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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JoannLz

  1. JoannLz


    Thanks. My first stall at 3 weeks was heart breaking. But I learned. And I grew up. Lol I cannt complain. I am making healthy choices with food and everything in general.
  2. JoannLz

    May sleevers results so far!

    S.w. 257 C.w. 208
  3. JoannLz

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Oklahoma city here !!!
  4. JoannLz

    May 7th

    I'm feeling like I'm loosing slowly but that's ok as long as I'm loosing I'm ok.
  5. JoannLz

    May 7th

    I had minr may 7 th as well. I to had the 3 week stall even gained. But I'm two months out and judt got out of a three week stall. I've done pretty good though. 49 lbs down. Only 8 to onderland. I was dehidrated maybe that's why I stalled.
  6. Ok I'm 7 weeks. I've spent sooooo much money on protien. I have yet to find one I like. I try to get as much protoen in with food but I got a picky very picky sleeve. So I force myself to eat. And my portion r so tiny sometimes the serving size doesn't even fit. So how am I sure I'm getting enough. To my calculations I'm only doing 30-40 grams. And lets not talk about water. My tummy cannot tolerate it. And I've tried sooo many difrent types of drops and water brands and nope my sleeve doesn't not like it. I live off gatorade. And diet grean tea.and I wanted to stop with the gatorade but I cannt. I'm scared I might not be doing something right. I hear everyone drinking so much protien and I'm cannt even come close. I don't want to get sick.
  7. JoannLz


    I thought I was the only one with this. Its nice to now there are people who r like me scared.
  8. Ok so my hubby asked me out last night and as I was trying clothing on we both realised its time. YUp its time to go buy clothing cause everything falls off or my shirts r too droopy. The scared part is. I'm scared of going to the store and fiting jeans the same size I'm wearing. Yup super scared of that. Hubby laughed and said obviously u aren't the same size if these r falling off. But me I'm scared to even try on a smaller size. Has my brain not cought on to my body?
  9. JoannLz


    I'm a stay at home mom for now too. So I'm gunna go with tights. I will so cry when I try on a size 12. I've been a size 18 for over 15 years. So this is a guge step for me.
  10. JoannLz


    Yah I'm a 18/20 and I'm sxared to try on a 16 eventhough I can slide out of my 18s... I'm thinking maybe get some tight or leggings. At least for the summer.
  11. I've lost 46 lbs. I'm short and I'm latina. I have a lot of curves. Lol and HAD a big booty for which all my family knew me for. I also have big hips. Well lately my pants look nasty on me. My booty has officially disappeared. The only thing holding my jeans are my hips. I'm scared of going shoping for a new pair. What if I'm the same size and its just in my head?
  12. JoannLz

    loosing the booty :(

    I noticed that too my tail bone hurts ! I laughed the other day really hard. Cause I sat down and I actually felt my bone touch the chair . Lol.. silly me.
  13. JoannLz

    loosing the booty :(

    Lol. Thanks. So when can we do more hard core excersice I'm 6 weeks out.
  14. May I ask why u r being re sleeved?
  15. My surgery was may 7th. Down 47 lbs since my highest. Only 11 more lbs to hit onederland. I've had my ups and downs. But I'm loving the way I look. This is not easy at all but I love that I have the control on food. Not food on me.
  16. JoannLz

    girl parts

    Ok here it goes. I'm obsessed with smell. And I've noticed that since I was in pre op. My lady parts smell to me nasty. And after surgery even worse. I feel like I smell like hospital and hospital meds lol. Nasty nasty. I shower every chance I get. But nothing works. I have every product known to women. My hubby says its all in my head. But what can he say he just cannt keep his hands off.
  17. JoannLz

    girl parts

    No meds. So I'm going to try diffrent thing to see what it is.
  18. JoannLz

    what happens?

    Has anyone tried the body wraps do those work?
  19. JoannLz

    girl parts

    Goldy girl I'm the same way!! I cannt stand my house. I feel like everything stinks or smells funny. And when I cook I have to open all the windows or ill puke. Lol.. this is something hu
  20. JoannLz

    what happens?

    I'm a month out and I have more cellulite now than before jijiji. My kids say I have old lady skin. Lol I think its because of the rapid weight loss. But everyone is diffrent.
  21. JoannLz

    after wls

    Thanks. Now to start saving up for all of this.
  22. JoannLz

    after wls

    Question. I had wls about a month ago and I was wondering. My insicions are on my top half of my abdomen. So when u get a TT do u still see them? If any one has a pic can I c? Thanks.
  23. Sorry before had but I do need to vent. I have been noticing a 1 lb weight gain almost daily.. I eat right I walk. I drink a lot of Water. I take my Vitamins. I did move to the purred stage. I'm 3 weeks out. My protien isn't that high but its ok. The only thing I can think of is I'm super late on my monthly friend. But that doesn't really get to me cause I've never been regular. Sssso why? What am I doind wrong? The only good thing of all this is that my clothing fits bigger way bigger. So why does the scale go up. Needed to vent..
  24. JoannLz

    gained weight

    Yup that's true. I'm 5 weeks out. N my clothing r huge. Nasty !! Lol I've learned to take it slow. Which really has helped out a lot.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
