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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Sleeve. This is more typical of the band, though, I believe. I also dump if I eat high sugar or cream based Soups. That's typical of bypass not sleeve. My sleeve is schizophrenic.
  2. If I eat too fast or too much, it comes back a little in a slimy, foamy liquid that is quite nasty. I can't swallow it, it must be spit out (insert that's what she said jokes here) and it's in copious amounts (insert that's what he said jokes this time). For me, it's often a prelude to a productive burp or an all out upchuck.
  3. LipstickLady

    Ready, set, gooo!

    Easy cheesy! You're going to be fine.
  4. I loved phentermine. Phen-fen was a combo of phentermine and fenflueramine (sp?) and the second was the "bad for your heart" part. Phentermine is basically legal speed. My energy was endless, I didn't eat or sleep for days, my sex drive was equivalent to that of a 19 year old boy. I darted from here to there cheerfully, couldn't sit down (unless it was on top of the hubby) and I wore EVERYONE out except my myself. Lost 80 pounds in 3 months and was happier than I have ever been. Then I got a brain tumor and phentermine can aggravate seizures so... Off I went. Weight regained. Damn, I miss that stuff. So does my husband.
  5. LipstickLady

    Amount of food.

    Everyone eats differently however you don't want to vomit that definitely stretches the stomach and my nutritionist told me when I feel pressure to back away from the food Sent from my SM-N910P using the BariatricPal App No, it doesn't. I was severely nauseated and vomited constantly for my first few weeks post op until my doc prescribed meds to stop it. For my first year, I vomited at least once a day, my second year, 2-3 times a week, and now, at year 3, at least once a week. I can't eat more than 1/2 cup at a time most days. Vomiting doesn't stretch a sleeve. How is that even possible? It can cause pressure on the lining of the stomach and rupture the incision areas Sent from my SM-N910P using the BariatricPal App Ripping your incision VS. stretching your sleeve. Big difference.
  6. LipstickLady

    "That's on your diet!"

    I am so bored talking about my diet, let's talk about YOUR'S!!
  7. LipstickLady

    Amount of food.

    Everyone eats differently however you don't want to vomit that definitely stretches the stomach and my nutritionist told me when I feel pressure to back away from the food Sent from my SM-N910P using the BariatricPal App No, it doesn't. I was severely nauseated and vomited constantly for my first few weeks post op until my doc prescribed meds to stop it. For my first year, I vomited at least once a day, my second year, 2-3 times a week, and now, at year 3, at least once a week. I can't eat more than 1/2 cup at a time most days. Vomiting doesn't stretch a sleeve. How is that even possible?
  8. LipstickLady

    "That's on your diet!"

    Why do you allow ignorant people to ruin your day? You need to grow some thick skin, my friend. I definitely didn't mean that in a snarky way. Seeing other people lose weight and get healthier brings out the beast in many. My answer? I tell them to suck it.
  9. I'll be three years out in May. Plain water still sucks.
  10. LipstickLady

    So what's the deal with fizzy drinks?

    I drink Coke Zero. Don't count on it feeling good going down.
  11. LipstickLady

    Weight loss after sleeve

    And with this, I will back out of this thread. Best of luck to you.
  12. LipstickLady

    Weight loss after sleeve

    You really need to learn to NOT compare yourself with others. I mean that with love and care in my heart. As I tell my kids, there will always be someone richer/poorer, prettier/uglier, dumber/smarter, fatter/skinnier, taller/shorter than you. Comparing yourself to a faster loser will be as difficult for you as whomever is currently comparing their 6,8,10 pound weight loss with your 13 pounds.
  13. LipstickLady

    Breathe, just breathe

    My kids earn $15/hour tutoring where I live. Retired teachers around these parts make $30ish. Look into private tutoring companies, too. I'd bet they pay better than the Mathnasiums and like franchises.
  14. LipstickLady

    Breathe, just breathe

    You know how many tutors in a box places are out there that would love to have you? And homeschool groups who pay a LOT of money for subjects they don't want to teach their kids via computer software? Girl, you've got this.
  15. LipstickLady

    Weight loss after sleeve

    Only 13 pounds? ONLY?
  16. LipstickLady

    Is it true ?

