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Everything posted by TracyK
cwtbt....i see you. why not join us? We won't bite ya :smile:
Peace...whats that? lol I mean we are really at our wits end (or very close to it). Sad that we have to pay for legal fees so close to christmas. I just do not know what we are going to do BUT we gotta do something! I wouldn't have trouble getting on TV and saying she is a slug. :wink2: Good morning ladies...my house smells wonderful right now. I am baking a cinnamon struesel loaf. Now all I need is the strength to stop myself at one or 2 bites. I think it will be OK because I have renewed determination now! :thumbup: YAY, dh is off today. Supposed to rain all day but that is OK. I am going to make some cabbage later...my FAV! Thanks for the advice ya'll! I will check in later. Have a great Sunday!
The divorce decree said that she gets the house...I know the title is still in his name because the mortgage company is calling us for the money. Should have been delat with a long time ago but it wasn't so...it is what it is. I am looking up a good attorney and my husband is also going to talk to the mortgage company to see what our options thru them might be but thing is...how do we get her out of the house? Seems like if she isnt paying the note we could evict her, but what about the divorce decree. UGH, so frustrating! That is why we need legal advice, pronto. I will definitely check the county records....thank you for the advice! I would have never thought of that! While we have the lawyer we are going to legally have our dsd put in our custody and change the child support part of it too. Long story goes with that but I can sum it up by saying if we dont do it, we are going to suffer for it in the long run when the kids are 18. Best to ward off any problems now. :thumbup: It is enough to wear a person out! Good night ya'll! And thank you!
wow....quiet today....
Ouch Suzanne, did it hurt? Yes, we could live there and then try to sell it later...even though I do not really LIKE that school district, it is doable for a while. It falls under the 'we will do what we have to do' catagory. OH, and tom showed up today to be the cherry on the cake! lol But, I am not gonna say things can't get worse...i do not want to be proven wrong!
Laura-you made me first thing this morning, thank you! I loved your story too. Don't ya just love to have a 'in your face' moment knowing you were right? Good for the soul . Glad you had fun at the party. Jen-a football game in the cold & rain? Oh gosh...:thumbup: Don't get sick! Have some fun today...keep your mind occupied! Suzanne-you are off today?? That rarely happens, right? What ya gonna do today? Michelle-I can not use high school weigh as a goal...if I did I would have to go back up to 260! I have always been overweight. That is the reason I am just going to go by how I physically (and mentally) feel about myself. When I was in the 180's I was in 8/10 stretch pants and when I looked in the mirror I liked what I saw...that is how I wanna feel again. You are doing so well! You are gonna make your goal! It gets harder and harder to lose the smaller you get, but it is worth it! Ladies...check this out. This is my RANT.... Where do I begin...*8 years ago my husband divorced his previous wife. She got the house in the divorce but it was never switched over to her name. All these years it has never been an issue...until...we get a call from the mortgage company yesterday telling us she is behind on the house note. DH explained that his EX is the one making the payments and the lady says "sir, since it is your credit would you like to know how far behind she is?...3 months!!!" :thumbup::cursing: Ugh...so much for us trying to have a good credit rating. Oh man I could go on and on about this but I can't right now...I just remembered I haven't taken my celexa yet today :tt2:. SO, what do ya'll think? Since we are renting and wanted to buy a house, looks like this one might fall in our lap...if we can catch up on what she is behind. I do not really like the school district though... I will ttyl...
