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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Arts137 in Discouraging 6 Month Insurance Required Diet :(   
    It's ok to fall off the wagon, it's when you remain off the wagon when you have a problem. shake it off, you got this! I had to do the 6m diet and it will fly by!
  2. Like
    need2bthin! got a reaction from Arts137 in Discouraging 6 Month Insurance Required Diet :(   
    It's ok to fall off the wagon, it's when you remain off the wagon when you have a problem. shake it off, you got this! I had to do the 6m diet and it will fly by!
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Arts137 in What Should I Do?   
    Eh...that's a hard one. Speak with the professor and your admission office in certain circumstances where hospitalization is required they tend to be more lenient.
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from EarthyGoalie in My Doctor Wants Me To Eat More!   
    Everyone has different consumption needs according to what kind of physical activity you do. I eat around 800-1000 calories a day. I just find I feel sluggish and overly stuffed if I try to eat more. But that's my body and sleeve everyone is different. good luck!
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    need2bthin! reacted to mistysj in I Need Some New Recipes! Help!   
    Check out the recipe swap sun-forum here on BariatricPal!
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    need2bthin! reacted to mscognac504 in Huntsville, Al   
    Wow congrats on your weight loss
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    need2bthin! reacted to Beach Lover in I Need Some New Recipes! Help!   
    Here are some links that might help you.
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    need2bthin! reacted to LoryLosesXS in I Need Some New Recipes! Help!   
    I just made some mini green enchiladas in cupcake tins. Easy recipe. Sauté some diced onions, chicken breast, salt and pepper. Add the green enchilada sauce. Line low carb tortillas in the tins and layer in refried Beans (1 Tblspn), chicken with sauce and top with cheese. Cook in 325 for 30 mins. Yummy! I let cool and put 3 per bag for each meal. My whole family loved them. I like easy and this was it! I found it on a link, but can't remember the link, so I thought I'd share with you the best recipe I've made since surgery. :-) email me with questions.
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    need2bthin! reacted to LyndseyD in I Lived Through This Surgery, My Sister Didn't.   
    Hi Everyone,
    I wanted to jump on here and share with you all the last six months for our family. My name is Lyndsey. I am a 28 year old mother of two, and married to my prince charming. For me, weight has been a struggle my entire life. I remember vividly being told at just 5 years old by a doctor that I was "obese" and from that point forward my journey really began. I had a pretty normal life, but fought weigth my whole life. I met my wonderful husband at work after loosing 60 pounds all on my own. Needless to say, marriage and getting comfortable- well, and having two children gave me all of that, plus more back. Before the surgery I was 255 with a BMI of 41.9. I had my surgery (VSG) May 8th, 2013 and just over 6 months later I am weighing in at 159.5. Since surgery I have had it pretty easy. I healed well, but did get pancreatitis right after the surgery and had to be hospitalized again for a few days. They were never sure if it was related to the surgery or not. Since the surgery I have tried really hard to make healthy choices with food, but to be completely honest I am a mom, and occasionally we do still eat McDonalds! (gasp!) I do not count calories, carbs, or anything for that matter. My doctor never told me I needed to. I DO drink diet coke... (terrible, I know!) I live a normal life now. I go out with my family, friends, and I am not constantly on some fad diet that wont work. I eat what my family eats, but I do try to focus on eating the Protein first, and follow that with the veggies, then the yummy sides if there is room (which there almost never is!). My goal is to be somewhere in the 130's. I really dont care if its 139.9 but I want to be in the 130's. I hope to reach that goal by the one year anniversary of my surgery.
    I would also like to tell you about my big sister, my only sibling. Sherrie was a 34 year old mother of three, and also married to her high school sweetheart. They have been married almost 17 years. Sherrie had her surgery April 24th (2 weeks before me) and there were complications following the surgery. We didn't see it as much at first, or I probably wouldn't have gone through with it myself. But as I healed and started getting back to normal, my sister got sicker and sicker. Her stomach had a stricture at the top. The surgon put in a stent to try to expand it. They stent bacame embedded into her stomach wall and they had to dig it out. After that, the middle of her stomach healed closed so tightly that she couldn't eat or drink anything and keep it down. She had eaten almost nothing for 6 months. She was in and out of the hospital, and the surgon made it very difficult for her to get anyone to help her. Finally when they found the problem we were able to schedule her with a new surgon to hopefully get the problem fixed. She was hospitalized twice in October for dehydration and malnutrition. The second time they put in a PIC line, and bagan IV nutrition (TPN). She was finally feeling better. They sent her home with the PIC line and instructions on how to give herself the IV nutrition and we were told to continue this until her appointment with the new surgon. She came home from the hospital Monday afternoon. Tuesday I talked to her, and she sounded better than she had in months. She was optimistic that we could get her better and even shared with me that before they started the IV nutrition she was scared she was going to die, but now she felt like she has a chance. Wednesday morning (October 30th, 2013) we got the call that broke our family. My beautiful big sister had died at home, alone in her bed. She had asked her husband to not sleep in their bed as she was scared he would pull out her PIC line, so he was in another room. He came into their room that morning to check on her and get ready for work and found her. It was just too late. She had been gone for several hours. We were in shock. We had just got a glimpse of hope with the IV nutrition, and in the blink of an eye, she was gone. I went to the funeral home to dress my big sister, do her hair, do her makeup, and spend some time with her before we had to say goodbye. We burried her the following Monday. A huge piece of my heart is missing now. I want to share her story too because there are so many who have all these wonderful stories, but she doesn't have a voice anymore to share hers. People need to know that you CAN die from this surgery. When I had the surgery I honestly felt like the only people that die from this were the "huge" ones... and thats just not true. My sister was my size. she wasn't some crazy 500 or 800 pound person. She was in a size 18 pants JUST like I was. She died. It can happen. It does happen. I did happen to us. I am not trying to scare anyone, but I want to be her voice too. Do you research, make sure this is the right choice for you and your family. We are left now with three children that now have no mother, and my amazing brother in law (who loved my sister more than I've ever seen anyone love someone) is widowed. His heart is broken, and so is ours. A vital part of our family is missing. Below is a picture of my big sister before the surgery. She was beautiful.

