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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. We could always go back to hashing out whether or not it is our civic duty to educate people on WLS.
  2. Your surgeon doesn't count either.
  3. my doctor is ok with it. I was only told not to have any for the first month. I drink diet soda and carbonated beverages whenever I want. Not a lot but it doesn't bother me at all Your surgeon doesn't count any more than mine. Your surgeon actually told you that he or she was fine with you drinking diet coke? Yup. Said that earlier.
  4. my doctor is ok with it. I was only told not to have any for the first month. I drink diet soda and carbonated beverages whenever I want. Not a lot but it doesn't bother me at all Your surgeon doesn't count any more than mine.
  5. Would you like my surgeon to call you personally? No, my surgeon knows what he is talking about. Just a giggle.
  6. I have a similar experience with plain water. Not that it hurts my stomach but it gives me a slight "fuzzy feeling" in my head, (I know that requires a brain, which is something I don't possess). Plain water in larger amounts consumed over a shorter period of time will give me a slight "fuzzy" feeling, where flavored water or a different zero calorie beverage of an equal amount won't. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease mention that you use a straw, that is always great for a heated topic. I'll pop a single serving of microwave fat-free popcorn and wait (microwave fat-free popcorn is another fun topic). Water makes me feel as if I'd just guzzled a quart of lead. It thunks and then I feel nauseated. And yes, I use a straw. It always tickled me when I heard the no straw rule, but so many doctors recommend carrying a sports bottle of water constantly to get your fluids in, most of which utilize a ... ... ... STRAW! I have a similar experience with plain water. Not that it hurts my stomach but it gives me a slight "fuzzy feeling" in my head, (I know that requires a brain, which is something I don't possess). Plain water in larger amounts consumed over a shorter period of time will give me a slight "fuzzy" feeling, where flavored water or a different zero calorie beverage of an equal amount won't. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease mention that you use a straw, that is always great for a heated topic. I'll pop a single serving of microwave fat-free popcorn and wait (microwave fat-free popcorn is another fun topic). Water makes me feel as if I'd just guzzled a quart of lead. It thunks and then I feel nauseated. And yes, I use a straw. It always tickled me when I heard the no straw rule, but so many doctors recommend carrying a sports bottle of water constantly to get your fluids in, most of which utilize a ... ... ... STRAW! I have a similar experience with plain water. Not that it hurts my stomach but it gives me a slight "fuzzy feeling" in my head, (I know that requires a brain, which is something I don't possess). Plain water in larger amounts consumed over a shorter period of time will give me a slight "fuzzy" feeling, where flavored water or a different zero calorie beverage of an equal amount won't. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease mention that you use a straw, that is always great for a heated topic. I'll pop a single serving of microwave fat-free popcorn and wait (microwave fat-free popcorn is another fun topic). Water makes me feel as if I'd just guzzled a quart of lead. It thunks and then I feel nauseated. And yes, I use a straw. It always tickled me when I heard the no straw rule, but so many doctors recommend carrying a sports bottle of water constantly to get your fluids in, most of which utilize a ... ... ... STRAW!
  7. Would you like my surgeon to call you personally?
  8. LipstickLady

    Breakfast ideas.

    Fish, I get, but eggs? No popcorn was a rule where I once worked. We had a lady who liked it burnt in the microwave. Oh gawd, the stench.
  9. I agree with all of this. I returned to diet soda for a few reasons. I like it. I like the fizz, I like the taste, it pleases me. Plain water hits my stomach hard post op, so my NP suggested Crystal Light, G2, etc. There goes the artificial sweeteners argument. My plan allowed decaf coffee after week one. There goes the acid argument. (That said, I cannot drink wine -- it kills me with heartburn.) My plan allowed regular coffee at week 6 as long as you drink a correlating number of Fluid ounces of something else. There goes the dehydration piece. Again! I am not encouraging anyone to go against doctor's orders. I am simply relaying MY experience with MY surgeon. My books at seminar said no soda, alcohol, smoking, carbonation, fried foods, Pasta, potatoes, chocolate, ice cream, rice, etc. ever again. My surgeon and NP then work with individual cases to adjust those directions according to the needs, success and new habits of the individual.
  10. LipstickLady

    Breast size after surgery

    Victoria's Secret can help you with that no matter what your end size.
  11. LipstickLady

    Breakfast ideas.

