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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Wait, whuuuuuttttt?? Another smoker condemning diet soda? Smoking won't undo the sleeve, pop will. Undo? What the heck are you talking about? UNDO?
  2. Wait, whuuuuuttttt?? Another smoker condemning diet soda?
  3. BAAAHAAAHAAAAAA!! @@Babbs Here you go.
  4. LipstickLady


    For the fam, I make the best (easiest) concoction. 1pd chicken breast, boneless skinless 1 can corn drained 1 can pinto Beans rinsed 1 jar salsa 1 can crushed tomatoes (I like hot Rotel) Throw it all in a crock pot and cook it on low all day. Shred chicken with two forks and serve with topping(s) of your choice. I choose cheese, sour cream, avocado, chopped red onion and a bit of hot sauce.
  5. LipstickLady


    What the heck is an instant pot?
  6. LipstickLady


    You need to talk to your doctor about a PPI (acid reducer). Not only is acid painful, but it also mimics the feeling of hunger. I took mine for about a year but this far out, rarely take it. I still do rolaids when I need to, but at the beginning, my PPI was essential. Ask.
  7. LipstickLady

    Protein, Protein, Protein

    I agree/disagree. I am three years out and I still can't always meet my protein/water requirements. I couldn't even come close for the first year + and my surgeon only advised 64-80gr of protein. I did the best I could, healed like a champ and reached goal with a 110+ pound weight loss in 9 months. I do agree that you should do protein first and that protein is key in healing and loss, but I am not sure that you have to reach such high numbers to succeed/heal.
  8. LipstickLady


    You feel acidy (not a word) after Protein? Are you taking a PPI?
  9. LipstickLady


    I am not going to tell you what you should or should not do and I totally understand your craving for salad because I had it, too. When I asked my NP, she asked me what I missed about salads and I told her it was the crunch. She told me to go to a salad bar and make a "salad" out of all my favorite toppings, add seeds, dressing and cheese and enjoy. She told me lettuce had almost no nutritional value and just took up space. She advised me to skip it and she was right. I got all the flavors of carrots and broccoli and onions and sunflower seeds and egg and bacon bits and blue cheese and... YUM!! Couldn't eat much but got some Fiber and Protein, too. Now, I will say, I was 3 months out before I was released for salad so don't take my advice. Some veggies may be far too fibrous for your 7 week old tummy and lettuce may be your only option right now. Ask questions but don't worry about eating a bit more lettuce. It chews to nothing. A very important lesson, though? Just because you CAN eat more, doesn't mean you should.
  10. Clearly you didn't actually read this thread.
  11. High Protein, low carb. I choose high fat, but that's a personal decision. I still eat a taste of PB now and then, but it's not as important in my life as it used to be. Tastes and cravings change and you will figure it out if you keep an open mind and concentrate on eating healthier foods and smaller portions. Find new foods you love that meet your dietary requirements instead of focusing on what you can't have that you used to love. Those foods did you no favors. They got you here. I have found great joy in tasting new seafood salads at my Fresh Market. Yesterday I got a raw salmon and seaweed salad, the day before, a shrimp bruschetta salad (no bread involved). Today I got a delicious Thai curry shrimp and peanut salad. I look for high flavor, awesome variety, expensive foods with great quality ingredients. I can't eat but 1/4 - 1/2 cup, so it still costs less than a McD's meal. I am far more a foodie now than I was because my restriction is tight and I don't want to waste a bite. Now, though, I am a skinny person asking for samples instead of a fatty too embarrassed to.
  12. Your second issue is that the article was originally written in 1980. A lot has happened in the medical field in the last 36 years.
  13. So your first problem is that the article you are quoting is for bypass patients. Unless you clicked on the wrong option in your profile, you had a sleeve. That's comparing apples to puppies. Your argument here is moot.
  14. I'm a full fat kinda girl. Real cheese, real butter, real salad dressing, real mayo, real sour cream. I do drink skim milk because I like it, and I buy light Greek yogurt because the kids prefer it. Full fat tastes better and keeps me full longer. Much more satisfying.
  15. Girl, I've learned to quote the crap out people when they post mean, inflammatory, nonsensical junk. If you don't, they come back and edit it, or remove it all together and then claim they never said it. Nope. Quote, quote, quote... Can I quote you on this? Only if you do it right.
  16. Girl, I've learned to quote the crap out people when they post mean, inflammatory, nonsensical junk. If you don't, they come back and edit it, or remove it all together and then claim they never said it. Nope. Quote, quote, quote...
  17. @@KindaFamiliar Stop soliciting BP members. Creeper.
  18. LipstickLady

    duplicate posts abound!

