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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SBrand

  1. Had my 6 week follow up today. I'm down 28lbs and no longer morbidly obese!! Just curious how much other June 25 sleeved have lost. Hope you all are doing well!

    Congrats!! That's amazing! I'm down 31lbs since surgery on June 25. This past week I've been at a standstill weight wise. Hard not to get frustrated. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what foods I can handle.

    I keep telling myself that this struggle is going to be worth it. :)

    Hope everyone else is doing well!! It's been great to check back in on this thread to see you all so happy. :)

  2. Omg guys it's our last weekend b4 our surgery! It's the home stretch now how's every1 doing???

    Wicked nervous here! I have -no- doubts in my mind about the surgery and it being the right thing for me. But the build up to the "big day" is KILLING ME! :o

    I don't have to check in the hospital till 1pm on Tuesday. Surgery isn't till 3. I'm so eager to just get it done with already!!! <3

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