    $1 sausage McMuffin with the bottom (or top -- whichever doesn't have the cheese stuck to it) removed.
  12. Three years out and successful. I drink it. Not as much as I used to pre-WLS. I am very mindful about what I eat, how much I move my body and because I am not really a sweets person, it doesn't "trigger" (how I have grown to hate that word) me to eat other foods.
  13. LipstickLady

    Breast size after surgery

    I was a 42 HUGE to a 36DLONG, so yup.
  14. I've not read all the replies, but... I drink Coke Zero. Through a straw. My surgeon OK'd it a 6 months out because I was almost to goal. I had no other "vices" so this one was approved, but barely. Sleeves don't stretch (per my surgeon) and if they did, it would not be because of carbonation. Air is air. I have always consumed diet soda only, and post op, it must be through a fountain soda or a poured soda. Canned or bottled hurts so I avoid. It doesn't increase my cravings as I am not a sweets person, but MY experience is not anyone else's. YOU DO YOU. Listen to your surgeon and work from there.
  15. I took Zofran *and* a med to stop my stomach from cramping. Huge relief. Gatorade diluted with Water was much easier for me to tolerate. Straight water still makes me want to hurl. My first few weeks were rough but at week three, I felt great! Keep calling your doctor. You are paying them big bucks for help. Make sure you get that help.
  16. LipstickLady

    Breakfast ideas.

    Today I ate a cheese hot dog, no bun. Yesterday I had leftover taco meat topped with Beans, cheese and four cream. The other day I had portabella mushrooms filled with crab and topped with cheese. Breakfast doesn't have to be breakfast foods.
  17. LipstickLady

    My rant for the day.

    Why do people stand in line (especially the express line) and look surprised when it's time for them to pay? I'm talking their items are rung up, purchases bagged, bags put in cart by cashier, rolling total has been on display the entire time.... Why don't they have their debit cards out, cash in hand, check already started? Hell's bells! Some people don't even have their wallets out yet!! I mean, are they surprised that they are going to have to dish out some money? Do they really have no clue that they are clogging up the works? Then they want to chit chat with the cashiers while they fumble through their stuff to find a payment method? Seriously! I can overlook a few extra items in the 10 items or less. I can overlook the frazzled mom toting lots of kids or a newborn. I can overlook someone who is elderly or physically disabled, but the rest of you? WHY?!!?!!!?
  18. LipstickLady

    Is guacamole bad

    I used to like you. We can no longer be friends.
  19. LipstickLady

    Is guacamole bad

    She's wondering if guacamole is bad.
  20. LipstickLady

    Is guacamole bad

    Yes I am but at the same time I'm ready Sent from my SM-N910P using the BariatricPal App I say this with all due respect and care. You aren't ready until you can control what you are putting in your mouth. Fritos, Triscuits, etc. tell me you aren't as ready as you want to be.
  21. Ask your surgeon! That's why you're paying him/her the big bucks.

    1. KindaFamiliar


      Why ask them when I can ask here for free AND cause people irritation??!?

    2. jane13


      "Heres your sign"

  22. LipstickLady

    Why do people bash weight loss surgery?

    If you think people have opinions about WLS... just try telling them you are having WLS in Mexico! That really gets their heads spinning! Well, to be honest, I'd question that decision. LOLZ!!
  23. Hi Ann! Is it the famous Ann from gastricsleeve.com ? Sent from my A846L using the BariatricPal App Plus, I'm here.
  24. LipstickLady

    Why do people bash weight loss surgery?

    Becuz their stoopid. People are afraid of things they don't understand but too lazy to do little research beyond what they heard about what happened to their neighbor's mother's best friend's boyfriend's cousin's veterinary assist. Via facebook.

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