    I remove cross posts whenever possible. They make the hair on my arms stand up. Grrrrrrr.....
  19. Wow. I wasn't being mean Lipstick lady. Its a pretty serious operation.... and I want to see her succeed. not harm herself.... I have no real issues with the soda verses not.... aside from the fact its bad for you... and I don't like or drink crystal light either... I want everyone to win against this battle.... and if you are not going to listen to the docs... I mean they have ( many of them) being doing this studying this for many years... They know a lot more about this stuff than any of us do... and If your not going to be able to handle it and its hard,,, especially at first and pretty scary to... I don't want someone to go through all this and regret it.... for it is not for the faint of heart.... or the ones that can't or wont stick to the diet....the only way to succeed is to stick to the diet... follow the docs advice I would hate for her to be curled in a ball for several hours for a sip or two of soda... that would suck.... I just want her to make sure this is what she wants..... and to do what needs to be done to be healthy and happy..... now saying that I am not saying not to live.. I had a spoonful small one of each child's birthday cake... I have a few dark chocolate covered raisins and some sherbert now and again as we are changing lifetime habit... it seems like she doesn't want to make those needed changes and that worries me for if she doesn't her life is not gonna be very pleasant... and drinking soda a month out... your still on the liquid diet a month out.... it sounds like a painful plan to me and it worries me.... a month out sounds too soon.... and for those on about protein shakes after surgery I could not tolerate them barely tolerated them during my month long liquid diet before surgery after it was a no go and I would gag... so I had to find another way....I am truly trying to help with my experience.... I dont drink any protein shakes... I eat my protein... meats steak chicken beans cheese....I cannot imagine living on them as I saw another poster say ... YUCK!!... But truly was not being mean or harsh... Just want the Op to take a good hard long look and make sure this is something she wants and can do... it is not for everyone.... I am pretty blunt and straight with what I say... rarely do I try to pretty it up.... it needed to be said... and I think she needs to take a long hard look at it one more time to make sure its what she truly wants..... giving up soda for health.....its a small sacrifice.... and with WLS sacrifices have to be made....I am going to correct a few things you said above as gently as possible. I am quite certain you aren't responding with hate in your heart, but your words are quite harsh and to be honest, quite rude. I am as blunt as they come and I have no problem with people who are the same, but damning someone to failure because they don't do what you do is wrong. My opinions and my truths only belong to me. I will share my very successful experience because they worked (or didn't work for me), but I will NEVER INSIST that my way is the only **RIGHT** way and that is how you are coming across in my opinion. First. Sleevers don't have pouches and they don't grow. Their stomachs are swollen from surgery, and that swelling goes down, but that is not a pouch and it is not growth. I drink soda and I am not overweight or unhealthy. I hit goal within 9 months. She didn't say she didn't want "truth", she said she wanted people to be nice. Big diff. That said, your opinion does not equal TRUTH. (Nor does mine.) She didn't say she knew more, she is doing her research and asking for opinions. I am successful and my opinion differed from the opinion originally offered by my surgeon. For the win, he agreed with me after he saw my reasons for MY individual case. How dare you tell someone they shouldn't have surgery for asking a question. Isn't that up to her surgeon and NP? What makes YOU think YOU know more than them? (To use your words...) I am sure she knows it is a serious surgery. I am sure she knows the risks. I am certain that if she was "curled up in a ball for hours" she would learn her lesson -- something we mostly all go through. She wasn't asking if she could drink soda a month out, either. I wasn't on liquids for a month post op. Again, your plan isn't everyone's. I had some good and bad experiences. I learned from my mistakes and I am sure the OP will do the same. Soda is not going to doom her any more than chocolate raisins or sherbet doomed you. I am not sure how you justify your "forbidden choices" as any better than her's.
  20. When you quote, please type YOUR words outside the blue text box. When you type INSIDE the text box, you are accrediting YOUR words to other people. I am about to edit the below post to take your words out of my mouth. I said none of the bolded stuff below as an example. Thank you! If you are unclear on what I am saying, feel free to message me and I will walk you through the steps on how to quote and reply properly. Wow.
  21. Some people clearly have no clue how to quote and reply, literally putting their words in other people's "mouths". Imma 'bout to fix that where if affected me. I may spew what some people consider nonsense, but I didn't spew THAT nonsense.
  22. Your surgeon doesn't count either. @@LipstickLady Oh yeah! I bet you that my surgeon can beat up your surgeon! I'm still mad about the avocado.
  23. Imma' just pour myself a Coke Zero.

    1. ProudGrammy


      eeeek - people have been shot for less!! LOL - ok, enjoy, drink up!! kathy

    2. KristenLe


      Just make sure you don't have any milk - it'll kill you! ;-)

    3. Beck90


      I think I know what this status was inspired by... Enjoy your Coke Zero!

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