Hello Everyone! I just got my date - April 15! I'm in the Dallas area and using Dr Veninga. Anyone else getting their GS in Dallas/Plano about the same time? I need to get my blood work done this week. I've been doing the Opt-Fast Shakes since Friday. Doing OK...down 3 lbs in 2 days, which is amazing since I usually have to really work for every oz. My biggest fear is that the GS won't resolve my endocrine issues that have made it so hard so lose ( thyroid, POCS, insulin resistance). I so want to lose! I lost 85 lbs in 2006 thru diet and exercise, but 4 years later as I went thru menopause I could not keep it from coming back. I'm afraid I'm broken that way. I'm hoping very low calorie intake I'll do it for me. Anyone with similar issues? Any suggestions?