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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chinamama

  1. chinamama

    BMI approval

    Wear layers!
  2. I'm with hubby. Don't let them get away with not paying!! That's what they want you to do, give up and go to Mexico. Call www.wlsappeals.com I talked with Kelly and she was great, they are actually a lot less expensive than you might think. Good luck! Laurie
  3. Had mine in one step my surgeon prefers it that way. My surgery was 4 1/2 hours, my stomach had prolapsed thru the band and was adhered to my liver. No complications, I can eat anything, only just under a half a cup of anything. I take that back, my only complication us that I am a slow loser. surgery apr 29th down 25 lbs, 1 1/2 lbs away from 100 lbs total in the last 6 years!
  4. We went on a cruise a couple of months after my lapband. Told myself I could eat whatever I wanted, just had to take the stars at all times. Wanted to know what they were serving at the different food areas? Took the stairs to find out. Took those stairs and walked all over town at each stop. Ended up losing 10 lbs on that cruise. Good luck and have fun!!!
  5. chinamama

    setting my goal to high?

    Wellll I'm a 5'5" 207 lb pear. I found an Elle size small top that I loved. Decided to buy it as an inspiration piece. When I got it home and tried it on IT FIT!! A little tighter now that I've washed it but.... It fit! And, I've gotten a lot of compliments! Oh, and I'm wearing size 16 bottoms. I know what it's like to doubt, I have weighed over 200 for well over 30 years. Highest was 306. We can do it
  6. chinamama

    Federal BCBS...no approval required letter?!

    This is how they did it back in 2007, but this time around (in April) I had an approval letter.
  7. Oh yeah chilii . You can ask for it as a side at most restaurants. It's about 2-3.00 and fairly small portion.
  8. No huge tips off the top of my head, but we are pulling out at 5am Sunday morning... See you there!
  9. chinamama

    My psychologist exam no clear answer.

    In my state ( and I think many of them) when you graduate with your masters in counseling you become a Licensed Professional Counseling intern (LPCI). I can see clients with pretty much no restriction, as long as it is within my scope of practice, I can charge whatever I want, (I'm 90 an hour) however I can not be reimbursed by most insurances (but we all know they will figure out how to get out of paying). There are a couple of insurances who will pay, but not most. I am supervised for 2400 hrs twice a month until I am fully licensed,in fact I'm headed there today. There is not someone in the room with me, though once and a while I do video tape, but it is focused on me, and not the client. FYI social-workers etc go thru the same process.
  10. So for the past 8 days I have been doing the plateau buster diet. 10 days of 3-4 oz of solid Protein every 3 hours. You can add low carb shakes in there also. Previously I had played with the same 20 lbs up and down for months! My surgery was 4/29, I started at 232. Well in the last 8 days I have lost 4.2 lbs! Im at 207.8 today, and only a pound away from 100 lbs lost from my highest.... Two more days to go!
  11. You could also talk to a couple of other surgeons to try and find one who would do it in one step. I'm so glad I did. I had a long hard surgery and recovery. I don't think two steps would have made it any easier. My stomach had prolapsed and adhered to my liver! 4 1/2 hour surgery to fix it. Good luck!
  12. Sounds familiar. I still remember getting ready for my band and a friend telling me to get ready to barf. I told her I DON'T throw up. I had probably thrown up 10x in my life. 5 1/2 years later something's stuck up it came. I also know that anytime my Fluid came out the weight flew back on! I kept telling my sister (a doctor) I'm not really eating that much.... That said the best decision I ever made was to get my band out and my sleeve (My doctor prefers to do both in one step), I love it!!! I too am a slow loser, 3 1/2 mo out and down 25 lbs! I just passed my lowest weight with the band, 1 lb away from 100 lbs from my highest and 8 lbs away from wonderland! I haven't been under 200 in 30+ years! A difference I discovered the other day for ME is that with the band I could eat sweets all day long, they just slipped right thru. I bought a piece of cake when I was out of town. I ate about 1/4 of it and was FULL! I've said the same thing many times, the sleeve is what they promised us the band would be like. Good luck with your decision!
  13. chinamama

    My psychologist exam no clear answer.

