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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    PGee got a reaction from sophiepants in high protein snacks?   
    I also like the Ostrim Jerkee (60 Calories, 1g sugar, 10g protein) and the Ostrim Sticks as well (80 calories, 1g sugar, 14g protein).....Sodium is a little high...........so it's not a daily item....have to look at each flavor as I think there's one that has higher sugar
  2. Like
    PGee got a reaction from No game in Enabling   
    Very good post....can so relate, thank you for posting!

    my mother hid food all the time, ate in secret, and then denied it. As an elderly woman, she still hides food and is still in denial..........early in our marriages, my siblings and I all hid food in our homes and thought it was normal.....thank gooness those days are long gone.

    After VSG I find going out to a restaurant with a group challenging, because if I don't move that plate away after my few bites, I'd probably pick at the food while everyone else was eating theirs....even if I was full--so that's an ongoing battle, but at least now I will push the plate away.

    The support that comes from VST and my local group, has helped tremendously. Thanks again!
  3. Like
    PGee got a reaction from No game in Enabling   
    Very good post....can so relate, thank you for posting!

    my mother hid food all the time, ate in secret, and then denied it. As an elderly woman, she still hides food and is still in denial..........early in our marriages, my siblings and I all hid food in our homes and thought it was normal.....thank gooness those days are long gone.

    After VSG I find going out to a restaurant with a group challenging, because if I don't move that plate away after my few bites, I'd probably pick at the food while everyone else was eating theirs....even if I was full--so that's an ongoing battle, but at least now I will push the plate away.

    The support that comes from VST and my local group, has helped tremendously. Thanks again!
  4. Like
    PGee got a reaction from joatsaint in charting weight & Stalls for Pre & Post ops   
    So, I charted my weight.....yes I weigh myself everyday....have done it for years.......up or down, doesn't freak me out......but I wanted to share the graph so any newbies and preops or anyone in the same place as me can see that can have hiccups along the way, and when that happens, if we stay the course, we will get through them....at 3 months out, I still feel like a newbie finding my way.
    it was interesting to see the stalls...........I dipped to 199, and the next day I shot right back up to 200 the following day, and stayed there for 13 days....in three months, I've had 3 plateaus (hiccups) along the way......and that's okay....it's going to happen to most of us.
    I'm 1/2 way to goal.......and that surprises the heck out of me........sometimes it doesn't feel real.....I tried on my "fat pants" and couldn't believe how big they were---doesn't seem possible................well, anyway, for what it's worth, here's my process, stalls, gains, and overall down trend......

  5. Like
    PGee got a reaction from WildChickie in My Ticker made me smile!   
    I just hit the 1/2 way mark this week....it doesn't feel real.....
    For such a long time being stuck between 240 & 250 pounds, I didn't think this would ever happen--so thankful the day someone told me about VSG
    Way to go everyone, keep rocking your sleeves!!!!
  6. Like
    PGee got a reaction from No game in Enabling   
    Very good post....can so relate, thank you for posting!

    my mother hid food all the time, ate in secret, and then denied it. As an elderly woman, she still hides food and is still in denial..........early in our marriages, my siblings and I all hid food in our homes and thought it was normal.....thank gooness those days are long gone.

    After VSG I find going out to a restaurant with a group challenging, because if I don't move that plate away after my few bites, I'd probably pick at the food while everyone else was eating theirs....even if I was full--so that's an ongoing battle, but at least now I will push the plate away.

    The support that comes from VST and my local group, has helped tremendously. Thanks again!
  7. Like
    PGee got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Thanksgiving Challenge   
    I'm a day late, hope I can join in.
    CW 185
    Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 177
  8. Like
    PGee got a reaction from TxCalico in Am I "Too Young" To Get The Sleeve?   
    Without knowing you personally, I couldn't answer your question--I wouldn't have been ready at 18 to make these kind of changes for a lifetime.
    I still have to exercise most days for an hour...avoid carbs.....and record activity/food on MyFitnessPal.......meals are just a few bites.....occasionally my head still wants a full plate of food.
    Have you looked in the age specific forums on here? There may be a teenagers forum (I know there's a 20's forum, and you're nearly there)......check those out....
    It might be helpful if your father goes with you to an informational session with the surgeon. His concerns can be addressed directly by the surgeon. (it helped my husband to come around, too)
    Wishing you the best in this journey. Good luck.
  9. Like
    PGee got a reaction from No game in Enabling   
    Very good post....can so relate, thank you for posting!

    my mother hid food all the time, ate in secret, and then denied it. As an elderly woman, she still hides food and is still in denial..........early in our marriages, my siblings and I all hid food in our homes and thought it was normal.....thank gooness those days are long gone.

