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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I had frequent debilitating nausea after eating or drinking for three weeks post op. My doctor prescribed an anti nausea med as well as a pill that kept my stomach from cramping after I ate. They were prescribed to be taken as needed and worked like a charm. It was at about 3.5 months that I could finally stop the pills. Talk to your surgeon. As far as the potion sizes. I am still at 1/3 - 1/2 cup at most meals. My doctor and NP told me that this would be my forever norm. For me, this is my healthy portion, I just need to eat a little more frequently. Were you not warned of the same?
  2. Bounce, pounce, trounce, flounce.

    1. Dub


      Bounce as hard as you can !!!!!!

    2. LipstickLady


      You lookin' at my boobs?


    3. Dub


      Of course I am. It's what I do......

    4. Show next comments  315 more
  3. Three years out (in May) and successfully maintaining goal weight. I step on my scale 3-6 times a day minimum and that's ok. I never worry about fluctuations because that's the norm. I weigh 2-4 pound heavier at night than I do first thing in the AM. I weigh more on my scale than I do on the doctor's scale. When I was fat, I only weighed buck naked after a pee, first thing in the morning and at night right before my shower. Now, I hop on and off all day, dressed, not dressed, full bladder, after a potty break... I am so happy to see my current number, I don't care what the scale says at the moment. I've learned that how my pants fit is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than the damn scale. Who see that anyway? If it drives you nuts, put it away. If you use it as a reminder to keep on task, keep it out. It's a tool, not a torture device unless you choose it to be.
  4. I'm not a gum chewer, but when I do chew gum, I don't swallow air. My surgeon has no issue with it as long as I don't swallow the gum. SF mints? Fair game!
  5. LipstickLady

    What Should I Be Doing

    Go with it. I was so ready to have surgery and move on with my life, I wasn't nervous until my actual surgery date. The only reason I was nervous on that day? I had to day goodbye to my kids and promise them I'd be home and just fine 2 days later. I was far more worried about them than me. I knew this was the key to my new life and all was well. IGNORE!!! I just saw that I was in the men's room. SO SORRY. I turned out fine. No reason to work yourself up needlessly.
  6. The irony of the misspelling. Bless your heart. Another hurtful ridicule. Feel better now?. Point proven. Prayers going up for you. As much as I appreciate prayers, I'd urge you to take the time you'd spend focusing on me and do a bit of self reflection on why you can so readily dish it out but are completely unable to take a bit back.
  7. I love it when people make crap up and try to present it as fact.

    1. Stevehud


      Oh and eldoe, youd agree with anything lipsticklady says, as a matter of fact you are her yes woman, you NEVER disagre with her and attack anyone who does. Its why i have you on ignore in regular posts. Honestlyour little click reulses me. and to say "well i had a drink at 3 months" is bullshit, you all have this, attitude that you know so much more than the suregons and nutritionists, which is total bullshit. im done. there are good people on here. you two dont like it if anyone tips over your little power base. Ill stick to the mens forums where the little games arent played and people actually care.

    2. LipstickLady


      I had my first drink three months out. Sleeved in May, family vacation in August to our beach house. Wine, bloody Marys and probably a margarita or three over the week. I'm wondering why/how you can call BS on what someone else does ... Unless you have hidden cameras around my home, you don't know jack. My status update had NOTHING to do with you, @Stevehud , please pull your head out of your nether regions and realize you occupy none of my active thinking.

    3. LipstickLady


      As far as a "click" (clique), "power base", and all knowing attitude, I call BS on that. You have a very active imagination that doesn't really suit you. I ALWAYS advise people to consult their docs and I claim to be an expert on nothing but me.

    4. Show next comments  315 more
  8. The irony of the misspelling. Bless your heart.
  9. And she stands out to me as someone who will speak her opinion openly, honestly, and graciously. Not every person is going to like the communication style of everyone else and that's OK. But trust me when I tell you, you will NOT be coddled by @@Babbs . She will give you solid advice every time from the viewpoint of someone who has been there, done that and is successful. I'd much rather hear it from her than someone who has no clue what they are talking about and coddles you along the way. Well then, hear from me. I am 5yrs out (almost longer than both Babbs and Lipsticklady combined), and reading some of these responses---on a "support site" from so called "vets" reminds me of freak'n high school. We have the "freshmen" who are get beginning their journey--unsure, a wee be frightened--looking for any kind of advice or jester to help them feel like they "belong" and welcomed. Then we have the "BULLIES" who seem to take some kind of perverted pleasure in "one upping" every freshman, just to inflate their own egos. Just be humane. Corrective criticism can be given without "wounding". Every question, no matter how many times it has been asked in the past, is a realistic concern to someone just starting their journey. It is not--or should not be our goal to ridicule just for bragging rights for "smoking that one out". None of us are here for another's private amusement or to be the butt end of an ongoing private joke. It hurts, and that is NOT what we are supposed to be doing here. I think some have forgotten that this site is NOT for their own shock entertainment If you can't offer some kind of affirmative advice or just a kind word, then just keep your snarkiness to yourself. The "freshmen" don't need your "private little jabs", and I for one who has "been there, done that, and buried the horse I rode in on" in terms of sleeve surgery am just plain ass tired of it. If you can't improve upon the silence---then don't. Prayers going up---for all of us. Name calling, check. Reprimanding, check. Telling others how they should or should not speak their opinion, check. Passive aggressive "religious" comment, check. You tickle me.
  10. Is it a full moon?