    Mine said basically the same. Suffer from depression and anxiety, wanted me to see herself or someone else. Only difference is that I was already medicated. Had my sleeve 3 1/2 mos ago. Mainly in the psy exam (unless you get a whacko) they are looking for people with extreme mental illness who may self harm with the procedure.
  14. Arm girdles??? I have this vision... And I need them!
  15. chinamama

    Please help !

    I made a big crockpot full of split pea soup. It naturally has protein. I watered it down ( my nut said so it would go thru a straw. If we could use straws that is) sometimes I added extra unflavored protein to it to boost my protein gms. Good luck and it will be over before you know it.
  16. chinamama

    Uncomfortable Feeling

    Not me, no pressure, full is just full. Kind of like thanksgiving dinner if I don't measure and them try to take one more bite.
  17. chinamama

    Federal BCBS (standard) Good or Bad experiences?

    I have fepblue basic also (LOVE basic!). Under $1000 total including all pre-op and 3 nights in hospital ( band removal with complications). I know your cost will probably be higher with std.
  18. My sis had switched to whole milk from a dairy across from their house, and I didn't even look at the label, just had 3 protein shake. Wondered why they tasted so good, even congratulated myself on changing my palate, they tasted sooo yummy. Next day had another one and it hit half way to town. Luckily I made it to a bathroom.
  19. A large majority of us stall between the 2-3 week. Just keep doing what your doing and it will start up again eventually.
  20. I don't know that I asked anyone. I just said I'm tired of this I'm going to do it. It's funny once I make up my mind about something and stop questioning myself most of my family falls in behind.
  21. I'm a very slow loser, but losing! I'm averaging about 1-2 lbs a week. The way I look at it I had my 6 month honeymoon period 6 years ago. Even though my band had slipped I still only ate about a cup of food, now I eat half a cup. I was gaining at a cup, losing at a half.
  22. FWIW since the money factor is not a factor I would go with local with a conversion. You don't know what they are going to find once they get in there ( my stomach was adhered to my liver). There is NO way I could have flown home 3days later. Heck, I was in the hospital for 4 days! I have not had any real complications since being home, but it did take 4 weeks to feel back to normal. As for number of conversions my dr has done, I didn't ask. We did have a conversation over why she leaned towards bypass for me over sleeve, and if this was in her comfort zone, or should I go elsewhere. I also know she interned with one of the best bariatric surgeons in the country. It turns out her dislike if you can call it that, of the sleeve is the leak chance. She says leaks don't happen often, but when they do its catastrophic, and not overcome quickly or easily. Before my surgery she had me do some research to know I knew what I was getting into. Anyhow, that's my 2cents. Good luck with your decision.
  23. chinamama

    1-2 lbs consistently?

    Me too. Up down plateau! Went to the surgeon and she said i was 3 lbs down from last month. I told her I get frustrated when I see everyone passing me by at double or more, and she said long after they stop losing ill still be doing my 1 lb a week!! I also think being a band revision has something to do with my amt of weight loss. I didn't suddenly go from eating 4 cups of food per meal to 1/2 a cup, so in essence by 6 mos honeymoon was up years ago. oh well her goes another pound!
  24. No one notices because you need to go buy new smaller clothes! Part of the problem is we have stretched our clothes way out. When we wash them they shrink, so they are tight when we put them on. However a few minutes after putting them on they loosen up. Because they were snug when we first put them on we assume we haven't lost. Personally I can wear my 20's but they look like clown pants by the end of the day. I need to retire them. I can also wear all 18's and a few 16's. the 14's make it to the top of my thighs. (Try them on every Sunday. One of these days they will go all the way up). Go shopping! Even if you don't buy anything, go play!

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