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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ppasjm

  1. If you want just a regular blender, I'd go to Goodwill or some other thrift store. You could get one for under $10. Or ask friends or relatives if they have one they don't want. Most people have them and don't use them. Then you can see if you really would use it. The if you use it all the time, I'd look at one with all the bells and whistles. Just my opinion, I'm old school that way!
  2. I won't miss feeling prego all the time! At least when I was pregnant it only lasted nine months and there was a baby to enjoy at the end. This feels like the never ending pregnancy! I'm so ready for my middle to disappear!
  3. ppasjm


    After a shower, use good old Vaseline! Just a thin coating will work. You can get with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E in it and they, also, have some that has cocoa butter in it. The cocoa butter one smells really good.
  4. ppasjm

    Is this normal? HELP!

    I think you have to take some advice from another support group. "Just take one day a time" Break it down even farther if you have to do it to make it through it. Don't look at the big picture. And "if" you have a slip up, don't beat yourself up about it. Put it behind you and go on with the plan. And, definitely, give yourself a reward before you go in for surgery. NOT a food reward, put maybe a pedicure, a new shirt that is one size smaller than what you wear now, a massage, something that will give this all meaning. Just like a real job where you get a paycheck at the end of the week, pay yourself for working hard and getting through this phase. You can choose to control what you eat or continue to let food control you!
  5. ppasjm

    What to do!? 1st day @gym in 3 yrs!

    I was in the same boat you are in last summer. Joined a gym. I thought I'd do 15 min on the elliptical. Then the treadmill and a few weight lifting machines. I walked on the treadmill for about 20 minutes first. Then I got on that elliptical and it kicked my butt! I pushed myself to do 5 minutes on the first day and had to leave the gym when I was done. I could hardly walk without falling. My legs were like rubber! Learned my lesson fast. Couldn't go to the gym for 5 days after that because my legs and butt muscles hurt so badly. The next time went to the gym, I only did the elliptical for 2 minutes and that was more than plenty. You might be different, but just use some caution at first. Listen to your body! Good luck!
  6. Yes, over Memorial Day weekend my almost 4 yr. old granddaughter said to me in a questioning tone, "You're fat!?" I just said, "Yes." She then asked me why and I just told her that it was because I eat too much. She just looked at me and then went about her business of playing again. It took all my willpower not to break down and cry in front of her. It broke my heart, even though she didn't say it to hurt my feelings. She was just being curious. Ever since, I've joined these forums back in April, I've been having food funerals every week. I was eating so much junk food and lots of candy(loved MilkyWay Caramel bars). I could never wrap my head around tracking my food, probably, for the rest of my life and just having to give up eating certain foods. I've found out if I even have a little of something, then I crave it all the more( like sugar). What she said finally triggered something in me, because driving home from her house on Memorial Day I ate my last Milkyway bar. I started tracking my food on Myfitnesspal and am eating between 1200 and 1400 calories a day and upped my protein and decreased my carbs drastically. I've always been a meat eater. I, also, supplement my food intake with 1 Premier protein shake a day to help with the protein intake. It hasn't been easy, but not as hard as I thought it would. Reading these boards about the head hunger has really helped. I haven't been sleeved, yet, but hopefully in August. I have lost almost 9 lbs in 3 weeks! I just think that the more I loose now, the less I have to lose after the surgery.
  7. ppasjm


    Are you drinking enough water? If you are, maybe you have to increase it even more. You might have kidney stones if you haven't been drinking enough water. The increased amount of protein you are eating means you have to have an increased amount of water to flush the excess minerals out of your body instead of settling in your kidneys. In my opinion, if you are having to take prescribed pain killers for a headache, you need to see your doctor. Again, that is just my opinion.
  8. Dr. jaime Ponce de leon is $5500 Dr. Fernando Garcia is $4700 Dr. Ariel Ortiz is $6500 Dr. Guillermo Alvarez is $8700 Dr. Alberto Aceves is $8750 Those are the prices that I have seen. It includes the pre-op and post-op tests, the hospital stay, the hotel stay, and the whole surgical team expenses. I hink Dr. Aceves is the only one that keeps you in a hospital the whole time.. If you type any one of these Drs. names in the search bar above and select forum in the little box, it will give you posts about peoples experiences with them. It does cost a lot less in Mexico.
  9. ppasjm

    Crossing the border

    I just got mine and it took 3 1/2 weeks.
  10. ppasjm


    Sorry, did it twice!
  11. ppasjm


    Tuna is ok for me in week 4. My NUT suggests blending it with non-fat mayo or miracle whip to keep it moist. And if you put a hard boiled egg with it it ups the Protein and oh, so good!
  12. ppasjm