    After VSG I find going out to a restaurant with a group challenging, because if I don't move that plate away after my few bites, I'd probably pick at the food while everyone else was eating theirs....even if I was full--so that's an ongoing battle, but at least now I will push the plate away.

    The support that comes from VST and my local group, has helped tremendously. Thanks again!
  10. Like
    PGee got a reaction from No game in Enabling   
    Very good post....can so relate, thank you for posting!

    my mother hid food all the time, ate in secret, and then denied it. As an elderly woman, she still hides food and is still in denial..........early in our marriages, my siblings and I all hid food in our homes and thought it was normal.....thank gooness those days are long gone.

    After VSG I find going out to a restaurant with a group challenging, because if I don't move that plate away after my few bites, I'd probably pick at the food while everyone else was eating theirs....even if I was full--so that's an ongoing battle, but at least now I will push the plate away.

    The support that comes from VST and my local group, has helped tremendously. Thanks again!
  11. Like
    PGee reacted to No game in Enabling   
    You know this is kinda what I'm getting at this morning, being around other people....
    But in the sense of all of them being food addicts,
    and enabling each other in their food addictions.
  12. Like
    PGee got a reaction from joatsaint in charting weight & Stalls for Pre & Post ops   
    So, I charted my weight.....yes I weigh myself everyday....have done it for years.......up or down, doesn't freak me out......but I wanted to share the graph so any newbies and preops or anyone in the same place as me can see that can have hiccups along the way, and when that happens, if we stay the course, we will get through them....at 3 months out, I still feel like a newbie finding my way.
    it was interesting to see the stalls...........I dipped to 199, and the next day I shot right back up to 200 the following day, and stayed there for 13 days....in three months, I've had 3 plateaus (hiccups) along the way......and that's okay....it's going to happen to most of us.
    I'm 1/2 way to goal.......and that surprises the heck out of me........sometimes it doesn't feel real.....I tried on my "fat pants" and couldn't believe how big they were---doesn't seem possible................well, anyway, for what it's worth, here's my process, stalls, gains, and overall down trend......

  13. Like
    PGee got a reaction from rredrruby87 in Clothing from the 80's, too funny   
    So, I started gaining weight in the 80's, when I worked full time in a corporate environment. And, I saved all my clothing.....for the most part when I out grew a piece of clothing, I put it in the attick (I mean, really, I wasn't going to stay a huge size forever, right? I'd be wearing it again in a afew months).....ha ha ha.....20+ years later, here I am FINALLY fitting into some of them....
    I pulled out my size 16's from my rat packing stash, and discovered my two favorite suits....from 1986......I know, it's sad I know that.
    I only tried on the jackets, because the skirts will be too tight. And oh my gosh, they fit.....BUT the shoulder pads in those things are huge....I mean they should have their own zip code! I could use them as pillows when I travel!
    Early out, someone on here told me I should just get rid of all the clothes I've saved over the years.......I figured everything I had was rather classic in styling......and I'm frugal......but I'm afraid there's no hiding those shoulder pads.......I may still wear it as a joke, see what my boss says (he's very funny as hell and notices everything I wear)
  14. Like
    PGee got a reaction from joatsaint in charting weight & Stalls for Pre & Post ops   
    So, I charted my weight.....yes I weigh myself everyday....have done it for years.......up or down, doesn't freak me out......but I wanted to share the graph so any newbies and preops or anyone in the same place as me can see that can have hiccups along the way, and when that happens, if we stay the course, we will get through them....at 3 months out, I still feel like a newbie finding my way.
    it was interesting to see the stalls...........I dipped to 199, and the next day I shot right back up to 200 the following day, and stayed there for 13 days....in three months, I've had 3 plateaus (hiccups) along the way......and that's okay....it's going to happen to most of us.
    I'm 1/2 way to goal.......and that surprises the heck out of me........sometimes it doesn't feel real.....I tried on my "fat pants" and couldn't believe how big they were---doesn't seem possible................well, anyway, for what it's worth, here's my process, stalls, gains, and overall down trend......

