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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    The forums are getting out of control

    Who, me?!?
  2. If I eat too fast or too much, I feel as if I'm suffocating from the inside out. My chest feels tight, but not like asthma. It feels as if an elephant is stomping on my rib cage and my mouth gets sweaty on the inside. I either walk the steps, force a burp if at all possible, but I definitely remove myself from the room, because something is coming up or out. I hate feeling full.
  3. Oh, jeeeezus!

    1. Sharon1964


      I like to invoke his lesser-known brother, Jeebus.

  4. LipstickLady

    The forums are getting out of control

    I kind of did, but I think it needed to be more directly stated. so thank you. No, it isn't.
  5. LipstickLady

    The forums are getting out of control

    You mean you adulted?
  6. LipstickLady

    The forums are getting out of control

    I'm just going to leave this here.
  7. LipstickLady

    11 days Post Op

    It was a struggle for me, too. It still is many days and I was sleeved a long time ago.
  8. LipstickLady


    I am so backing out of this one...
  9. LipstickLady

    I'm freezing cold ever since surgery!

    Girl...ME TOO. (I'm three years out and my Iron is OK. Not great, but OK.) Welcome to what possibly many be your new reality.
  10. LipstickLady

    The forums are getting out of control

    HAHHAHAAAA! For real. I snorted. My observation? It's always those who are crying out against the perceived drama, demanding people respond in a certain manner, and complaining about off topic posts are the first to call names and use the words "bullies", "cliques" and "gang" while creating the very drama they are railing against. Weird stuff right there. Hmmmm, no. We seem to be missing someone.....let me summon her. Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! TA-DAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
  11. LipstickLady

    The forums are getting out of control

    Because it's SO MUCH MORE FUN to create drama. Oh wait...the irony.
  12. LipstickLady

    The forums are getting out of control

    1.) If you don't like what you are reading, keep on scrolling. 2.) If you don't like who is doing the writing, put them on ignore. It's really quite simple.
  13. LipstickLady

    How plus size stores rip us off!

    I'm glad you found something that worked for you. I can tell you that they had NOTHING that was heavy duty enough for the work load I was putting 'em through.
  14. LipstickLady

    How plus size stores rip us off!

    I shop in regular sized stores now. I really don't see a price difference, I simply have a LOT more options.
  15. LipstickLady

    How plus size stores rip us off!

    Agree. I would never buy bras at Walmart because the girls would only revolt against me by dropping lower than they already are. Underwear is OK, but really, I could buy much better quality if I looked for sales at Lane Bryant for only a few dollars more. Workout wear at Walmart is great, though. My kids are not label hogs, but are typical teens and even they will say that the leggings at Walsuck are as good if not better than more expensive work out clothes. We like those at Old Navy, too, for the record.
  16. LipstickLady

    Binge eating and emotional eating

    You can always tell how pissed or stressed I am by how clean my bathrooms are. Instant gratification.
  17. LipstickLady

    How plus size stores rip us off!

    I've got to disagree! I worked retail in college and there are many reasons plus sized clothes are so much more expensive. First and most obvious. Plus sized clothes take more fabric. They also create more waste. A bolt of fabric is standard sized. With smaller clothing sizes, more pieces of the pattern fit on the bolt and there is less fabric wasted. With larger sizes, the only way to use the excess cut away fabric is to also make tiny clothes from the same fabric and most plus sized manufacturers don't also make kids' clothes from the same fabric. There are a lot more cuts going into larger sizes as well. Instead of one piece of fabric wrapping around the body to make a skirt with one seam, two (or three or four) pieces must be cut and stitched together. With more cuts, there are more stitches, too. Clothes are ordered in sets. Most manufacturers will sell a store (I am making this up for example sake) 1xs, 2s, 5m, 4l, 1xl of each item. In plus sizes, there might be 2-1x, 4-2x, 2-3x, 1-4x. Stores takes a loss on the clothes they don't sell so that cuts the profits on the clothes they do sell. Fabrics fall differently, give differently and patterns need to be matched differently on plus sizes. When you get into nicer clothes (think with lining, with intricate lace or button patterns), this all takes more hands on work and intricate machinery. You also have to consider zippers, fasteners, heavier thread for the weight of the fabric.... Plus sized clothes cost more to ship, too. The reasons are so many. It sucks big balls, but it's reality.
  18. LipstickLady

    Is it really that MUCH trouble!?

