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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    PGee got a reaction from Sleeve Siren in Ninja vs. Nutra Bullet   
    I have a Kitchen Aid hand blender and a regular blender like yours.........and found no need to upgrade....just thought I'd put that out there.....I try to save $ where I can, and wanted to share.....good luck whatever you decide.
  2. Like
    PGee reacted to italian-girl in August sleevers progress   
    So I found a pic of me at my friends bday party in feb. ( when I started this process) and I took a pic of me today. I can see a difference in my upper body and face ... Which means more will follow.

  3. Like
    PGee reacted to timetogo in August sleevers progress   
    Highest weight: 303
    Weight after pre-op diet/date of surgery 8/27: 280
    Current weight: 259
    If you are having trouble getting in Protein try mixing a bottle of Isopure with 1 quart of Water and a large packet of crystal light. I drink that all day and it gives me 40g Protein and 64 oz. of Water.
    I am still having a hard time finding a Protein shake that I like, but this helps me a little.
  4. Like
    PGee got a reaction from TheNickelMax in Two months post-op pics   
    Wow, wonderful huge changes!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!
  5. Like
    PGee got a reaction from Old self in Pleasantly surprised   
    That's great news!!!!
    I am one of those who has kept it rather quiet--not even my family knows.....but I did tell my inlaws....didn't want my SIL who struggles with her weight to think I found some magic cure......They are so very supportive.......and with any luck I've planted a seed; perhaps given my SIL some hope....
  6. Like
    PGee got a reaction from leslie1958 in Excellent TV Show about Bariatric Surgery   
    Ditto....thanks for posting this!
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    PGee got a reaction from ctsleeve in Persistent but mild nausea @ 4 weeks?   
    I had it too, but it was bad and constant......they put me on prilosec....it was better once they took me off.....but I'm still experiencing mild nausea.....next week will call dr's again if it's not better.......good luck
  8. Like
    PGee got a reaction from PdxMan in Too much food making me angry   
    wow....but it looked yummie.......When I went out to Breakfast, I ordered an egg off the "sides" menu.....never could eat all that in one setting, either.
  9. Like
    PGee reacted to Arts137 in how does this play out?   
    Yeah, my bougie was a 40. BUT, in my case I am not sure I've never known what "hunger" is/was. I just ate all the time. Now I have a routine and I stick to it, because I am personally convinced that "Skippy", my evil brain, is crazy and tells me to eat all the time.
  10. Like
    PGee got a reaction from PdxMan in Too much food making me angry   
    wow....but it looked yummie.......When I went out to Breakfast, I ordered an egg off the "sides" menu.....never could eat all that in one setting, either.
  11. Like
    PGee reacted to kailie in When will i love my sleeve? :-/   
    Want to know a secret? Powdered milk and Greek yogurt are truly your best friends! Like mashed potatoes?? Add 1/3 of a cup powdered milk plus whatever else you enjoy on them, for extra protein add plain Greek yogurt as "sour cream" with some bacon crumbles and shredded cheese. In a half cup of "potatoes" you could have 15ish grams of protein. It will take you an hour to eat.. But you'll feel better the next day if you get your protein in today. eggs with shredded cheese. tuna with Greek yogurt. Cottage cheese. Gotta think outside the box. My nut recommended I drink a glass of skim milk for Breakfast every morning with 1/3 cup powdered milk.. 16grams of protein-done!
  12. Like
    PGee got a reaction from mbacs82 in August 6'ers?   
    Happy surgiversary everyone! Updates....how is everyone doing?
  13. Like
    PGee got a reaction from lizv123 in Ever miss eating?   
    That's so sweet...nice to have a supportive partner.....before the liquid diet, I froze some meals and told hubby he's on his own while I was on liquids
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    PGee got a reaction from TheRealMeIsHere! in More than I expected!   
    So happy for you, this is great news!!!! Good luck!
  15. Like
    PGee got a reaction from lalyc in What are the kitchen MUST HAVES?   
    Good Luck on 9/9!
    There's a great thread on the pre-op board with regards to what to bring to the hospital...I think it's one of the first threads...I brought very little and spent a lot of time walking the hospital floor.....I brought a dress to wear home--make sure whatever you wear home it is very lose around the mid section as you will be swollen.....a small pillow to wear under the seat belt on the ride home.
    I have an old scale that I like a lot...weigh everything...I'm 4 weeks out...initially I used my son's baby spoon and a tiny fork....but I've graduated to big girl utencils LOL
  16. Like
    PGee got a reaction from lentz1bj in Liquids hurt, will it get better?   
