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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Min

  1. You will have moderate discomfort only. The painkillers are excellent. The primary discomfort can come from gas build up but they tell you to get walking as soon as you can-even on Day 1. So you end up walking up and down the hospital corridors. I have had all sorts of surgery-this one didn't stand out as being worse-in fact because it's done laparoscopically there is little wound pain, unlike with a c-section where the whole wound pulls every time you do something.

    Don't worry about it. Focus on the results which will be a massive reduction in weight quite quickly.

    In fact the hardest part of it was having only Water for a few days until you can have other liquids and then having only soft food until you can have hard food....after that it's plain sailing and the ups far surpass the downs!


    Best of luck!

  2. I am 3 months out from having a revision-from band to sleeve. The band never really achieved great results for me though it did keep my weight steady. In any event, so far so good. I wouldn't recommend you have the revision and the sleeve done at the same time. I did and it was a very big deal and I got very worried after surgery that there would be problems with scar tissue and the like. So, do it in two steps. The sleeve is different but the same in terms of the way it makes you feel if you eat too much. But, if you are careful you can eat pretty much anything you like but in very small amounts-which is different to the band because that restricts your ability to eat certain foods. I don't get hungry-at least I haven't so far-which is great. While I'm only 3 months in, I do think it is a better option to the band. You should go on line though and read about as many people's experiences as you can so as to get a feel for what it's like because there's no turning back. I have lost 20kgs so far which is much better than the band. The first 6 weeks are very tough though-you can only have Water initially, then thin Soups, then soft foods etc. Once you're through that, it's a matter of getting used to it all. So far so good. Good luck with whatever you decide.

  3. What's a good way to deal with meals at restaurants which are of course way too big to eat. I am going to be dining out with people who don't know of my op and I don't want to tell them. The problem is that I will be sitting there with a massive plate of food-even entree size is too big and not eating much. Has anyone got any advice? Should I ring the restaurant and see what they can offer, see if they can do a Soup for example, or???

  4. I am 10 weeks out. I hated the first 5 weeks. I regretted having the surgery and hated not being able to eat anything. Around 6 weeks you start feeling more normal and hope comes back. You will notice you've lost weight and that will feel good. As the weeks go by you can have more variety and you don't feel so deprived. Everyone goes at their own pace so don't be put off if others seem to be doing better, are happier or more energetic. You'll get there!! It's a good thing to have done. Hold onto that thought!! Good luck.

  5. I'm 7 weeks in. I get it too if I drink too fast or have too much. Generally it's a warning to stop because your stomach is full. I envisage that the stomach gets 'backed up" and the food, drink or whatever sits in the pipe waiting to go through. Have too much or drink too fast, the result is the same. And sometimes if you get it really wrong, it all comes back and out! I think its getting better but you really have to concentrate on what you're doing. Also, standing up helps when that happens.

  6. Two questions. How important is exercise and why? Might seem obvious but before sleeving I exercised a fair bit and it made no difference to my weight whatsoever. so why is it so critical now? Also, how much does your stomach stretch? It wouldn't be great to ultimately end up where you were. In any event how could that happen when most of your stomach has gone anyway? Can someone help with answers to these obvious questions?

  7. I'm 4 weeks in. While you're on Soups etc you will feel pretty empty and probably want to gnaw on the odd bone or 2! I found it tough and depressing too. Once you can have thicker soups, yoghurt and pureed meat or fish, you will feel MUCH better. That has certainly been my experience. I have only just started to feel more normal in the last week or so because I can have more. Sooooo, hang in there because it does improve and you will get so excited when you can eat a small portion of meat or have some hummus on a cracker. Min

  8. I went back to work after 2 weeks but finished early each day as I got really tired. You need to ensure you have all your food sorted because you don't want to be worrying about that while at work. Getting enough to eat and drink while at work is a bit of an issue as you feel as if you are trying to get food or drink in nearly all of the time. You should be fine though. Good luck

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