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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Vsgmommy19

  1. Vsgmommy19

    Newbie looking for buddies

    Hi jenna.. Omg thats awsome.. Im feeling pretty good so far a little tired of the liquids phase but im hanging in there lol.. How about you how are yu feeling? The only thing is since late lastnight iv been getting sum discomfort in my abdominal area leftside.. Idk wat to,make of it!
  2. Vsgmommy19

    Newbie looking for buddies

    Helloo dean
  3. How much did they charge you for the breast lift n implants?
  4. Hii.. So im almost 2weeks post up vsg got it done 3-19-2013 and I feel like I can drink 4oz of liquid in about 2 or 3 minutes my dr said I should be drinkin that amount in 5 to 10minutes.. But It doesnt hurt my stomach or nothing.. Is this ok to do?
  5. Vsgmommy19

    In Desperate Need Of Help

    Im knew to the surgery im 2weeks post op vsg had it done 3-19-13 and so far I dont regret this journey im taking.. I too had people around me that were negative towards this procedure but I have 2kids and I made this decision because of them I want to be around for a long time if god permitts.. All you need is your husbands support and you have it so dont be afraid about what your family says.. Good luck on your journey hope everything goes well <3
  6. Vsgmommy19

    Hello Everybody :)

    Good luck on your journey.. Hope everything goes well and I know you'll be very happy with the results.. I will be 2weeks post op vsg had it done 3-19-2013 and im very pleased so far

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