    I can't add anything to what's been said already but wanted to pop in to reassure you it does get better.....early in the post op stage I found every day was different and things got a little bit better each day.....this has continued through all the stages......clear liquid, full liquids, pureed foods, soft foods, and now solid food......take your time, and know it will get better. Best wishes to all of our newly sleeved members!
  17. Like
    PGee got a reaction from TvlGrl712 in Be honest - does anyone regret the surgery?   
    Congratulations, and thanks for posting a follow up......it was tough that first week, but worth it......good luck!
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    PGee reacted to tparkerc59 in OK, I AM DESPERATE TO GET TO GOAL! Latest Pic   
    Hi Lisa, first you look AMAZING! No kidding, totally awesome. I was sleeved on nov. 6, 2012. My goal from day one has been to get to a normal BMI. I know it's just a number, but it's what I've been striving for it. I'm almost there. To keep losing at this stage in the game, I try to keep less than 1200 calories. I get lots of Protein.
    I start everyday with a premier Protein shake (30 grms of Protein, 1 gr sugar, 160 cal.).
    I have a Decaf skinny vanilla latte for mid morning snack (12 grms of protein, 16 grms sugar, 120 cal.) -- I know lots of sugar but it is strictly from the skim milk so I deem it ok.
    for lunch I have one Quest bar (20 grms protein, 1 gr. sugar, 170-200 cal., 19 grms. Fiber).
    Afternoon snack an ounce of nuts (soy, almonds, peanuts, etc.). Around 160 cal. Might also have a half of a banana once or twice a week.
    dinner I eat food like verges, rotisserie chicken, chili, BBQ pork, beef, etc. try to keep around 120-150 calories.
    Some days I visit Starbucks twice and have another decaf skinny vanilla latte.
    Evening I usually fix a fresh fruit snack like 1/2 apple, 5 grapes, a chunk or two of watermelon and/cantaloupe.
    I drink a total of 10-12 glasses of liquid, which includes the Protein Shake, the decaf lattes, and Water with crystal light. I NEVER have caffeine as that messes with your insulin levels and can prevent you from burning fat as well as increase appetite.
    I usually get about 100 grams of protein in everyday.
    I walk everyday...if you walk 2 miles without stopping....does not have to be fast....you turn your fat burning metabolism up to high which lasts for several hours.
    This has worked well for me. I have traveled, I work everyday, I eat out at restaurants and parties, etc. (I even lost 2 lbs. on vacation keeping to my eating schedule)
    Occasionally I share a dessert with my hubby or co-worker.
    I am 5'2", 44 years old. Started at 251 lbs., currently weigh 139. I figure I have another 4-5 lbs. to lose to get me at BMI of 25 or less.
    I hope you can figure out what works for you cause it is frustrating at times! If we never get to goal, we can wake up every morning enjoying better health and more energy....BUT, I'm pulling for all of us to get where we want to be.
    Sorry this is long winded, but I thought you might be able to find one hint or something that will help!
    Keep us posted!
  19. Like
    PGee got a reaction from katierebecca83 in 50 pounds down!   
    That is exciting!!!!! I can't even imagine 50 pounds, yet. Keep rockin that sleeve!
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    PGee got a reaction from vinniej3 in August sleevers up dates. ..?   
    Surgery 8/6 and down 19 pounds since surgery.
    Other than the nausea for the last 7 days, doing fantastic (am in touch with the dr's about the nausea and have changed up some things....have my 1 month appointment on Monday)
    I couldn't believe the difference on Tues. when I resumed my exercise regimen at the gym....so much easier to do things, much more range of motion.....go figure LOL
  21. Like
    PGee reacted to clk in Before you post you've "only lost X pounds"   
    Please stop and do the math.
    People get completely freaked out by what I feel are unreasonable expectations. They fly into a panic. They assume that the first time they don't lose on the scale that their loss is done. They think that two weeks at one weight is a massive stall. They look at other people's large losses and forget that we don't all lose at the same rate.
    First - if you did a pre-op diet you are not going to have the same loss your first month as someone who didn't do one. Your pre-op loss should get counted into your loss calculation if you did a pre-op diet.
    Second - a stall is three weeks or more at the same weight with no fluctuation. Are you panicked after that? Well, my friend coops once spent twenty one MONTHS at the same weight. She finally broke through and never regained during that time, and even lost two sizes while not budging on the scale. Is it the miracle cure you may have been hoping for on the scale? No. But stalls are not the end of the world. They are certainly more normal that flying to goal in six weeks, I promise you.