Irene-your avatar pic reminds me of my mother in law...LOL When I lost my weight the first time my goal was 169..I made it to 173 and now that i look back on it, i was sick looking. You are right, the best way to do it is go by how you FEEL! Laura-do you realize you did not have one single :thumbup: or on your long post? I am so used to seeing your posts like that! :tt2: So, what is everyone doing this weekend? dsd is at her moms so it is just me and macy here tomorrow, dh is working. Jen-sorry I didn't call you back. Hope you are feeling good :thumbup:. Have a great night everyone!
psssst....take that 228.5 off and replace the START with 235 (and dont tell anyone) :smile:
You have to be one of the busiest people I know!! Good morning ladies! I am not going to weigh in today since I gave a new start # yesterday. I will do it next Friday. October is going to be a great month, I can just feel it! :smile: The new ticker is my whole goal...to (re) lose 50 pounds by summer at least. That will put me at 185 and the perfect size for me. I had gotten to 173 before but my face was so skinny and my neck look like a turkeys' gaggle. My face looked like achmed the dead terrorist (know who that is? one of jeff dunham the ventriloquists puppets of a skeleton) :thumbup: Being 5'7 I pull off 18something really well. I feel good and look good at that weight. Forget the 35" waist thing, never gonna happen. What matters is how I feel. :w00t: Jen-how goes it this morning? Have a good day...gotta get my girl ready for school. I am so glad she is better!
My stepdaughter comes home from high school today talking about how a girl that sits next to her in one of her classes has a brother in the hospital with the swine flu... :thumbup: October 1st has been a good eating day :smile: One down 30 to go... lol BUT, one day at a time, right? Irene- YAY, you are in on the challenge. It was originally a 10 lb challenge but what I think it is most is just keeping us all on track. I do not expect to lose 10 but I am gonna really put forth the effort and whatever the result is, as long as it is a negative, I will be happy :w00t: Kat-I agree with Michelle, I hope you didnt catch anything from rick! Laura-I am glad you got your flu shot! I haven't gotten one...shame on me. Jen-where are ya sista? Step away from the vodka...and if not, have some for me :w00t: Suzanne-You will have to take me there when I come visit! Whenever that happens...someday Cindy...are you feeling better? Cari-what happened at work? To anyone I might have missed...(((hugs))) Have a great night ladies, gotta give dd a bath. :ohmy:
come out, come out wherever you are.....
new ticker, new month, new outlook, new attitude, new resolve
I do not mind you asking. I am pretty much the poster child of what NOT to do. After being banded I went from 257 to 173. Then I quit smoking (which is a good thing) but have gained alot of it back. Right now I am at 233.5. When i see the numbers in writing it hurts...but it is reality. Between stress and no cigarettes I have really sabatoged myself. I feel like a cutter but instead of using a knife, I use food to hurt myself to make me feel better. I know what I need to do and I need to do it now otherwise I am going to be right back where I started. I am completely unfilled right now because I have been so stressed out the past few months that my band was swollen and all I that i ate was ice cream (no lie) and lots of it. So I made the decision to go get an unfill until things calm down in my life. I am looking to getting a fill around the beginning of next month. So, that is about it :smile: Just try to focus on making a plan to get to the south! If you consume yourself in it, make a timeline, you will be working towards your goals! Maybe take your mind off things, right?! (((hugs))) Love ya sista! What happened at work? Hopefully justice! Restart me at 233.5 please (today is my new beginning) It is October ladies...a new month of great healthy choices. We can do this!! (I am psyching myself out)
I am up now, just did a little housework and about to cook some garlic chicken stir fry...so, I ave not had too bad of a day with food. I will not review it with you all, but trust me, it is a little better than the past week or so,,,I have drank alot of water tho...
