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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ree

  1. I'm having bad anxiety thinking about it too. I am on my 5th month for NUT meetings and I have one more to go to in October, then I schedule my surgery date. I worry a lot about this because like you said it is not something to be taken lightly and it's a lifetime commitment. I have a very difficult time staying in control (even now when I'm seeing the NUT) and its not the portions I have a problem with, its the types of foods I am constantly craving. I can go days with having a craving and it just doesn't go away until I finally give in to it. I hate that I'm like that and I wish I wasn't. Like I said I am seeing a NUT and have been for 5 months now and in that time I only lost 10 pounds. I am my own worst enemy. I also worry a lot about the complications that can occurs after being sleeved. I just really hope I am making the right decision. Especially since I have days where every fiber of my being screams out "no stop, don't do this". So that's scary to me.
  2. I'm worried now. Anytime I ever did any kind of weight loss program I have never checked with my doctor because either I didn't have a doctor at the time or the doctor I have has never showed any interest in me or asked me if i wanted to help for my weight issue. Well now I am currently transferring to a new doctor but my first appointment isn't until June. So no weight loss attempts in the past have been medically documented. However I've done the atkins diet (2004), calorie control (2011), seen a dietician (last year) and did the LA weight loss program (over a decade ago). The ONLY weight loss attempt that might be documented is having seen the dietician but then she only had me come for two apppoinements, a week apart, never weighed me, just gave me the dietary plan she put together for me and then sent me on my way. Never asked that I have a follow up appointment with her or anything like that. So would that be enough for documented weight loss attempts? If there isn't enough documented proof then they require patients to go through a 6 month nutrition/weight loss program before getting the surgery. I really don't want to go through that and have to wait even longer for the surgery. Any way around this? or are my previous weight loss attempts enough? Also I think they said at the seminar the weight loss attempts have to be within the last 5 years (I think?). (also, they do not require any weight loss prior to the surgery but they said that the insurance company might require a 5% weight loss before surgery. I don't know if my insurance company requires that or not. I have BCBS of south carolina, even though I'm not from south carolina).
  3. The surgeon I'm seeing is pretty popular, he has actually been on Opera back in the day when the Opera show was airing. Arts137, how much weight have you lost and do you still need to use the CPAP machine? I've heard that once you start to lose weight sometimes you are able to ditch the CPAP machine because you no longer need it.
  4. Of everything to worry about, this is on top of my list. I'm glad you posted this question. Thank you.
  5. Ree


    Not being able to sleep is normal. I remember a while back when I went on a 3 day fast I couldn't sleep. It's because of the lack of food/nutrients you are getting. I'm not sure exactly why our bodies work like that but I was lucky If I was able to sleep 4 hours in a 24 hour period during the 3 day fast. For those who are post op when were you able to resume a normal sleep pattern?
  6. I was tempted to buy some until I read a bunch of reviews saying how horrible they tasted.
  7. I was told I could take whatever vitamin I feel comfortable taking. I asked "so I can take one in pill form?" and the nurse said "sure, you'll learn to adjust to taking it and at first you might have to chop it into several pieces to get it down but you can take pill form if you want" she also said I could take gummy right after surgery if I wanted too. I will probably take gummy form right after surgery and then transition to the pill form I'll be taking before surgery. Just because the gummy multi doesn't have everything in it that I require or want in a multivitamin.
  8. That is so sad! But I don't understand how that's possible. I mean after you have the surgery if you try to eat even just a little bit more than your body will allow you will start to feel symptoms of fullness and probably other symptoms that make you uncomfortable or cause pain. How or why would someone put themselves through that? especially knowing that this isn't advised once you get the surgery? I guess this is why doctors require all the appointments and tests. To make sure we are ready and to know what to expect.
  9. I haven't been sleeved yet but some days I feel 100% ready to go and know that this is the best decision I can make. Then I have days where I think what the heck am I getting myself into. Are these types of feelings normal before getting sleeved? and do they eventually pass?
  10. I'm afraid to feel weak all the time. How long after surgery does that pass?
  11. I'm in the beginning process, so far I've been to the initial seminar, the NUT seminar, an appointment for my asthma specialist, an appointment for the history and physical and now before the end of summer I still have my first NUT appointment, thyroid specialist appointment, sleep specialist appointment, 1st Psy evaluation appointment, PCP appointment, so my new PCP can fill out the paperwork, and appointment for abdominal ultrasound to rule out gallstones. Please tell me it's all worth it in the end? and how many more appointments will I need to have that aren't listed above before I can get a surgery date?
  12. I am looking at two of the same multivitamins, one is with iron and the other is without. I have heard that people get constipated after the surgery so I am thinking that maybe a vitamin without iron would be best. But then I also understand the importance of iron too. Plus about 5 years ago I was anemic when I was bleeding internally and lost 2 liters of blood. I'm fine now but maybe getting a vitamin with iron would be a good thing? I don't know. I don't want to be constipated. I'm not sure what I should be getting. Also, am I crazy to be getting pill form? I was told I could get pill form but I'm guessing after surgery it will be very difficult to take. I plan to use a gummy vitamin right after surgery, which I was told would be ok too. How long after surgery would I be able to take the pill form again?
  13. Ree


    I'm still waiting to be sleeved but I have started to take biotin. I take 5000mcg a day and its in a dissolvable tablet you put under your tongue but I don't take it this way. The tablet is so small so I just swallow it. I don't like to put it under my tongue because for some reason I end up with bad facial pain for the rest of the day.
  14. Awesome! Good luck and KUP!!
  15. Ree

    Calcium Citrate

    Do we HAVE to have calcium in Citrate form? I just read that citracal petites are in 'element' form. Is that the same as citrate form?
  16. Ree


    Are all of the calcium options that people have listed in this thread in the form of citrate? I am struggling to find a Calcium that is in the form of Citrate. That is in gummy form.
  17. Ree

    4 months out today!

    Great! Keep up the good work!!
  18. I have my first medical appointment for history and physical later today. I was wondering what I should expect? and do I need to bring my food diary to this appointment or just to my first NUT appointment? Thanks!
  19. Also, you already have a surgery date? I thought that a surgeon wouldn't do the surgery unless someone has a BMI over 35 w/ a condition or a BMI of 40?
  20. Your BMI is 32? I wouldn't get the surgery unless you just lost a lot of weight and are struggling to keep it off and you are looking for something permanent to help keep it off. Otherwise I would not do it. What was your highest weight? or BMI?
  21. After you get sleeved (I haven't yet) does the 'full' feeling you get a lot like drinking a lot of water and filling your stomach and feeling full or is it different? I can feel full eating something healthy but I can still be head hungry. Does that make sense? Like I'm full but somehow I can still find room for a bowl of ice cream with no problems. Please tell me THAT goes away with the sleeve? I'm just trying to be realistic about what to expect with the sleeve.
  22. You look great, congrats! and keep up the good work!
  23. I was told I needed to start taking a multi Vitamin and a Calcium + D supplement. I am struggling trying to find one and I don't know what the rules are for taking them. I'm assuming that swallowing Vitamins right after surgery isn't going to be allowed, but are gummy vitamins allowed? what about those chocolate chews? Plus I am trying to find something as close to all natural (even organic) as possible! for both the Multivitamin and calcium supplement.
  24. Ree

    Almost a year after!

    Did you post a picture? If you did I can't see it. Amazing weight loss, congratulations!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
