prince

  17. Life is just a party and parties aren't meant to last. - Prince

  18. LipstickLady

    So what's the deal with fizzy drinks?

    Not all carbonated drinks are unhealthy and make you fat. There's sparkling Water for example. I believe the assumption (no research has been done to prove it) is that carbonation could stretch the sleeve. It also often causes significant pain and discomfort.I would not drink carbonated drinks just in case of the possibility of stretching your pouch. I think that the OP was not referring to carbonated waters (they can correct me if I am wrong). My point was that VSG is not a solution, it is a tool and without significant life style changes it will become ineffective over time. The vast majority of us did not get to this point in our lives drinking carbonated waters. I am pretty sure that a lot of us here were addicited to the main stream carbonated drinks such as Coke and their diet or zero offerings. Those products were created to be addicitive are a big part of our obesity cycle. I don't want to fall back in to that trap so I am good with removing them from my life which is really hard but if the idea that it would hurt and that my NUT says they are verbotten, well that just helps. I am sure carbonated water could be fine and I am sure there are people who have 1 12oz Coke Zero a month and are fine. But I am going to guess that the folks that can have 1 Coke Zero a month are in the minority here. (It would be interesting to see just how many of us were or are addicted to those drinks and what quantities we consumed pre SVG. I was easily 1 gallon -2 gallons a day of Coke Zero!) I drink a 2 liter or two of Coke Zero a week. I'm fine at three years out and maintaining. My NP is fine with it, too.
  19. For the first time in three years, i am craving vegetables. Asparagus, green beans, tomatoes... It's so bizarre.

    1. Christinamo7


      I love asparagus! I have lima beans today with my chicken for lunch.

  20. I agree for ME. I didn't want to worry about dumping (I do it anyways with high sugar). I wanted to be able to have cake or ice cream at special events and I can, but only 2-3 bites. I was not diabetic, I was healthy as a horse, I just wanted the restriction. I knew I would suck at taking Vitamins for malabsorbtion and I was right. The sleeve was my perfect fit. No regrets.
  21. LipstickLady

    Zucchini noodles or Spaghetti Squash?

    My spaghetti squash method is super simple. I poke it all over with a fork and then microwave it for ten minutes. I turn it over and microwave it again until it is soft. Cut it in half, scoop out the seeds and then scoop out the "noodles". No squeezing neccessary!
  22. LipstickLady

    Oh, the lying!

    Okay, but when people ask HOW did you do it? And I answer doesn't include WLS, you I am not telling the truth. So philosophically speaking, is a failure to answer with a truthful answer a lie? Which part is not truthful?
  23. I'm not sure when making the personal decision to not tell the world all of your personal business became a "half truth" or "lie by omission" but if that's the case, I have a few scenerios/questions for those of you who think that way. By that logic: If someone asks me how me and husband are the day after a huge fight (or a night of great sex), is it my duty to tell them all the details or is my standard answer of "Great!" or "Fine!" now a lie? If someone asks me why I look tired, do I have to tell them that my husband snored and farted all night/was extremely frisky/kept getting up to pee and woke me up a gazillion times or am I lying? I am just getting over a horrible tummy bug. When people ask me if I'm feeling better, should I go ahead and tell them that I am terribly afraid that I am going to poop in my pants at any minute because my stomach still feels off? If I don't, I am TOTALLY lying by omission. Well meaning friends often ask how my kids are doing in school. Should I tell them that my oldest is in the top ten in her class, got into a top rated university, has received an a$$ load of scholarships but that her ex-boyfriend is being a real bast@rd and making her personal life a little miserable? I mean, that's the truth. People often ask me my ethnicity because I am olive complected in the bible belt. I tell them Mexican and Italian, but I leave out the drop of German and Acatec Indian. Pin a big red L on my chest! Must I tell people that I am on the rag/pissed at my kids/need a glass of wine/really have no desire to talk to them/in a hurry when they ask me how I am doing? Manners be damned! I don't want to be a liar. Do I love your skirt? Why yes, I do! But now I have to tell you that it's beautiful but looks like **** on you because I don't want to omit any info. Why am I smiling? I just crop dusted some nasty faced woman an aisle over. TRUTH!! I could go on forever ... Keeping my personal business PERSONAL doesn't make ME a liar just because you choose to share YOUR personal business.
  24. LipstickLady


    Beans and cheese, quiche, scrambled eggs or omelettes, seafood salad, crab cakes, cheese trays with hummus, shrimp, lunch meat roll ups, chicken salad, the list is endless!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