Well, I am normally up for a good challenge. Keep me accountable. I know how to do this with the band because I have lost it before...so it is not that I am a slow learner ...maybe just a glutten for punishment? lol Probably some jealous neighbor that has to PAY for before school care and decided to ruin it for everyone! :w00t: I should be going to exercise, but instead I am gonna take a nap See ya'll later
I *knew* you could do it! :w00t: Ya'll are a smart group of ladies!! :thumbup: I would watch him while he was on Oprah, but since they pulled my beloved Dr Phil to put Dr Oz on, I am on strike. I will not put it on that channel at that time until Dr Phil is back on! lol Well, I know one thing you are doing right...look how far you have come physically? You are doing amazing! Do not lose sight of that, ok? Good morning everyone! I woke up this morning, got on here and saw STARS! :seeya: It is the little things in life that give me a thrill. lol I kept Macy home again today. She is still fever free but woke me up saying her whole head hurts (and of course coughing). I had an appointment for a mammogram today but I am gonna have to postpone it...that just breaks my heart :w00t: I read a story this morning that said that a Michigan woman is in trouble because...are you ready for this?...she has a few neighbor kids that come to her house in the morning for about an hour each day until the bus gets there because their parents have to go to work and the State is p.o.'d because she is not a licensed day care provider!! C'mon, really? Since when can neighbors not do favors for each other? That is really sad...an outrage actually.:scared2: Jen-can I give you a new weight to start tomorrow (oct 1st) with? I have gained...and I am not talking about a little, but I do not want to talk about that anymore today :w00t: OK, everyone have a great day! ttyl....
Rate the thread ladies...we need some STARS :w00t:
Hi Laura...I missed ya! Ugh, I do not want to do the waistline thing because there is no way I will have what Dr Oz says I should have. I havent been under a 35" since elementary school! :scared2: Hmm, I slept for 3 hours :w00t: OK, I will. It is a really bad cough. The dr gave her a Rx for it. So far it is doing pretty good. Strong stuff...just 1/2 tsp every 12 hrs! Sorry about you...I hate that you have to take those meds. I hope you feel 100% again really soon! :w00t: Hi Diva. Good to see you posting here. My name is Tracy, lol :tt2: I think my anti-depressants are working a little too well...I want to sleep all the time. But then again that is my fav sport anyway I am undecided if I am sending Macy to school tomorrow. Her cough sounds rough but she seems to feel fine. She says she feels "a little bit great". lol Have a good evening sistas! Suzanne-hope you aren't over-doing yourself! :seeya: Hi 'guests'. :tt2: (I crack myself up)
Hi everyone Macy is doing much better. The cough is horrible and will probably be around for a while. Jen-I am tired and I think I am getting an ear infection but other than that I am great Glad you are feeling better today! Cari-I am so glad that you told on that girl. I hope she gets what is coming to her. Suzi-congrats on the workout & the walk. You are making me feel like a slug! lol Kat-how is Rick? Michelle-how far away does your mom live? Enjoy your time with her there. My mom only lives about 80 miles away but I wish I had her right next door. :tongue2: Hi Shalee and Cindy ... where is jolly (Laura)? hmmm... OK, Macy needs me to do some things for her so I gotta run...be back soon!
Jen-so sorry that you are sick! Try not to let yourself get dehydrated! Macy has a mild case of the flu. The dr gave her some cough syrup and told me that if she is still running fever at the end of the week to bring her back in the office. She has only run a low grade fever since this morning and she is up playing so that is a good sign. Today was a teachers workday @ school and I will keep her out tomorrow too. Thanks for all the well wishes!
Good morning everyone... Cari-pardon me but it sounds like you work with a bunch of jackas*es! Sorry you have to go through that mess! Macy woke me this morning, hardly able to swallow because of the congestion and her fever was 102.5 :smile2: Her dr office opens at 8:30 so I am going to call asap. Have a good day ladies! I will check in later.
My poor babygirl :blushing: I spoke with her dr today and she said to bring her in the office first thing in the morning. She said bring her to the ER only if she gets REALLY bad because she does not want to expose her to anything else. She said they only give Tamiflu if they really need to because of the side effects?! Anyway...her fever hasnt gone over 101 and I have tylenol and ibuprofen in her system. Giving her mucinex for her cough too. Popsicles help :seeya: Kat-poor rick! omg..I will say a prayer for him. Stay away from him (easier said than done) and use LYSOL!!! Gotta run...gonna go put macy in the tub...help keep that temp low. Have a great night ladies! Pray for Macy.
Thanks Cari...it is so sad when little ones get sick!
The regular flu is also going around her school...If she is still running fever tonight I am gonna bring her to the dr tomorrow~