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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kyrie

  1. Gah! I start tomorrow! Wish me luck!
  2. I'm not saying I don't want to have to excercise ever, or not pay attention to what I'm eating. I'm saying I don't want to have to be obsessive about it. I know it's not magic, and I know it takes work, I just don't want to be as obssesed with counting and measuring and weighting food as I was with eating it before I started this. So, is a half-hour walk in the mornings and a ~15 minute bike ride not enough excercise? 'Cause that's all I can do. Maybe when I don't wake up in the morning with all my muscles screaming at me, but right now I can't see doing any more than that on a regular basis.
  3. Thanks for all the advice guys, I'll try to remember it. I've never really liked fruit juices, so that's not a real big deal for me. It's probably not as bad as I think it's going to be, but I can't help angsting about no solid food for almost 3 months It'll be worth it though, I know. And yes, we both have passports!
  4. It doesn't exactly say which one, but I'm assuming it's full liquids. Here's exactly what it says; All kinds of liquids Water, tea, lemon water (take at least 3.5 litters a day) fruit juice drinks, natural fruit beverages, chicken stock, yogurt, Jello (gelatine desserts). Same liquids plus one Protein shake per day.
  5. When are you going? I go in 3 weeks, so if it's after that I can let you know how it goes
  6. Kyrie

    May 20th

    So, my mom and I were looking at the different surgeons and I think we've decided to go with Dr. Lopez. Still on May 20, so I'll see you there!
  7. On May 20th, I fly all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to Tijuana, Mexico to get sleeved br Dr. Ramos Kelly. I'm not really nervous about the surgery itself, I've been doing my research for the past three months and everyone I've seen who's used Dr. Kelly says that he's the best. I'm more worried about before and after the surgery. The first thing I'm worried about is the flight. I've never flown before, due partly to a major fear of heights, and partly because I highly doubt my ability to squeeze into the seats. Both my mom and the coordinator lady we've been emailing said that it'll be fine if I get the window seat and mom sits next to me, but I'm not sure about that. How did your flights go? The second thing I'm worried about is telling my dad, my parents are divorced and my mom has custody, so there's really nothing he can do to stop the surgery from happening, but I'm afraid of telling him because I don't know how he'll react. And I have no idea how to even bring up the topic. I've considered not telling him at all, but he'll start wondering why I've stopped eating so much and how I've lost so much weight and why I disappeared for four days. I think he'll be angry at me if I waited until after I had it done to tell him, and I think he'll be even angrier if I don't tell him and all and he just sort of... finds out. How did you guys handle telling people? The third thing I'm worried about is pain after the surgery. Some people say that they had no pain at all after getting sleeved, but one of my best friends is in Mexico right now. She was sleeved yesterday by Dr. Almanza at the Jerusalem Hospital. She texted me today and told me that the pain was unbearable. How was the pain for yall's surgery? And the last thing I'm worried about is excess skin. I've had some people tell me that because I'm so young (17), my skin will eventually tighten back to normal. How can I help it along? Have any of you guys had excessive problems with excess skin? I'm really, really, extremely worried about excess skin on my neck. I've got a signifant double chin, and even though I can handle excess skin on my stomach and arms and everywhere else, I don't think I could handle it on my face. Thanks for taking the time to read all this! If anyone has any advice for me I'd be forever grateful! Oh, P.S.- I LOVE Dr. Pepper, and I know you're not supposed to have it after the surgery, but is it an only-have-one-every-now-and-then thing, or a don't-ever-even-look-at-one-again thing? Thanks!
  8. Kyrie

    Any May Sleevers?

    Hi! I head to Mexico on May 20th! Still a bit up in the air about Dr's, but at the moment all signs are pointing at Dr. Perez in Cancun.
  9. Kyrie

    am I being naive? ?

    I told everyone. I haven't had my surgery yet, but I posted it on facebook when I got my date. I'm so excited I honestly don't care that much what people think. They can either support me, or take their negativity elsewhere.
  10. Kyrie

    May 20th

    I knew for a fact that the hardest bit for me would be giving up Dr. Pepper, so I've already cut it out completely. I started have headaches from the caffeine withdrawal a couple days ago. I used to drink three cans a day, but carbonated drinks are a biiig no-no, a) they're liquid calories and b )the carbonation can strech the sleeve I've also invested in both a bicycle and an eliptical, which I can use once I'm under their weight limits. I tried to ride the bike the other day, and not only did it make this awful creaking noise, I learned that it is entirely possible to forget how to ride one
  11. Kyrie

    May 20th

    I'm going to Mexico the 20th too! Who's your surgeon? Mine's Dr. Ramos Kelly.
  12. Oh dear. I've never heard of anyone throwing up dried blood, that must have been... unpleasant. I'm glad your surgery went well though!

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