    Third - losing anything more than a pound a week is good. Are you eating less than ever before? Yes. Does that guarantee you'll lose faster than ever before? No. I had two nine week stalls - no movement except upwards for my monthly cycle. I had months where I lost but only in the tenths of a pound. It's not normal to expect a big loss every time you step on the scale. It's setting yourself up for disappointment.
    Fourth - your pattern is your pattern. You can compare yourself to other people sleeved the same day or with the same stats but it doesn't matter. So much of this is individual. So if you're constantly seeking out other people and comparing your losses to theirs, you are eventually going to discourage and frustrate yourself.
    Fifth - are you closing in on goal? We all lose even more slowly the less weight we have to lose. So if you only have sixty pounds to lose but shed thirty in your first three months, please don't be hysterical because you're "only" losing a pound a week now that you're past the halfway point. It's normal.
    Stop. Breathe. Do the math. Adjust your expectations. This is not a race. You do not get a special award for reaching goal more quickly. Your surgery was not pointless or worthless if you manage to get to goal in two years instead of six months. The real goal is not losing the weight. It's keeping the weight off. That's real success - that's what we're here to do. It does not matter if you hit goal in nine months or two years - the real challenge and the real journey begins with maintenance. How quickly or slowly you lost does nothing to change the challenges you'll encounter there.
    I am not ranting at anyone in particular. I just feel that this is an issue that comes up constantly and it's actually pretty silly for people to fly into such a panic without really thinking. I've seen folks upset when they're logging losses of upwards of four pounds a week. Point to the diet that helped you accomplish that and was easy to maintain prior to surgery.
  22. Like
    PGee got a reaction from gamergirl in What role does the Scale play in your life?   
    I weight myself daily.....have done it for many years. I was away for 5 days, and the first thing I wanted to do when I get home was get on the scale.......sick, huh?...........I've had days and up to a week where it didn't budge, so I was anxious to see it move....but I don't let it get to me......my clothes fit, I'm down nearly 2 sizes....today I'm wearing a dress I've had for years but could never fit into it....Last week I couldn't fit into the next size down......now I can.....woohoo.......I'm exercising regularly, and loving it......thought that would never happen......so your dear son is right....we have other things to focus on.
    Your son has a beautiful mind and a wonderful mom! You done good!
  23. Like
    PGee got a reaction from gamergirl in What role does the Scale play in your life?   
    I weight myself daily.....have done it for many years. I was away for 5 days, and the first thing I wanted to do when I get home was get on the scale.......sick, huh?...........I've had days and up to a week where it didn't budge, so I was anxious to see it move....but I don't let it get to me......my clothes fit, I'm down nearly 2 sizes....today I'm wearing a dress I've had for years but could never fit into it....Last week I couldn't fit into the next size down......now I can.....woohoo.......I'm exercising regularly, and loving it......thought that would never happen......so your dear son is right....we have other things to focus on.
    Your son has a beautiful mind and a wonderful mom! You done good!
  24. Like
    PGee got a reaction from moonlitestarbrite in What will IT look like? Maybe be tmi for some...   
    Too funny, but ya gotta luv that man!!!!
  25. Like
    PGee reacted to swmassey126 in I have a different mindset it seems   
    There are many journeys that had us arrive at the pre-op weight that we were. For me, I was a stick in grade school, high school and college. I was soooo active, I remember eating a Big Mac and two hambeurgers (in one sitting) on a regular basis. Back then, I could not gain weight at all.
    However, as I am sure this resonates with some...I started slowing down, drinking alcohol...but in some respects I never changed my eating habits (well, except for loathing fast food).
    Pre-op, did I eat the wrong things?? I am sure I did, however, my biggest weakness was Portion Control. I was never a big sweets guy...only would partake on occasion.
    Now that I am sleeved, I am forced to change some of my habits.
    I was sleeved almost 6 weeks ago...and I can relate to what Laura-Ven stated, about mind set. I have evolved in just the past two weeks.
    It is commonly held, that it takes approx six weeks to make a habit change permanent. There are things that I have chosen not to re-introduce, as I see them as a threat to my overall goal...slider foods are one of them. Do I believe that everyone needs to follow that?? Absolutely not! I do believe that we should all become as knowlegable as we can, then try to objectively weigh the risks and choose what you want to do.
    Cindy, I am happy it is working for you! And I wish you success in the future, and I think everyone on this forum is or should be rooting for all to succeed!

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