    Tuna is ok for me in week 4. My NUT suggests blending it with non-fat mayo or miracle whip to keep it moist. And if you put a hard boiled egg with it it ups the Protein and oh, so good!
  13. I would call your state's insurance commissioner. Here's a link for MO-- http://insurance.mo.gov/help/contact.php You'll probably have to copy and paste it. It even has a place to file a complaint on the right hand side of the page. Consumer Affairs Division Matt Barton, Director Insurance Consumer Hotline: 800-726-7390 Fax: 573-526-4898 Email: consumeraffairs@insurance.mo.gov (Consumer complaints, inquiries, brochures)
  14. ppasjm

    1yr out Update

    Are you getting all of your fluids? That might be one cause. I would, also, keep some kind of protein with me when you start feeling like this. Maybe a protein shake or beef jerky, something that you can eat quickly. When I was working, I used to get like that when I hadn't eaten in 5 or 6 hours. Maybe keep a journal for awhile with what times you eat and when you feel like this. Maybe there is a pattern or connection. It's worth a try. Congrats on the weight loss. It's a hard thing to do, even with the sleeve! Keep up the good work!
  15. ppasjm


    Vitamins and minerals keep us healthy. All sorts of diseases are caused by lack of vitamins and minerals. You take Calcium to keep your bones strong. Lack of it can cause osteoporosis or even weak bones which could cause a fracture. Lack of Vitamin C can cause scurvy which can make you have gum disease for just one. Each vitamin has a specific job in your body. After VSG surgery, you are not eating a variety of foods to get your vitamins and minerals, so it is extremely important that you at the very least take a daily multi-vitamin. Whatever vitamins your doctor recommends, you should take to keep yourself healthy.
  16. I look at it this way. Even if it does shorten your life span, so does being obese! But if WLS will increase the quality of the life I have left, then bring on the WLS! Nobody can guarantee how long you will live, with or without the surgery.
  17. ppasjm

    Shakes? Costco

    You can only get $5 off of 2 cases at a time. So you get 18 for $17.99 which brings the cost to a $1 a drink. They have a different kind of spout than the ones from Sam's, but I don't mind it.
  18. ppasjm

    Let the commitment begin

    Hi, Skip, My husband is a truck drive and just a few years younger than you. He had the sleeve last year and has lost 140lbs. Started out at 360 lbs. One of the big reasons he did it, was so he could keep his job. I didn't support him in the first few months, but I, eventually, came around. It is the best thing he has ever done for his health. He is on no meds anymore, not even his warfarin that he was taking for a blood clot that he had had in his heart a few years ago. The docs told him he would be on it for the rest of his life! Now he just takes a baby aspirin and his Vitamin supplements. Those won't kill him if he does miss a dose! I am hoping to get the surgery in the near future, too. Just waiting to get the money together. Hope your journey goes smoothly. Good luck!
  19. I know that Dr. Jaime Ponce De Leon give you a video of your surgery. What other doctors give you a video? Please post?
  20. ppasjm

    Pain on the right side

    Pain on your right side is probably your gallbladder, right below your rib cage. I'd talk to your doc.
  21. Yes, Costco's are 18 in a pack and around $22-$23. They, also, have a coupon the month of May for $5 off each pack and you can use it on 2 packs.
  22. ppasjm

    Two Month before after

    Wow, what a difference! You look great! You look like you're so much happier in the second picture. You give me incentive to get this done! Thanks for posting.
  23. I was going to order the Fitbit Flex, but I read that you could only wear it on your wrist. You could not wear it on your bra, on your waistband or on your ankle. So I ordered the Fitbit One. Not overly thrilled with it, but I haven't calculated my stride yet either. I go up and down basement stairs all day long and it only records them about half the time. I've only had it about a week though, so still getting used to it. I probably wouldn't buy it again, but research a little better and get another brand. I do like being able to wear it clipped to my bra!
  24. And if you're a Costco member, their coupon booklet has $5 off the Premier Shakes. You can get 2 packs each $5 off. Ours usually are $22.99 for an 18 pack. So with the coupon, it makes them under $1 each. Sam's carries them, too, but their price is $18.88 for a 12 pack. The prices maybe higher or lower in your area, but gives you an idea of the cost.
  25. ppasjm

    ladies only please

    I think the fat that your losing has lots of stored hormones that are now being released into your system. Those hormones are now messing up your periods, moods, etc. Having a major surgery alone is stress enough on a body. Then having extra hormones released from the fat loss is causing chaos on your body. I'm not a medical professional, but I would think a irregular periods would be normal for a few months, but if you are really concerned, maybe a doctors visit is needed.

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