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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    Checking in @ 185.4
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    Oops goal weight is 175!
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from sophiepants in Thanksgiving Challenge   
    Sorry I'm late! I have been out of town
    Well I made my goal!!! 186.7
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    Sorry my reply is late
    HW: 254
    CW: 186.7
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    Oops goal weight is 175!
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from sophiepants in Thanksgiving Challenge   
    Sorry I'm late! I have been out of town
    Well I made my goal!!! 186.7
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from sophiepants in Thanksgiving Challenge   
    Sorry I'm late! I have been out of town
    Well I made my goal!!! 186.7
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Lapband Vs Sleeve Vs Bypass Surgery   
    I chose the sleeve. This was a hard decision for me as well. My surgeon felt that it was the best option for me being the fact that I was so young and I did not want a maintenance issue. I was on the fence about the band and the sleeve up till the week I had surgery. After several hours of research I decided I would go with my Dr advice. I'm so thankful I did!! I am 4m out (65lbs less) and I can eat anything I want!! Steak, chicken, pork, bread, take pills, anything! Nothing is limited to me, I just chose not to eat the way I did before. This is going to be a very personal decision. I recommend doing your research but either way no matter what you chose you are making a decision to start a healthy life!! Congrats
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    Yay!! I finally got the link to work
    Count me in!! I know I want my goal to be 175lbs!
    Thanks Bea
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    need2bthin! reacted to Bea Amaya in Thanksgiving Challenge   
    I've gone ahead and set up a new challenge. It is set up to report in on WEDNESDAYS and begins the day before Thanksgiving and ends on New Year's Day.
    Everyone is doing SO GREAT in this challenge, I can't wait to see some of the big changes that go on as we move into the new year! Hope you'll all join us!

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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Thanksgiving Challenge   
    Glory be!!! I have reached 189.6!!! Oh yeah!!! 3lbs till goal *fingers crossed*
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    need2bthin! reacted to HumorMe00 in Thanksgiving Challenge   
    Last week: 202.4
    This week 198.6
    -3.8 lbs and Onderland!!!
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    need2bthin! reacted to southernsoul in Please Let The Hair Loss Stop!   
    Ugh, I know!! I'm doing everything I can to minimize the loss, but it still seems like so much is coming out! I guess there's nothing to do but ride it out.
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    need2bthin! reacted to clk in Shedding/thinning Hair!   
    It'll come back. I won't lie - that diet most of us had prior to surgery, the one full of fried and fatty foods - really helps a person have lovely hair. So my hair has come back and it's much thicker than it was. It's also shiny and healthy again. But it's never gotten quite as thick as it was prior to surgery.
    It should last just a few months and wrap up some time between your sixth and seventh month post op. For me it was almost overnight that it stopped. I went from a Wookiee sized hairball each day to just a few strands one morning. And from then on, it was solid regrowth. Nioxin did help my regrowth and unlike my husband (who can't stop using it or his hair will start falling out again) I had no ill side effects or Hair loss when I stopped using it. But Biotin never did anything except make me feel nauseated. I just try to get plenty of good fats and take care of my hair better than before.
    And coloring it really shouldn't cause additional hair loss, so if it makes you feel better you should go ahead and do it. At least consult your stylist and see what they say. I kept on coloring those greys during my loss and had no problems.
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from A_ReNUDE_me in Is Unjury Protein Powder Any Good?   
    It was ok. A fellow sleeved turned me onto UMP Protein Powder now that's awesome!!!
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    need2bthin! got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Lapband Vs Sleeve Vs Bypass Surgery   
    I chose the sleeve. This was a hard decision for me as well. My surgeon felt that it was the best option for me being the fact that I was so young and I did not want a maintenance issue. I was on the fence about the band and the sleeve up till the week I had surgery. After several hours of research I decided I would go with my Dr advice. I'm so thankful I did!! I am 4m out (65lbs less) and I can eat anything I want!! Steak, chicken, pork, bread, take pills, anything! Nothing is limited to me, I just chose not to eat the way I did before. This is going to be a very personal decision. I recommend doing your research but either way no matter what you chose you are making a decision to start a healthy life!! Congrats

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