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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    dani2728 reacted to AngelEyesInNJ in Got sleeved 12/17, Husband deployed.   
    It takes time to see the difference. If the scale doesn't move more then likely your losing the inches. I noticed after a while my clothes started fitting differently although I still see the big girl when I look in the mirror I have been with her for over 20 yrs so it is a work in progress to get my head around the fact that I am no longer Her but a more healthier me.
    One thing to remember is the weight didn't come on over night nor will it go away that way. Just stick to your doctors instructions and you will do fine, just take baby steps.. one day at a time is the best way
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    dani2728 reacted to iggychic in What did you tell your children?   
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    dani2728 reacted to No game in What did you tell your children?   
    My children are 10 and 16 .. i told them I was having this done and why. I answered all the questions that they had. And addressed their concerns. Which by the way weren't many
    I tell them many times a day I love them ( yes even the sixteen year old, though if she cares or not is a different story).
    They know they are loved no matter what the day brings.
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    dani2728 reacted to SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in Post-Op Day 9 Weight Loss Stall. Not enough calories?   
    A few years ago, I was down and discouraged about something I can't even remember now what it was. My mom, my best friend, said "just keep swimming, just keep swimming ..." And I laughed through my tears. It became our mantra. We would say it to each other. Especially while she was in isolation at MD Anderson with leukemia. And, later, at home while I held her hand. Those words just became our way of encouraging each other. Earlier today, I was wishing I knew how she felt about what I put myself through with this surgery. She was speaking through you. You don't have to believe it. I KNOW IT.
    Thank you for saying EXACTLY what I needed to hear tonight.
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    dani2728 reacted to SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in Post-Op Day 9 Weight Loss Stall. Not enough calories?   
    I dropped 16 lbs pretty fast, but have stalled the past couple of days. I logged my intake today (and for yesterday) and see that I had 18 gm of Protein yesterday, and 300 cal. Today, I've had 39 gm protein and 629 calories. Is the stall because I UNDERSHOT (by accident) the past couple of days and Ethyl (my body's alter-ego) switched to survival mode?
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    dani2728 reacted to coops in The good thing about being a slow loser   
    Just thought I'd chip in on the end here... I started the thread in an attempt to help folk who, like I, didn't lose in double quick time.
    Two and a half years later, my weight loss is 74 lb and I am easily maintaining that. That equates to 90% success as per my surgeon and 74% as per the bmi chart.
    So you see, just cos it takes time, it doesn't make it any less successful. And remember, the scenic route is beautiful!
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    dani2728 reacted to 2bslimkim in strange question from a newbie   
    Follow me.... my journey
    First, you need to have your metabolic rate tested before you can clam that 1500-1800 per day is the magic button. I had mine tested at my OBGYN's office and I only burn 980 cals per day so anything over that i'm gaining weight.
    Weight gain is simple just not easy. Calories in versus calories out. It you eat more than you burn you will gain weight. If you are gaining weight you are eating more than you burn. It is simple math just not simple to do.
    I was never over weight till I had my 2nd child at age 35. I went from a normal weight of 125 to 200 lbs. I have hypothyroid desease and a low metabolic rate. I can lose 30 lbs doing metafast or weight watchers only to gain it back in record time plus 5lbs. My Dr. couldn't figure it out either. My husand says i'm the healthiest fat person he knows (lovingly of course). I eat healthy, I never eat fast food, I avoid high calories foods and don't like sweets but i'm obese.
    After my first seminar the Dr. explained that with the Sleeve a hormone that makes us hungry will be removed and that often metabolic rates are reset. I have decided to have the Gastric Sleeve. In fact i'm one week post-op. Feb. 28th is my biggest loser day.
    I started my liquid diet today (to help shrink the liver before surgery). My starting weight is 215 and i'm 5'5" tall.
    Please follow my journey and I promise to be as candid as possible.
    Good luck with your decision.
