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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by PatriotsFan28

  1. PatriotsFan28

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Fell asleep, woke up thinking it must be time to get up soon.. Nope only 11 pm .. Getting sleeved in the AM.. This night is going to drag lol
  2. PatriotsFan28

    Gettin' sleeved tomorrow!

    Lol... Not laughing at that, but I felt the same way so it's good to know you're not Alone. I think I've passed that point. If you have the stomach for it, no pun intended there... Watch the surgery being done on YouTube. It made it seem relatively simple, I'm sure it's not to be taken lightly, but I trust in my surgeon who has done this procedure as well as the bypass and Lap Band a lot of times. Let's focus on the positive. We can do this.
  3. PatriotsFan28

    Gettin' sleeved tomorrow!

    And Good Luck to you too Will!
  4. PatriotsFan28

    Gettin' sleeved tomorrow!

    Thanks guys! I love the support we find on here! It's appreciated, thank you! ❤
  5. Same here kellie! I too started in August and I'm to be sleeved tomorrow too! Yay us!!!
  6. PatriotsFan28

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    Just added to May 20th... In the final stretch!!
  7. There are quite a few of us on May 20th! Woohoo!!!
  8. PatriotsFan28

    Ideas for what to tell people?

    I have only told a few close people. Once it's done and I'm losing weight if I still decide to keep it to myself I'm not sure. Guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it. I have heard negative comments from several people at work about WLS before I even began my journey, but they have their opinion and I have mine. If they have something to say, bring it on. Lol
  9. PatriotsFan28

    Upper GI Exam? Whats it like?

    It's not terrible, but I almost threw up several times, I'm weak when it comes to certain flavors and textures lol... It's over quick though.
  10. 2 week liquid diet starts tomorrow for me and few other ladies that I chat with. Who else is on board with us? What are your meal plans like? I'm not allowed very much, low fat yogurt, cream of wheat, (yuck).. Strained low fat cream soups and broth, protein shakes, unsweetened applesauce, and maybe a few other non chewable things. Surprisingly I'm excited about it. Tomorrow I'll probably have food withdrawals and be a complete ass, but I can suck it up.. I think lol..
  11. PatriotsFan28

    May Sleevers! Almost there!

    I'm also starting liquid diet on may 6th and surgery is the 20th. Myself and 2 other ladies have started texting each other for moral support. We are all the 20th. Just thought it would be helpful if we were overcome with anxiety or nerves. lol Message me if you're interested.
  12. PatriotsFan28

    Pre-op diet causing ......

    I'm not there yet so I can't be helpful, but liquids in = liquids out maybe??? Lol
  13. PatriotsFan28


    I too am told to stop vitamins during pre-op diet. Also no NSAIDS. Psych meds, thyroid meds and stuff are ok with my surgeon, but every doc is different.
  14. PatriotsFan28

    post-op protein drink help

    I also use the syntrax nectar in chocolate and strawberry. Vanilla tasted like a cake batter and not one I enjoyed lol.. 1 scoop is I believe like 23 grams of protein and 100 calories. Mixes right up in a bottle. I use skim milk and add an additional 8 grams of protein. I'm still preop tho..
  15. If you ladies want to text me as we get closer to our pre-op and surgery and everything in between PM me and I'll shoot you my number. Looking forward to not being entirely alone. TEAM MAY 20th! Monnica ????
  16. Make that the 3 of us! I also start my pre-op diet on the 6th and May 20th at 7:30 am is surgery!! Woohoo! TEAM 20th lol
  17. May 20th 7:30 am!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Yaaaaay!
  18. So I totally let the excitement of seeing the surgeon on Thursday and just nearing the end of the pre-op process get the best of me. I've gained 3.2 lbs since my last weight check at home. I'm not discouraged just mad I allow myself to eat emotionally still. Grrrr.. Back to the grind today tho.. Chocolate protein shake for breakfast here I come! Have a good day my sleeve friends! Monnica
  19. So I'm less than 24 hours away from seeing my surgeon and finishing the last step of appointments and moving on to the pre-surgery wait-n-worry game! Only one thing is concerning me at the moment, my surgeon doesn't do the sleeve for patients that take heartburn meds because he said it's known to make it worse. But here's the thing.. I do take meds but I personally think my heartburn is more or less caused from being obese and the food I was eating before starting this process. Does this make sense? I had an ultrasound and an endoscopy and both came back good, no problems no hiatal hernia nothing of that sort. I'm hoping he doesn't try to say I need the RYN.
  20. PatriotsFan28

    Well, the date is set

    I was told the same thing about NSAIDs. They told me a few months after surgery I could use them again but they said the dosage would be limited. I can't remember the exact reason now since we covered so much in that meeting. Hopefully ill be sleeved by the end of May. Woohoo!! Good luck to ya!
  21. PatriotsFan28

    Weight gain.. Noooo

    Most definitely!! I'm loving the feeling of I'm not alone in this. It's great knowing other people are going in around the same time as me.
  22. PatriotsFan28

    Weight gain.. Noooo

    I'm up in Manchester, NH.. I'm seeing my surgeon on thurs 4/11 and then they say within 48 hours ill receive a call with the date, still assuming the insurance goes through. Anthem BCBS.. BUT... I too should be end of May!! Woohoo

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