    1. jane13


      I didn't ride on my broom last night so I didn't notice :)

      tonight....I ride. }:|

    2. KindaFamiliar



      Have I slept thru the crazies being out again?

      Stupid timezones...

    3. jane13


      yep idiots and drama queens/kings

  11. And she stands out to me as someone who will speak her opinion openly, honestly, and graciously. Not every person is going to like the communication style of everyone else and that's OK. But trust me when I tell you, you will NOT be coddled by @@Babbs . She will give you solid advice every time from the viewpoint of someone who has been there, done that and is successful. I'd much rather hear it from her than someone who has no clue what they are talking about and coddles you along the way.
  12. LipstickLady


    It's not.
  13. LipstickLady


    :raises hand: Yes, yes it is. I'm awesome.
  14. LipstickLady


    That's a little extreme. I drink beer, whiskey and coke, vodka and diet cranberry and various other adult beverages. I am three years out in May and maintaining fine. (I also eat cake, candy and an occasional french fry.) Alcohol doesn't hit me "seven times harder" (can you show me the science behind that?) and I am not an alcoholic. Just because one was a former fatty, does not mean they've lost all sense of self control when it comes to alcohol. My advice? Follow your surgeon's direction, try your beverage of choice at home the first few times to see how it hits you and tread lightly. Make good choices and if you choose to drink, don't drive.
  15. LipstickLady

    Is this a stupid idea?

    Why? Nothing wrong with getting a head start.
  16. LipstickLady

    Is this a stupid idea?

    My two week pre op diet was two shakes, one snack of yogurt or cottage cheese, one meal of lean meat and veggies a day. I chose to start two weeks early. I didn't cheat, I didn't have a good funeral, I don't regret it. I was ready to break up with my obsessive need for food, so I did.
  17. To those who are regretting it. You can't change it and these feelings WILL go away if you consider what may happen if you work your WLS. I have a stricture, I was nauseated for the first few weeks. I was dehydrated for a long time. I was stuck on purees for 6 weeks and couldn't eat "real food" until my 3.5 month mark. I slimed and foamed for my first year and I still vomit at almost three years out if I eat rice, potatoes or Pasta, or one bite too many. Feeling full is miserable and my meals are teeny. I LOVE IT. I am thin, I am healthy, I can do whatever the fluck I want to do physically. I can fit into any outfit that fits my fancy and look good. I can put ice cream in my cart (can't eat it, I dump) and no one looks at me with judgement. I am no longer the fat mom. I no longer have ouchy feet or knees. My sugar is no longer pre-diabetic. My heart is no longer in distress because of my obesity. I rock. I am finally who I am supposed to be on the outside. I was always who I am on the inside and now the rest of me matches. It's fabulous.
  18. Not everyone. I didn't. Not even for a minute. Not taking away from the OP's experience, but you can't lump everyone into the "regret" category.
  19. It's so weird to see all the requests for May sleevers when I WAS ONE three years ago. What a fabulous, life changing thing this was. I am SO SO SO happy with my decision.

  20. LipstickLady

    What are your go to "snacks"?

    Oh! And I'll often eat "meal" food as a snack. one sausage link a slice of bacon a hot dog a few shrimp ... Oh! And I'll often eat "meal" food as a snack. one sausage link a slice of bacon a hot dog a few shrimp ...
  21. LipstickLady

    What are your go to "snacks"?

    I'm three years out and maintaining quite easily. I do high protein/high fat, low carb and I don't track as often as I'd like. I do a self check every once in awhile, but... My restriction is super great so I am a huge "snacker". I " " that because my real meals are pretty much snack sized. My Snacks are: almonds cheese Jerky lunch meat cheese hummus and veggies cherry tomatoes cheese peanuts olives imitation crab leg sticks with sriracha mayo (did I say cheese yet?) microwaved pepperoni slices (they crisp up like chips) edamame (my absolute favorite food other than cheese) hard boiled eggs and cheese.
  22. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    Use google and Yelp. I did "high end consignment Detroit" and found 5. Clothes Mentor is ok -- not great. The better the area it's in, the better the clothes, obviously. That's a franchise.
  23. LipstickLady

    "Snacking" on pre op diet

    I learned post op that feeling FULL is no longer the goal and probably the reason I got so fat. I always loved and desired the feeling of full. Now, I absolutely hate it. It's uncomfortable, the feeling is located in a different area of my body that feels abnormal and it truly makes me want to gag. The liquid part is hard and you really need to convince yourself that you are getting adequate calories even though you are not feeling that way right now. Logging is helpful. Even if you can conquer the head part (it's just temporary!!), your body is going to scream for more. (My NP allowed raw veggies and up to 4oz of lean Protein as Snacks when I asked her about this. I was a martial arts instructor so I was VERY physically active and liquids only pre-op were affecting my ability to do my job.) It sucks. Brush your teeth, gargle with Listerine because nothing tastes good after that, do something with your hands so you can't eat like knitting or fresh nail polish, chew gum, drink Water until you feel like you are drowning, and deal with it. Take it an hour at a time. You can do it. Seriously.
  24. LipstickLady

    Beach 1 month post op

    Nahhhh... Unless you are planning on drinking directly from the ocean, you should be fine. I was. Take your favorite insulated Water bottle, fill it with ice and the non alcoholic beverage of your choice and sip sip sip. If you must, set your timer to remind you to take a drink every five minutes. I actually think there is an app for that. For realz...

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