    Three years out in May and I get hungry. In fact, sometimes I am absolutely ravenous. It's a totally different kind of hungry, now, than it used to be, though. Before, it was all consuming and no matter how much I ate or how physically stuffed I felt, I could eat more within 20-30 minutes. Now, I can rarely eat more than 1/2 cup in a sitting. Being full is uncomfortable so I have found my sweet spot of eating just enough, but not one bite more. There are days that I don't have a chance to eat until noon or one because I am so busy and then BAM, the intense hunger hits. The funny thing, though? The hungrier I am, the less I can eat. My kids love to make fun of me for it. I can walk around complaining about how hungry I am for an hour or so, stop to eat and get down 3-4 bites and suddenly start talking about how full I am. My kids know about my surgery so they laugh. People who don't know about my surgery just think I'm bizarre when this happens. Most of my sleeved friends do talk about getting hungry, but again, it's a totally different hungry than I experienced when I was a fatty McFatser.
  17. LipstickLady

    Breathe, just breathe

    Vent away. I'll even help you throw around a few creative expletives.
  18. LipstickLady

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    I can afford my new addiction financially much more than I could afford my old addiction physically. <3
  19. LipstickLady

    First restaurant Post-Sleeve

    Refried Beans, guacamole, salsa fresca, YUM. As you get a little further along, chicken tortilla Soup, the insides of tacos, splitting fajitas. No rice, minimal chips, carne asada is awesome. YUM!
  20. (I'm still trying to figure out if this is a "threat" or a promise.)
  21. LipstickLady

    "That's on your diet!"

    Why do you allow ignorant people to ruin your day? You need to grow some thick skin, my friend.
  22. Ok. This is the first half of the only answer.
  23. This is the only answer.
  24. I had frequent debilitating nausea after eating or drinking for three weeks post op. My doctor prescribed an anti nausea med as well as a pill that kept my stomach from cramping after I ate. They were prescribed to be taken as needed and worked like a charm. It was at about 3.5 months that I could finally stop the pills. Talk to your surgeon. As far as the potion sizes. I am still at 1/3 - 1/2 cup at most meals. My doctor and NP told me that this would be my forever norm. For me, this is my healthy portion, I just need to eat a little more frequently. Were you not warned of the same? The info I was given to kick off the "maintenance" phase, says about 1 cup to 1&1/4 cup portion size. You might get there eventually but seriously, be grateful you aren't there yet. At your stage, my portion size was 2-3 tablespoons max before I foamed, slimed and vomited. It was at my 6 month mark that I hit 1/4 cup. At three years out, I know how easy it would be to regain. In fact, I regained 20 pounds over the winter and have relost all but 5 of it in the last two months. My restriction is amazing, but Cookies, M&Ms, cake, potato chips and misc. other junk brought on the pounds. I committed to going back to high protein/high fat low carbs and lost it all quickly due to my (THANK YOU SURGEON!!!) extremely tight restriction. Keeps me honest. You will get used to it if you remind yourself that you are now eating to live, not living to eat. I had frequent debilitating nausea after eating or drinking for three weeks post op. My doctor prescribed an anti nausea med as well as a pill that kept my stomach from cramping after I ate. They were prescribed to be taken as needed and worked like a charm. It was at about 3.5 months that I could finally stop the pills. Talk to your surgeon. As far as the potion sizes. I am still at 1/3 - 1/2 cup at most meals. My doctor and NP told me that this would be my forever norm. For me, this is my healthy portion, I just need to eat a little more frequently. Were you not warned of the same? The info I was given to kick off the "maintenance" phase, says about 1 cup to 1&1/4 cup portion size. You might get there eventually but seriously, be grateful you aren't there yet. At your stage, my portion size was 2-3 tablespoons max before I foamed, slimed and vomited. It was at my 6 month mark that I hit 1/4 cup. At three years out, I know how easy it would be to regain. In fact, I regained 20 pounds over the winter and have relost all but 5 of it in the last two months. My restriction is amazing, but cookies, M&Ms, cake, potato chips and misc. other junk brought on the pounds. I committed to going back to high protein/high fat low carbs and lost it all quickly due to my (THANK YOU SURGEON!!!) extremely tight restriction. Keeps me honest. You will get used to it if you remind yourself that you are now eating to live, not living to eat.

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