    Kimberly from TX
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    dani2728 reacted to sleevesmagoohowdoyoudo in strange question from a newbie   
    Eating to many calories in a day is not really an issue for me.I do 1500-1800 per day. I dont have the sleeve yet, but my doctor suggested bariatric surgury as a possible option for me 2 week ago. I keep on gaining weight. I am 5'7" and 260 lbs. i can gain weight in a heartbeat and i have sleep apnea. My husband is concerned that having surgury is not right for me and is concerned i may have 80% of my stomach removed and still not lose weight.He wonders if the surgery is only successful for people who ate calories above the recommended amount for their height and weight before surgery. I have been lurking on this forum for 2 weeks and just joined today. After doing research i know i only want to do the sleeve. i have been fat for so long i feel kind of like this could be my light at the end of the tunnel for me.
    Ok here is my question
    Did anyone eat lower amount of calories before surgery and still lost weight after ?
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    dani2728 reacted to SerendipityHappens in Choose NOT to tell people you had WLS   
    I TOTALLY get what you're saying.. I WISH we didn't feel the need not to tell people... but I do understand why people choose not to tell.
    I'll tell people after the fact, but I don't need anyone breathing down my neck saying I am losing too much.. not losing fast enough.. look sickly, etc.... I'll tell them after they've already admitted to me how fabulous and healthy I look!
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    dani2728 reacted to Cindy Martin in Where the May sleevers i just got my date!   
    May 1st here in Houston,TX. On day 5 of preop diet. Down 13lbs since Tuesday morning. Down 21lbs since started on the journey.
    When I was scheduled for Lap-Band I was very anxious and could not calm down. Now that I'm having the sleeve instead I'm very calm and feel it's the right decision.
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    dani2728 reacted to Xine78 in Where the May sleevers i just got my date!   
    A few weeks ago I was really stressed. Now that I have a date I'm oddly calm about it. I also prayed about it. Asked if it was the right decision for me and that I'd not have any life threatening complications, to help me feel calm about my decision. So far so good!
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    dani2728 reacted to Butterthebean in Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?   
    I did the C25K last year. Started it in mid september. After that first night I didn't go back for 2 weeks. But finally, I grudgingly went back...I couldn't jog 30 seconds. But after 5 or 6 nights I started to see an improvement and I started liking it. Every week I would look ahead at the next week and think there is no way I can do that. But then I'd surprise myself. I have never ran before in my life. But now I'm totally addicted and all I can do is anticipate the next run. I've got a 10K coming up weekend after next and a half marathon in April. I'm pumped and really think it's the best thing I've done since getting sleeved.
    We've got a thread called "for distance runners" that a few of us sleeved runners hang out on. Come on over there and read up....there are some pretty advanced sleeved runners lurking around here.
    But seriously, as to the C25K...keep at it. Listen to your body and that inner voice in your head. If it tells you you're not ready to move ahead, you don't have too. Feel free to repeat any nights you need to. By the time you get to the end you will be loving it....or your money back.
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    dani2728 reacted to ashmarquez30 in One year surgiversary!   
    One year later and 140 pounds lighter!!

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    dani2728 reacted to kyllfalcon in Did your husband support your decision?   
    I don't mean to be inappropriate, gmanbat, but your hotness quotient is HIGH! You seem like a very caring, expressive man with a level head and a tendency to promote peace, all of which contribute greatly to a man's HOT factor in my book!
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    dani2728 reacted to kyllfalcon in Did your husband support your decision?   
    Yes, my husband has been super amazing. He suggested WLS to me even before we knew about the sleeve, not because he was disgusted with me (maybe he was, but he never let it show), but because he saw the weight slowly diminishing my abilities. He has been by my side every minute and step, and has modified his lifestyle to coincide with mine. He prepares all his own meals, all three, and in the doing has made healthier choices and trimmed down too (just needed to loose 20-30 pounds).
    He is always commenting, "look at her go now", and "you look so lovely". He has not expressed any jealousy, and did not resent the money spent, on either the surgery or my new wardrobe!
    What a guy...
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    dani2728 reacted to bmbrush413 in Did your husband support your decision?   
