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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by gilllee2

  1. I was given a list basiclly clear liquids for 2-3 weeks then slushies/prot shakes, then mushies. The preop that was ordered is the same for 7 days. This I was told was to get me ready for the post op. I have learned that if you can do this clear liquid/progression for 2 full days then you've got it whipped. I am not there yet and cannot imagine how hard it is for you right now. My understanding is the importance of post op diet progression slowly to prevent pulling of sutures and allowance of development of scar tissue to ensure a secure band ie prevention from slippage. I think a call to your doctor or nutritionist with his office might be a good idea. Please let me know how this works out for you. I have been reading alot of complaints about reflux. Wondering if this has been a problem for you. I have reflux already. If lapband can aggravate it then I may be in for a rough ride. Good luck.

  2. So glad to find this forum. This is my very first posting. Surgery planned for near future. But I have serious cold feet. I am at the point of just doin it or staying fat and shutting up about it. I am driving myself nuts. I don't have any support at home. I am sure this has lots of drawbacks. As I said glad to find you guys and will enjoy hearing your stories and following your achievements! Thanks, Lee Ann

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