  15. Like
    PGee got a reaction from jinxxy5 in Can someone give me the eating drinking rules. Thanks   
    Check with your nutritionist or your doctor for their preference......mine is the 30 minute rule both before and after....good luck!
  16. Like
    PGee got a reaction from gamergirl in Zomg! Why didnt you guys tell me about thi?s?   
    OMG.....that might be a bad move for me......I probably didn't need to see this LOL......but oh yummie, and happy day for You!
    I had a taste, yes a taste of a chocolate/bacon brownie last week......I didn't taste the bacon or the alcohol that was in it.....I just had a teeny tiny bit.......but yum yum..........who knew......bacon Jerky? bacon brownies, what next? (don't tell me).
    That bag wasn't open.....did you try it, was it good?
  17. Like
    PGee got a reaction from joatsaint in charting weight & Stalls for Pre & Post ops   
    So, I charted my weight.....yes I weigh myself everyday....have done it for years.......up or down, doesn't freak me out......but I wanted to share the graph so any newbies and preops or anyone in the same place as me can see that can have hiccups along the way, and when that happens, if we stay the course, we will get through them....at 3 months out, I still feel like a newbie finding my way.
    it was interesting to see the stalls...........I dipped to 199, and the next day I shot right back up to 200 the following day, and stayed there for 13 days....in three months, I've had 3 plateaus (hiccups) along the way......and that's okay....it's going to happen to most of us.
    I'm 1/2 way to goal.......and that surprises the heck out of me........sometimes it doesn't feel real.....I tried on my "fat pants" and couldn't believe how big they were---doesn't seem possible................well, anyway, for what it's worth, here's my process, stalls, gains, and overall down trend......

  18. Like
    PGee got a reaction from sophiepants in August sleevers progress   
    I was afraid to weigh myself this morning......did a horrible job on Water & Protein yesterday.......was up late at night just trying to meet my minimum.........BUT I did weigh myself, and a lost a surprising 3 pounds.
    two goals I've passed....my first being under 200, and my second--getting to the half way mark......the next goal will be weighing less than hubby.....which is just a few pounds away (he's a slim man), woot woot!
  19. Like
    PGee got a reaction from gmanbat in the fat fills in the wrinkles?   
    The wrinkles on my face haven't blossomed yet......but my neck looks like a deflated balloon, all wrinkly.............however, I'll take that any day over the double chin/no neck that I had before surgery.........
  20. Like
    PGee got a reaction from gmanbat in the fat fills in the wrinkles?   
    The wrinkles on my face haven't blossomed yet......but my neck looks like a deflated balloon, all wrinkly.............however, I'll take that any day over the double chin/no neck that I had before surgery.........
  21. Like
    PGee got a reaction from tujen72 in 3 mos out. OMG! What have I done? Protein makes me nauseous   
    K33 I hear you about wrapping your brain around the tiny meals......some days 3 bites are it.....and on those days I can be heard muttering something like "Are you kidding me? Seriously?!?"
    But it only takes a few seconds to shake it......the benefits of this surgery are totally worth it for me......I am happy with the weight loss, how I look, how I feel, the extra energy, not to mention the sex is great (TMI? sorry).......and hubby is happy, too.....the woman he married is back.
    I don't have any dietary restrictions....I make a crockpot meal each week, portion it out and freeze it---always have a variety of meals in the freezer in VSG sized portions to choose from, and the Protein is nice and moist.......I eat slow and my meals are tiny, but to reach my Protein goals, I have to drink a Protein Drink for Breakfast.
    Good luck, HTH!
  22. Like
    PGee got a reaction from gamergirl in What if it doesn't work...   
    Like other's said, you can only eat so much, you will lose weight and the bigger concern (for me) is long term maintenance.
    From a slow loser's standpoint, I want to add that post op everyone loses weight at a different weight (so don't compare your success to others).
    Welcome to the board Tiffany, and good luck in your journey!
  23. Like
    PGee got a reaction from gamergirl in the big "C"   
    We're out there......you sound like one amazing, strong woman!
    I lost my only child 4 years ago. He was 17---and I can't imagine what you've been through and then being strong enough to foster children (don't think I could give them up).
    Was diagnosed with early stage of breast cancer last year. I'll be on medicine for 5 years, and doing well
  24. Like
    PGee got a reaction from gamergirl in How has your relationships changed?   
    relationships will change, I think they have to......my relationship with hubby is better than ever, we are more active.......with regards to friends, they are happy for me........I'm am not as sedentary as I used to be, and really have to ask myself before going somewhere "is it more important than working out at the gym?"
    Thankfully my closest friend joins me at the gym, and I appreciate that time we have.
    if it doesn't fit around my priorities, and I can't move my gym time around......then it doesn't fit in my schedule........gotta put yourself first, right?
  25. Like
    PGee got a reaction from roundisashape in A few protein reviews   
    Thanks for the review!
    I find the Atkins and muscle milk don't have the amount of Protein that I'm looking for (I think they have between 10 & 16 grams).......I'm looking for something in the 20 -- 30 gram range for protein
    Remember, you can always doctor this stuff up..... add 1/2--1 cup of weak Decaf coffee and lots of ice to a vanilla shake/drink......PB2 added to chocolate is always yummie.......I had some Bariatric Advantage i didn't like (chocolate)......and added some nonfat milk powder---12 ounces of Water and a tsp of instant coffee to make it mocha.....yum.......
    Good luck on this journey, and thanks again for the reviews, they were helpful!

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