    I almost went in to edit it and add a few paragraphs but there wasn't enough time in the world.
  19. The R word is NEVER offensive if used in a technical or clinical sense and it has NOTHING to do with being "PC". When the R word is used as a slur, you are insulting people with a physical/mental disability -- something they have no control over. Perhaps I am very sensitive to this issue because I was an exceptional ed teacher. I, too, believe the person who used the word did not mean it as offensively as it came across, but that does not take away from the importance of getting out the message that the use of the word really isn't acceptable.
  20. LipstickLady

    5 Days Into Pre-Op Diet & STARVING

    Eat your veggies raw! You maintain more of the Fiber and it takes raw veggies longer to break down than cooked. Also, try mixing in a FF ranch packet or other flavoring into a plain greek yogurt. I loved veggie dip to snack on during pre-op. I am not big on sweet yogurt, and I love savory. I felt like I was eating real food, and I still got my extra Protein in.
  21. I am going to copy and paste a great article here and hope this breaks it down for you. I will say that using the R word as an insult is akin to using the N word, using the word ***, calling someone a **** or a J*w... Using another person's disability/race/ethnicity as an insult is wrong on so many levels, as I am sure you agree. Advocates explain why the R-word is so hurtful when used in jokes or as part of everyday speech. The R-word is EXCLUSIVE “What’s wrong with "retard"? I can only tell you what it means to me and people like me when we hear it. It means that the rest of you are excluding us from your group. We are something that is not like you and something that none of you would ever want to be. We are something outside the "in" group. We are someone that is not your kind. I want you to know that it hurts to be left out here, alone.” – Joseph Franklin Stephens, Special Olympics Virginia athlete and Global Messenger The R-word IGNORES INDIVIDUALITY “Words matter. People don't need to scoff at others to make a point. Everyone has a gift and the world would be better off if we recognized it.” – Tim Shriver, CEO of Special Olympics The R-word equates intellectual disability with being DUMB OR STUPID When saying the R-word, “What we mean is that he is as stupid as someone who is mentally handicapped, and we mean that in the most derogatory sense. The implication is that the only characteristic of mentally handicapped individuals is their stupidity.” – Crystal, Stanford, CA The R-word spreads HURT “It is wrong to pain people with your language. Especially, when you have already been made aware of your oral transgression's impact. Make no mistake about it: WORDS DO HURT! And when you pepper your speak with "retard" and "retarded," you are spreading hurt.” – John C. McGinley, actor and star of the hit TV show “Scrubs” The R-word is OFFENSIVE “The word retard is considered hate speech because it offends people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as the people that care for and support them. It alienates and excludes them. It also emphasizes the negative stereotypes surrounding people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; the common belief that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities should be segregated, hidden away from society, which, in my opinion, is really old fashioned.” – Karleigh Jones, Special Olympics New Zealand athlete The R-word is INCORRECT “When you say the "R" word it makes people feel bad and it hurts my feelings and I don't want to hear you guys say it. Instead, you can call me a leader, a hero, or a human being, but please don't call me the "R" word.” – Dony Knight, Special Olympics Oregon athlete The R-word is DEROGATORY “Because the word has become a casual description of anything negative or flawed, ‘retarded’ is no longer considered an appropriate way to describe people with intellectual disabilities. And any use of the word, even when used as slang and not intended to be offensive, is hurtful - because it will always be associated with people who have disabilities.” – Sara Mitton, Board Member, Treasure Valley Down Syndrome Association The R-word fosters LONELINESS “It hurts and scares me when I am the only person with intellectual disabilities on the bus and young people start making “retard” jokes or references. Please put yourself on that bus and fill the bus with people who are different from you. Imagine that they start making jokes using a term that describes you. It hurts and it is scary.” – Joseph Franklin Stephens, Special Olympics Virginia athlete and Global Messenger The R-word is HATE SPEECH “I don’t think you understand how much you hurt others when you hate. And maybe you don’t realize that you hate. But that’s what it is; your pre-emptive dismissal of them [people with intellectual disabilities], your dehumanization of them, your mockery of them, it’s nothing but another form of hate. It’s more hateful than racism, more hateful than sexism, more hateful than anything.” – Soeren Palumbo, student, advocate, brother to a sister with an intellectual disability. Eeeek! It edited out my examples. That says a lot. @@Alex Brecher Would you please add the R word to the banned/edited word list? THANK YOU!
  22. LipstickLady

    "That's on your diet!"

    EEEK! Making light of a serious mental/physical condition might be more offensive than telling someone to bite it. Just my two cents.
  23. Your use of the word "retard" is highly offensive. As a host of this forum, I will ask that you please refrain from using such slurs in the future. Thank you.

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