    My husband has been incredibly supportive of me in every attempt I have made to lose weight over the last 19 years... This time, it was a little harder. I was thinking about surgery a few years ago, and he was of the "easy way out" mindset back then. As things progressed, and he met with a therapist who was able to convince him that some people are just "wired" differently and need intervention to accomplish their goals, he began to see that this was really the only option for me. As I went through my pre-op appointments (6 months) he would continually encourage me - "One step closer!" "Keep it up!" Now that I am two weeks post-op and down over 26 pounds, he told me that he was talking to his dad just before my surgery and asked, "Do you think if I buy her a new car, she won't do the surgery?" He was so afraid something would happen to me. His dad convinced him that if this is what I wanted to do, he needed to just stand by me and support me - which is exactly what he did. I am so blessed to have him by my side - and we keep talking about being able to lead a more happy and active lifestyle together for many years to come. After all, that's what this was all about!
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    dani2728 reacted to gaye jarvis in Did your husband support your decision?   
    My husband of 32 years has been my biggest cheerleader, I love him so much and now after 116 lbs lost he is enjoying all the benefits of a healthier wife!
    Sent from Gaye's iPad Mini using VST
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    dani2728 reacted to naviah in Did your husband support your decision?   
    He has the issues sweety ... Not u what u have done and the weight lose it's for your Heath an a better u and girl it's all about u ... If he's acting like that he needs to grow up ... Note to self love is he took a vow better for worse sickness and Heath .. So tell him to get a grip
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    dani2728 reacted to gmanbat in Did your husband support your decision?   
    My newly slim wife and I went to Busch Gardens and attended a Sha - Na - Na concert there. It was packed so we got separated in our seating. She sat next to an ex- cop from New Jersey who promptly hit on her. I sat next to a little Georgia peach who put the moves on me. Both of the hitters knew we were married and didn't care. We had quite a laugh about it later.
    The world is full of swamp rats that are devoid of morals. We can't hide ourselves behind fat globule shields because other people have no class. Don't let the ethically challenged dictate your actions.
    If you love each other strengthen your relationship every chance you get with all the creativity that is within you. Tie those chords of reassurance tight so jealousy gets laughed down when it rears its green head.
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    dani2728 reacted to gmanbat in Did your husband support your decision?   
    Yup, it was like that for us for quite a while when we dieted before surgery. I would lose faster than her. But after my prostate cancer treatment I lost the ability to lose weight and ballooned up real good. Weight loss surgery brought us both down to goal, actually at about the same rate! It's the muscle mass that makes the difference. I never yet have been able to get my muscle mass back after hormone treatment, (Lupron), blasted my testosterone all to heck. But what I have is looking more ripped all the time.
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    dani2728 reacted to gmanbat in Did your husband support your decision?   
    I wasn't referring to competing with your wife, I meant competing with any possible other guy that would catch her eye. It is common in nature for the male to strut his stuff to impress the female and beat out the other males so we have to work on our strut.
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    dani2728 reacted to K Lee in Did your husband support your decision?   
    My husband was completely supportive even when I had second thoughts about spending the money. He used money from his retirement to pay for the part of my surgery not covered by insurance. He took excellent care of me at the hospital and the few days we had to stay near the hospital after surgery. I know he couldn't have been happy about how I looked at my heaviest, but he never said anything to make me feel bad. Just wants me to be healthy so we can get our life back. He's a great husband and I am lucky to have him.
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    dani2728 reacted to Colemon70 in Did your husband support your decision?   
    And he did the liquid diet with me for 10 days. He modified it with fruit and veggies in his shakes. Post op I caught him eating a salad all by himself in the laundry room so he wouldn't make me feel bad because I couldn't eat lol. Poor guy
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    dani2728 reacted to gmanbat in Did your husband support your decision?   
    My wife losing weight and getting even more attractive was an extra incentive for me to pour on the effort to increase my hotness quotient. I'm pretty happy with myself, no worries about her.
    Men, don't sit back and whine like babies, ...compete!
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